MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Thanks mofro… I really dont know why I didnt think to just DHC again.
Thats what I was going for deviljin, when my option is X-23/Doom/Ammy, or the odd situation where its just X and Doom and i get a weapon X and need to really dish out some damage. Really though, Doom’s potential damage after the DHC trick is much better than say ammys after it. That’s why I sometimes DHC to ammy then bring in doom, OTG and corner combo.

I dunno how much damage you get out of Doom, but if you’re getting less than 600k from Ammy after DHC trick then you need a better combo (in other words, after a full x23 bnb, Ammy DHC is a touch of death). Let me know if you want some tips.

Tips are always welcome, I usually just do the sword switch launch {charge j.H} over and over.

The sword switch launch thing is fun and all but doesn’t do maximum damage. The best combo in my experience is weapon change M, st.M, st.H, 236+L x6, st.S, j.M, j.M, j.S, j.3H, 236+S

That does a touch of death if you do one of X-23’s full loop combos on the opponent before the DHC. It is more difficult at mid-screen because the second 236+L will pass under the opponent and you have to start alternating the directions of your 236+L. But in the corner you can just do it in the same direction. If your opponent has high enough help that you need the S part, let the opponent get as low as possible before the 6th QCF+L (the slowdown will end right after it) and mash S to make sure you land it.

If you need to you can tag an Okami Shuffle on the end too.

It’s just something I’m more familiar with and know i can hit 100% of the time. I seem to always mess up the ammy combo you mentioned. Also when I have them in the corner w/ doom on point, I know I can 100% the next character if I get my mixup right.

With practice you won’t miss the Ammy combo. Plus a lot of characters can die from just doing the standard disc air series, launch, H H H QCF+H, launch, H H H S.

Here’s a video I made of my team (X-23/Taskmaster/Akuma):

There’s nothing really new or advanced in it. I just wanted to showcase my team a little. I’m having a little trouble with grounding really mobile characters. I try to be patient by punishing unsafe moves, but doing that online is next to impossible with lag, and I don’t get to play offline too often 'cause all my friends are Melee players, boo =/

nice video,
btw , the combo at ~3:24 when DHCing between the characters with akuma second. You can go X-23 weapon X> akuma Shoryu > task Counter and do the DHC glitch that way.

^I tried it, but Taskmaster doesn’t recover fast enough from his Aegis Counter to follow up.

oh it does work, you just have to make sure the opponents character is at the highest point before they start falling, and DHC quickly.

true. if you practice the timing so that you can juggle with Wesker with a c.L or M instead of OTGing with gunshot, you can combo easily with Tasky… Wesker’s is harder to pull off IMO, his counter seems to be a lot longer on whiff.

Noob at MVC3 and really liking X-23. Does pairing her up with Dante & Dormamuu seem like a good idea?

Yes, it is a very very good team. I would check out some of Felax’s posts in the video thread, he runs that team and does amazing things with it.

Will do, thanks for the quick reply dude :smiley:

I used to run X-23 with Morrigan. After I retired it as my main, I would have Morrigan using Soul Fist instead of the meter building assist. It’s not the best assist, but it does give X-23 a few opportunities to get in or do mixups. Overall, by just looking at the two of them, I don’t really find their chemistry all that great. X-23 isn’t much of a battery for Morrigan and Morrigan isn’t that great of an assist for X-23 compared to other characters. The best thing going for them is their DHC glitch from WXP into Darkness Illusion. However, I’m not exactly sure how just the two of them would even be able to start the glitch unless X-23 got a fully charged Neck/Ankle Slice to go into WXP to even start the glitch. If it was possible with a Morrigan assist, it’d probably require doing some Mirage Feint combo with soul fist assist? (I’m thinking of how X-23 can do this with Doom’s Plasma Beam assist.) I don’t know.

Morrigan and Trish compliment each other really well since Trish is a meter builder and Morrigan is a meter user. You could run either Trish or X-23 on point and put Morrigan on anchor. I’ve been seeing people start the DHC glitch with Trish kinda like how Magneto does it, so you can abuse that with Morrigan.

I want to run a Morrigan team, but she has to be “spoiled” similar to Phoenix just so she can use the meter to deal damage. Morrigan with less than two levels is just >_> most of the time.

That’s exactly the problem I have with Morrigan. She needs to be spoiled with meter to do damage. And while she’s versatile, IMO, it’s not enough in this game. You need to do the damage. If X-23 goes out early, unless you’ve got another DHC glitcher, Morrigan needs to build a good amount meter for good damage(unfortunately, her best damage combo is only in the corner), plus that character needs to be a character that can get by without assists for cover. Maybe Mags and Storm or someone else like that so you can have Morrigan in the bac, plus their assist can help but yeah, I agree, don’t think X-23 goes well with Morrigan. Morrigan needs a completely different team, but I dunno what that team would be.

