MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

Well if you were to make the team to work you’d have to work it around not relying on the DHC glitch. Which without the DHC glitch you could still have X23 just running around in front with two really good assists and get as much damage as you can early on like people do with Wolvie. Mainly trying to kill the first or 2nd character off with level 1 XF so you can get an early lead.

The new team I’m working on works in a way where it CAN set up the DHC glitch but it also works well enough in a way where when the DHC glitch goes away I still have a lot of strengths to the team an options to win.

I’m probably just gonna play X-23 (b)/Dante (a)/Tron (b), lol. Thanks for the help.


i just need haggars assist, haggar assists just prevents all sorts of rush ins whether from air to ground and it also beats out assists. Sentinel is ofcourse for come back purposes. I do want to try others for her though… because the main reason why is that i’m very dependent on Sent and Haggar at back…


are currently my best teams.

You shouldn’t need Haggar to keep people off of x23. Her j.m xx j.236. j.h gets her out of plenty. Meaty rage trigger, and crescent scythe work well, too.

Jam Session is her best friend, hands down, and imo, she shouldn’t be played without Dante. Me, 10stars and Felax all run x/dante because it’s her only truly great partner. Not only is Jam session going to keep people from air camping, which will allow you to keep rush down going, but it also works amazingly for the dhc trick. Devil trigger also allows for amazingly easy kills off of the dhc trick, and keeps her safe if you miss something.

Also, Jam Session allows for INSANE corner pressure, since you can blockstring with it, then fully charge neck slicer, then back into a mix up.

As for the third character, that’s all taste. 10stars is using tron for insane pressure. Felax uses Dorm for his amazing anchor, and great DHCs. I use sent for drones, since I’m a drones whore. But, I don’t see haggar playing a strong role on the team, unless you anchor him and use him for sent as well.

haggar assist is a crutch for ppl who don’t know how to block and I believe he has zero synergy with X-23

Against teams with stupid assist like Tron/Haggar it seems the best route to go is to just land that one hit and either XF or DHC kill the first character when you get an opening so that way you’re only one character away from bringing out Haggar on point. The opponent will not want to have Haggar being the one using XF because XF Haggar is nearly as garbage as regular Haggar. They’ll most likely burn their XF2 early and then if you beat their second character then Haggar is in the back with no XF. Haggar only is remotely threatening on point with assists backing him but people aren’t going to do that and give up on the assist.


actually. He works well as an assist for X-23… i really favor the duo and i will stick to my main x-23/sent/haggar. Haggar’s assist provides such great defense against rushers like wolvie and magneto, it also sets up dirt naps easily. I can do a simple combo of 3 hits, call haggar, xx into dirt nap, and it connects.

Main reason why i like haggar is because it works like Doom’s MVC2 assist in a way, baiting guys to jump in a position, call haggar and then lock them down. It’s a real great close ranged assist for me.

Yeah you can’t sleep on the power of Haggar as an assist because he basically breaks you out of combos. Just having a feature that most other teams dont have access to will keep your X23 in the fight longer. It’s just you dont want X23 dying too fast because if she somehow gets picked off then Sent has to fight with just Haggar assist and you basically dont want Haggar going out there by himself even with XF. Long as you can keep X23 and Sent alive I dont see why it can’t work any way. Haggar assist should help set up dirt nap on incoming characters from a KO in the corner also.

haggar can set up allot of shit for sentinel also… the majority of the time where my haggar is left alone, he is also against somebody alone. It’s hard as hell though, but it is still possible to work haggar around solo.

Yahooo, just thought I add my 2 cents in.

X-23 is a really strange character. She is like a glass cannon that has a really hard time getting in. That’s why I find it really important to have really good assists behind her. 10 stars has the right idea with Tron because Gunstaff Fire is just to good. For me, I really think that Dante is the right partner for X-23 players who like to have her on point for several reasons:

  • DHC Trick: X-23 loops bring you to the combos to the corner (or at least close enough for Devil Trigger’s Vortex to) so Dante gets huge amount of damage. If you catch someone at the start of the round, you def will bring them to the corner also with 2 and half bars. Dante gets insane amounts of damage in the corner in Devil Trigger
  • Jam Session: I use Dormamu as my anchor because… I just like him, also Dark Hole is a long assists so I can set up command throw set ups, Neck Slicer set-ups, lvl 3 stuff, etc. But it really sucks as a zoning tool so that’s why I have Dante, you can also set up a lot of the thing above also Lvl 3 unblockable is too easy with it.
  • Ariel Exchange: With Dante out, you can easily still get the DHC trick to work with Air exchange which I think you guys know about already.

Those are just SOME of the points why I think X-23 and Dante were meant to marry and Dormamu will be the priest to do it… sorry that was a bit weird.

  • Felax

Felax, either we’re gonna wind up dropping her, or all 3 of us (10stars included) are gonna pick up akuma. :frowning:

x 23 doesnt need a particular assist to do well, just a good setup and LOTS of patience.

ps. dont underestimate the utility of wavedashing into a standing M from full screen. shes probably the fastest character in the game. so dont be afraid to milk that fact for all its worth.

^ That’s the reason why i favor X-23/sentinel/haggar. Haggar is jsut a good assist for x-23, you can her basic air magic series, with launch, aircombo ending in jqcf+L (opponent has to land near the corner)… call hagger on land, cancel into dirt nap and then hit em. It’s a guaranteed set up.

