MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

No prob. :slight_smile:

And I hate Wesker’s command grab, the only I can say is try and airblock or use a low-to-the-ground Talon Dive(D+H) to make yourself unthrowable and punish his grab attempt.

Nov, the crossups are crazy. We’ll get him next time!

as an aside to the magneto comment.

Low H also goes under light and medium EMD from mag. but its somewhat difficult to time sometimes.

p.s. personally, I think any projectile assist is enough for Laura to get in. sometimes i switch between joes voomerang, (which is a fast moving projectile) and morrigans soul fist (which might be the slowest moving fireball in the game) because of the different options they open up.

Think I might just go back to X-23(Ankle Slice), Thor(Mighty Smash), Doom(Plasma Beam).

I should probably use wesker, but thor is just too awesome and fun to play. Also Plasma beam is so god like for x-23, having a solid beam adds so much to X-23’s mix-up game. Personally I think having X-23, someone who sets up and allows her to go into the DHC glitch,a good projectile assist like sentinel, doom, iron man, or dante. Not sure if there are very many effective projectile assist that set up the DHC glitch after an OTG ankle alice, I know dante’s weasel shot does this and doom rocks/missiles(rocks dont work in corner or mid-screen, one of the two and missiles need to be pre-emptive). Maybe Amaterasu’s cold star would work as well. But the way I think of a standard X-23 team is X on point, your DHC person who sets it up and has a super to go into, and then a good assist(probably a projectile of some sort) to back up your other 2 characters. Having a projectile that sets up the DHC glitch could give you more room for creativity though.

In theory I could see a team of X-23(Ankle), Dante(Weasel), Tron(Gustaff) working out well.

Ammy’s cold star works well, you’re able to do the ankle slice to OTG, let ammy hit, and charge a neck slice then go into weapon X.

And I’m sure you meant to say rocks WORKS in the corners to setup the DHC trick, and i know it will work sometimes midscreen but not always.

X-23/Dante/Tron sounds like it’d be a great team. I’ve been messing around with X-23/Ammy/Tron and it’s been working out well.

Woohoo X-23/Ammy/Tron is the best team ever. :smiley:

Plasma Beam can set up DHC trick anywhere on the screen if you use it during her H mirage feint bnb. Basically call doom beam right before doing the L talon attack during the H mirage feint and then immediately activate Weapon X and plasma beam will push them into the weapon X.

I’ve been really starting to like my new team. I’ve been doing a lot of character switching but I’ve finally settled down and made a team that I know I’m going to stick with (as soon as I can find a way to not get Doom randomed out on point every other match he has to come in).** Dante (Jam Session)/ X-23 (Ankle Slice)/ Doom (Plasma Beam). **I messed around with the assists and find those assists to work the best for each other. X23’s ankle slice works great for Dante’s extremely fast and low to the ground air dash game to complement his overhead normals from the air with a low to create unblockables. I also like generally putting Dante first because if I dont understand a matchup I know I at least got a cheap ass character that can do one of everything starting out. Long as I dont let them get in there isn’t much to worry about. I like playing X23 the most but there’s just some matchups where she can have a bit of a rough time if she’s starting out with 1 meter. In this game you have to worry less about matchups if your character has cheap hit boxes and Dante is definitely the cheap hit box character I can start out with and just block with my face while opening people up. His range game when when coupled with doom beam assist can zone out most teams effectively. Like Magneto doing L disruptah on the ground with drones you can easily fight with level 2 charged air play with doom beam assist. Doom beam assist takes out the drones and level 2 charged air play beats L disruptah in durability so you pretty much win that firefight. He also has a counter to everything Wolverine does which is great.

With X23 having her second makes it so it’s more likely she’ll come in with the meter or getting close to the meter needed to set up dirt nap. If I can kill somebody with Dante without using meter and I end up building the 3 or very close to it I’ll switch in X23 and turn on jam session and level 1 XF kill the next character. Which then I only have to worry about one level 3 XF character and that’s very doable to lame out with 3 people that have good health. If Dante ends up dying at least she’s coming in with meter and doom beam assist to protect her. Level 2 XF plus doom beam is all you really need to blow up a team with her. Kill off the first character and then doom beam can still lock down a lot of the cast that doesn’t have any airborne movements and kill them off instantly with level 2 XF while still having enough to kill off the 3rd. If it’s a character that can get away from the beam then I’ll try to force them down with a block string and then activate dirt nap to level 2 XF kill. Doom beam is pretty much all she needs to get in on people because it gives her a legit projectile game that can set up combos and is the one of the most durable projectile assists in the game. He also appears far behind X23 so you can start moving in and just have a full screen beam come out to blow shit up whenever you want keeping Doom out of danger while assisting 23. It allows you to just kinda go in and do stuff as soon as you see even a remote opening. If Dante is still alive his jam session assist activates far in front of her to lock people down which helps give her another approach. Once I get in I run the MFC frame traps which can lead to set ups for command grab. Pressure people with instant talon dives to blow up mashing of buttons and regular or charged neck slices to stay in. Mix it up with some H mirage feint j.M/c.L or M high lows and talon dives from the H feint and you’ve got plenty of ways to hit them once you get in. I’ve been trying to work on using M mirage feint with doom beam assist to force left right crosses like Wolvie. You can just call the beam out and then just M mirage feint and if they aren’t blocking the right way while beam assist is out they get hit and comboed.