I also forgot to mention that outside of the DHC glitch, their DHC synergy is pretty bad.

If I was going to spoil Morrigan with a good battery, I’d go with Taskmaster or Magneto as well. Maybe even C.Viper or Dante. I actually play against a good Dante/C.Viper/Morrigan online sometimes. By the time I get to Morrigan, she’s got 5 meters and is ready to give me hell. :\

I mean Morrigan works in a way where you basically have to put her towards 2nd or anchor. Her other 2 assists outside of harmonizer are purposely made to be garbage and she’s kinda underwhelming on point with her damage. I think the best that’s going to come out of Morrigan is utilizing the strength of her astral vision assist plus XF. She just has a lot of little tools and tricks that I think when put together by a smart player with solid execution will produce strong results. Meter is ridiculously important in this game and Morrigan just makes meter even easier to come by as an assist when it’s already not that hard to build meter off any random hits or projectile zoning.

I was thinking of a cheap random team for X-23 with Morrigan. Basically do a Best Friends set up (X-23 + Akuma) with Morrigan as anchor. If you’re normally a typical Dante + X23 player you’ll lose the jam session for guaranteed corner dirt nap lockdowns but the assist based lockdowns you can do with Akuma are nearly as good and just as tricky to escape. On characters with limited air mobility you can still call Akuma and lock them down while they’re still airborne and still land a non XF guard cancellable dirt nap setup.

With Morrigan basically what you’re doing is making it ridiculously easy to get the 3 bars you need to dirt nap the shit out of people. Akuma’s tatsu by far gives X23 her best mix up and is the highest priority and fastest assist she can use to set up damage and can even absorb projectiles and other projectile based assists. You never really have to use Dante’s jam session for X-23 for anything other than the inescapable corner setups any way since X23 does a very good job moving around the vertical area of the screen. Funny enough Akuma’s tatsu backed up with her talon attacks gives her really stupid ways to get in and still land a combo when you land if the oppponent gets hit by tatsu on the way over. With X-23 mostly being able to do what she needs in most matchups with nothing but Akuma assist helping that just leaves Morrigan building up 3 bars quickly for X-23.

X-23 with akuma tatsu and morrigan harmonizer basically acts as a mini dark phoenix that charges up faster. If you let X-23 plus Akuma get to 3 meters and she lands a combo, you could easily lose 2 characters even with level 1 XF. Morrigan makes it so it’s ridiculously easy to get the dirt nap meter you need to run through a team and bring them down to nothing but an XF3 character. This would also make it ridiculously easy to kill off a Phoenix team since you could either kill off 2 characters before Phoenix comes in with more than 3 bars or build up to 4 bars after a wall carry combo and then just snap in Phoenix and try to force her to the ground with a block string into tatsu assist plus dirt nap and kill her off. As long as she takes chip or clean hit damage from a special move or tatsu assist first the dirt nap will one shot her.

This actually fixes an issue I had with Akuma on point also. Akuma on point people just runaway from if he doesn’t have like 3 plus meters. I mean they already do run away from him either way but having meter means you can chip people down and Akuma doesn’t really need much offensively to start blowing people up especially with XF. With not much meter people usually felt free to call assists and turtle on my Akuma on point but Morrigan assist allows Akuma to manage meter like an MVC2 character and turtle up and chip people down without having to actually land anything physical. Which is great because his non super projectiles aren’t that scary compared to say Doom’s or Dorm’s. This actually reminds me of that Japanese player I heard of that runs Storm + Morrigan and just forces people to come to him or have to face constant hail chip and Storm can run like a bitch too.

Though especially against non Phoenix teams a team where X23 + Akuma can gain 3 bars in less than 10 seconds is ridiculously scary. It would end up a bit gimmicky of course since you don’t have Dante like normal to guarantee dirt nap kills but the gimmicks you can do to set up dirt naps and meter building combos in general with tatsu assist are way too good any way.

with Dirt Nap, doing lvl3 and then just a superjump d+H meaty vs. the incoming character seems to be basically foolproof… call the Akuma assist late just in case you get pushblocked out and they are screwed.

Yeah that’s exactly the kind of setup I was thinking about and I know MoFro is helping in explaining that setup in the part 2 assist me series coming up. I used to use L talon attack to come down on people sometimes but d+H is probably a bit more foolproof with a faster start up any way.

Yeah it’s starting to make a lot more sense how X23 is supposed to be played. You basically just load her up with cheesy assists and then let her get to 3 meters and become this parasitic character that can crumble teams down to one character rather quickly. Like a more guaranteed version of the XF1 Wolvie stuff that requires a bit more thought and meter build.