What are you going to do about Magnus with sent drones full screen? It’s impossible to get in without an assist. Wave dashing won’t get you in.

I dont really see how X23 has THAT much of a problem getting in. She has the game’s best wave dash. Try getting in with Chun Li and see how fun that is. (hint: it’s not). If you have even one projectile assist covering her it shouldn’t be that difficult to get in. People still try to get in all the time using her aerial techniques when her wave dash can get her mostly across the screen in like 2 or 3 dashes. She can get lamed out for a bit against certain projectile based characters with assist but it’s not like she’s forced to go the air against everyone just to get in. Her wave dash being ridiculously fast and low to the ground allows her to get under most pressure easily. Her ankle slice can also slide under projectiles like EM disruptor or doom beam.

The best way to get in against Magneto plus drones is to have a projectile assist backing you up. One that can clear the drones easily like doom beam helps a lot. Using projectile assist combined with her wave dash and ankle slice can get you in easily enough. Especially if you combine that with TK’d M talon attacks. Most people still rely on the regular high in the air M talon attacks to get in on Magneto and that doesn’t allow you to land and get in as quickly.

She doesn’t necessarily get in for free like Wolverine or Wesker with assisted teleports but most of the cast has more trouble getting in than X23 does no matter the situation. You really have no excuse to not be able to get in with a strong projectile assist.

@ Felix, I watched some of your vids of your play and I noticed that you had trouble getting in even on Magneto without an assist. Like in the matchup against Masta CJ pretty much neither of you were using assist to zone or get in so that should have been pretty much free to just wave dash in and close the gap. You would get close to him in range for a s.M or s.H and then just kinda run around some more or jump up in the air and H talon attack when you were already within attacking range. You shouldn’t be having that much trouble landing hits on an assistless Magneto. Once you get within s.M range of Magneto he should be having all kinds of problems. A Magneto that rarely uses assists is not terribly difficult to close the gap on and start pressuring.

In general though the immediate thing you need to do is have a better projectile assist backing up X23 to help you get in. That fact that you have no horizontal projectile assist that can knock magneto out of his tri jumps and projectiles and clear a path for you kinda just has you going in the air a lot where Magneto can easily bait you with a hyper grav or air throw.

All I was trying to prove is that she needs a good assist to back her up. You cannot just have a random assist going off and wave dash in. The X-23 Magneto match is 8-2 imo. EM Disruptor pushes you back on the ground so you have a lot of trouble wave dashing in and its even worst with drones. I play against EMP Mugestsu and Josh Wong and they are really smart about it so all in all I am saying that she just needs a good mutli hit assist so she can get in, just her wave dash isn’t enough.

I’ve put a lot (too much) of thought into how to change my original team of Trish/Morrigan/X-23. I really wanted to stick with it, but I felt like I hit a brick ceiling. My biggest problem was that there were very few characters I had any interest in playing. Eventually I settled on Dante. So now I’m learning him in order to replace Morrigan in order to up the damage potential. (Which really sucks as Morrigan was the only one of the team I was pretty sure I’d be playing before launch. And learning such a common character that everybody has already learned to deal with is a pain, too.)

Still thinking about the order as well. But now I’m playing X-23/Dante/Trish just so I can get in on people with appropriate assists.

Haha, seems Dante is quite popular. I’m rocking X-23 (Neck Slice)/Dante (Weasel Shot)/Wesker (OTG Shot). I recently had the honor of playing a ridiculous combination of Wesker (OTG Shot), Dante (Jam Session), Trish (Beam). Getting in on Wesker seemed to be close to impossible and Jam Session + Wesker Teleporting = Shit Happened. Wesker just kinda danced around the entire screen. Weasel Shot was useless. Debating going back to Jam Session but I’m having trouble seeing how feasible it is to be used as a means of getting in and mixing up midscreen. I thought of slowly pushing characters towards the corner but Wesker…teleport.

I wanted to use Morrigan too, but ultimately, I didn’t know where to stick her in with X-23 and Dante/Trish and she doesn’t bring much to the table assist wise. Morrigan’s best off in another team but I don’t know what team. My old team was X-23/Hsien Ko/Chun Li…yeah… Want to use Chun and Hsien Ko, but in order to use Chun, I have to pair her up with Wesker, and I’m not interested in him. I have no idea who to pair up with Hsien Ko, but I’m certain it would be a character I dislike, so I’m the same way, I want to use specific characters, but I’m not interested in the majority of the cast.

Nov, I’m having the same issue, I wanna use Jam Session, but it’s not great as a means of getting in and Low Voltage isn’t that great for helping X-23 get in, so I’m stuck with Weasel Shot, which isn’t too bad.

Ugh, Wesker plus Jam Session lol, I can only imagine…

If Wesker isn’t using assists to help him get in, it’s best to turtle. DevilJin did a good tutorial on the Wesker match-up. If he had Jam Session plus something like a beam assist though…LOL.

EDIT: Here we go: and

Wow thanks for the video. One ridiculous setup with Jam Session and Wesker, given you actually somehow block is to wavedash and then do H command throw. The dashes push you, while blocking, out of Jam session then comes Wesker’s 1 frame grab. That’s just one of the many weird things that owned me last night. Even when another player is coming in, Jam Session + Wesker Air Teleport (lots of room to delay it if need be) to weird possible cross-ups, which upon successfully blocking comes the very threatening 1-frame grab. Just oh my god.