If it has to come down to fighting with Doom hopefully I only have to fight 2 characters with low health or if I gotta fight a couple or 3 healthy characters hopefully X23 died before I used XF so I can get Doom in with XF. Playing Doom on point with any scare factor mostly relies on his 30 percent speed boost and immense power boost in XF3. If I have that I can do easy mode combos into his sphere flame level 1 super that gets a crazy buff in damage (from 300k to 830k) in levle 3 XF. Which means I can do the easiest combo ever off a bnb or air throw and kill off a character. Since the super activates and finishes super quickly it allows me to kill a character off in like 3 seconds and then have a mix up ready for the next one. I need to work on the come in mix ups with Doom since his air normal and dash game is rather awkward but it’s something to work on. The main issue I have with him on point is that he can’t cancel his dashes into normals (only jumps) so you’re always putting yourself in situations where you can be air thrown even if you just want to move forward and pressure with normals. I can probably rectify that a bit by using photon shot or air photon shot to cover his approach. We’ll see.

The only thing I don’t like, is to put doom as anchor. Sure he gets a great XF boost and XFC> lvl3 is awesome, but I really think for doom to excel he needs to have a good assist with him to keep the opponent grounded or in blockstun for his mixup to be really good. An acceptable time, for me, to put doom as anchor, would be to have my second character be able to setup the DHC trick into doom (like Ammy/Tron/Doom).

Yeah that’s definitely understandable. Even Magneto’s mix up is harder to deal with when people can’t stand normal or air throw anti air it. In general though I’m trying to slowly lean towards not relying on the DHC glitch to kill people because it forces me to work more on pressure and resets and being confident in not killing them on the first hit because I’ll have a mix up or tactic strong enough to kill them after. My last team I worked entirely around DHC glitch and I never really spent enough time just learning the characters and their options after a combo should the character not die. I’m generally trying to play the team in a way so that I can clean shit up before it has to get to Doom. Though I feel if I have to fight with just Doom that with the right techniques I can get him to perform a bit better on point. I’m pretty comfortable with Doom’s assist allowing Dante and X23 to get a clear shot in and clear up teams before it comes down to him. Maybe in the future he may become more of a liability during those times where Dante and X23 fall early but I like what the team does for now.

If anything I might think about putting Felicia in the back because she also fits my play style and her rolling buckler assist sets up unblockables and left right mix ups for Dante and I’m sure sets up good stuff for X23 also. Plus she’s pretty much IMO the best level 3 XF character in the game. The only XF3 character in the game that gets to make use of an “assist” (kitty helper super) that breaks her out of combos if she gets hit and sets up unblockables. The fact that she can just run forward at you and not even have to worry about getting put in a combo half the time is too good. Plus a 5 frame command grab that leads to TOD combos. For now though I like Doom’s assist with Dante or X23 for dealing with the Mag/Sent and Wolvie/Sent BS. Akuma assist is a bit harder for Doom beam assist to get rid of because of the projectile invincible property it has but Dante even by himself has enough tools to blow up abuse of Akuma assist.

I really like that team. I was going to switch to them but my Wesker is too sucky. I still like Weasel Shot over Jam Session for most of the match ups for X-23 but that’s why I like Dante with X-23 since you can pick either JS or WS for his assist. I like JS against Magnus because Weasel Shot does not help you when he is doing full screen EM Disruptor. I am trying to make the switch to WS myself but I am so use to the Jam Session timing after Talon that its making me lose entire matches lol.

I know that I just criticized deviljin for putting doom on anchor, but then I started thinking about how I want to use x and doom on a team and dropped tron for doom. X-23/Ammy/Doom is pretty damn nice. Plus I’ve been messing around with a DHC trick using all 3 characters: X DHC to ammy slow switch to doom OTG Doom’s easy corner combo just annihilates anyone in the corner. With this setup I may actually be able to do the doom DHC trick with ammy in a live match! Is there any easy ways to setup the DHC trick using the plasma beam? I couldn’t really get anything going for that

If you’re trying to get Doom’s plasma beam to start the DHC trick for X23 you have to set up the DHC trick before the launch. Once you launch them Doom can’t set it up anymore.

Basically what you do is a normal mirage feint bnb or whatever you wanna do then at some point during the H mirage feint or jump loop you can do like a j.M+doom beam assist, j.H, to L talon attack and the team will keep them up long enough to land weapon X prime. Using that H feint hop string they will only get hit by 2 or 3 hits of the beam but it’s just enough. If you’re doing the stuff with the longer loops that start from one or 2 ground hits like Ryuga’s you can do j.M, j.H, d+H+doom beam assist, L talon attack then land and do the weapon X and doom beam should keep them up longer.

I mean as not perfect of an anchor as Dr.Doom is I would rather have him as anchor easily than Tron. I actually probably even give Tron a bit more credit than other people do as anchor because I feel something more will come about when people put all of her tools together instead of just mashing on j.H. Just like how putting Doom’s tools together on point makes him a good bit more of a threat than when you just plasma beam all day. Just like Tron especially with XF3 or level 3 super he can kill off most of the cast easily with one combo. If he forces you to the corner he can build the level 3 meter he needs to kill most characters off easily. You dont get a retarded double sided lariat normal to throw around but you generally get better ways to protect yourself with screen covering supers that start up the at the same speed as most character normals. Allowing you to effectively rush down but keep some shit off of you if needed by burning a meter when necessary.

When you run out of XF hidden missles can still keep you out of trouble while you create an offense and if you do touch them especially with meter the are gone. You dont want Doom fighting 3 people with XF stocked by himself…that’s legit hard to do even with XF but still more doable I would say than Tron by herself. In general Doom is giving your entire team a great projectile assist that only certain characters with really low profile ground normals like She Hulk’s c.H can move under with any regularity. Which you can always cover that with an attack from your point character. Characters like Magneto and Sentinel who dont have any way to make themselves teleport across the screen or make their hit boxes really small have to deal with your zone or offense with the assist which has the speed and durability to blow through most zone issues. Even with just X23 who has zero projectile her maneuverability plus the doom beam is more than enough to run around most of the BS people will throw at you and then once you get in they gotta deal with all of your MFC shit which will open them up more than easily with all the stuff we know now.

I really tried to set it up like you just said, but I couldn’t get doom to come out during the mirage feint… guess I’ll ust have to try harder next time
Yes thats what I was really not liking, Tron as anchor. Shes a godlike assist, but damn I really don’t think the character has much to her besides J.H or empty jumping into a command grab.
I also found out you can H plasma beam xx Photon Array DHC Weapon X and it will connect from a good distance away. very good punish. also a tiger knee M talon dive covered by plasma beam assist is a nice horizontal change from just trying to wavedash since you can get a good 2 high hits off of the talon dive before you hit the ground.

Yeah I mean if worst comes to worst you can always set up Weapon X with cold star any way. X23 has a self sufficient mix up game once she gets in and your team would give you two gdlk projectiles assists to clear her in so you can choose one for combos and one for getting in. The only thing that X23 really needs is a projectile assist to lock them down for the H mirage feint high low or safely allow you to throw a command grab but she has enough stuff now to open them up even if you aren’t going to shove an assist on them first. You dont need a low hitting assist or any of that shit. That helps people that can’t frame trap or high low people well like Dante but X23 with all of her advanced tools can open up the tightest of defenses now. Unless they’re super jumping to the back of the screen throwing shit with Trish they’re going to get hit by something.

Ammy’s cold star assist is great for setting up those inescapable corner level 3 unblockables also. You have X23 first though so usually you wont have to worry about that since you’ll be spending meter on the DHC glitch or eventually have to spend it with Ammy or Doom in some way any way.

Using X-23/Doom one real problem I’m having is trying to setup the DHC glitch between the two. After using ammy assist/OTG ankle slice you CANNOT cross under them even with mirage feints or a quick dash. Has anyone looked into a way to cross under the opponent in the corner like I want?

What do you mean by cross under? All you should need is the cold star popping them up to land Weapon X? Is it more complicated than that?

I think the Doom DHC requires him to whiff an Plasma Spear which you can’t do on a cornered opponent.

Dunno what to tell you Diet, I can’t think of a good way to put your back to the corner without dropping combo or burning X-factor in that circumstance.

Yes you need to whiff the sphere flame, it’s i believe the 13th hit of the weapon X attack in the first slash of the “X”.
I need to be away from the corner and was hoping to find a way to get to the other side of the opponent after the OTG, but I can’t figure one out( atleast with the team I’m using). Setting it up with an OTG assist like deadpool’s might be my answer, but an OTG assist doesn’t help doom out.
Heres the video maybe it’ll help clear u what I’m trying to do:

Dude if you’re having to use 3 meters to do that combo, I’d recommend just doing Weapon X Prime, Finger Lasers, DHC before Finger Lasers come out into Slow Super, and just take it from there with Ammy - doesn’t that work? Or do Finger Lasers activate too fast?

Just DHC tricking into Ammy slow doesn’t do enough damage or something? She’s going second after X23 in your set up. Unless you’re preparing for some random situation where 23 and Doom are back to back.