MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

So, I’ve been running x-23 ever since launch because something about her has me smitten. I can’t drop her from my team at all, so I’m still trying to run a team around her.
Before I was running x-23, wesker, and tron. On paper for me, it looks great but it’s just something about Wesker I can’t play, I just don’t like him plain and simple. Also, due to the fact that when I went a local ranbat and I played with it just didn’t feel right.

I’ve been thinking about running a x23,spencer,task squad, I know for sure I want to run x-23 and task for projectile assist, but I’m lacking the last element on synergy. I was only thinking spencer because his anchor capabilities, but other than that I have no idea who my third is going to be.

Your team sounds a lot like mine, X/Doom/Tron. Wesker gives her better OTGs and the DHC glitch people are currently raving about, so he still fits with her. Tron is absolutely essential for X-23, unless you prefer using characters with similar assists. She’s good for pressure, making unsafe moves safe, defense and all that. X-23, having some of the best dashes, can hit confirm off of a Tron hit very easily, making her one of the characters that brings the assist to its full potential. In other words, in my opinion, now that you know how to play Tron, you have got to keep her.
For the Wesker replacement, I would choose Taskmaster. To be honest, in a rushdown situation, beams and projectiles aren’t really needed when you have Tron, that only needs a slightly more careful spacing. However, a good beam or projectile assist like Taskmaster’s would bring versatility to the team. Not just to X-23 who can use it well coupled with her mobility, but also for Tron. Having that assist changes matchups completely. You can actually run away with them with the assist. That’s completely invaluable when facing characters like Hulk or other melee heavy hitters.

So I recommend X-23/Taskmaster/Tron.

^ I definitely agree with you - X-23 and Tronne is ridiculous. Even if you get hit by a random poke but called out Tronne, you can recover, dash in, and combo off Gustoff Fire. Using Task with those two does sound good simply because if you get zoned (Task/Mag + Drones), it can be difficult to get in without some projectile to nullify at least some of that.

Few pages ago, I mentioned my team of Mag/Sent/X-23. But now I changed it to Mag/X-23/Taskmaster. More health, I’m better with Task than Sent (too clunky for me as of now), and still good projectile assist. If you don’t mind putting X-23 second, try it out.

I wish I was good with Taskmaster, I’d totally replace him with Sent if I knew how to use him. I see a lot of people having Tron at that final slot, not sure how I feel about that. Tron always seems to struggle by herself, but maybe people are working around that finding ways to use her before she becomes the final alternative. I think X23/Tron/Task is a good team, Task has better comeback potential than Tron to me.

Yeah X23 definitely needs some type of protection assist to stay out of trouble. Characters with low health and not a lot of protective abilities like X23 were designed to be stacked up with assists to improve their mix up and break them out of combos. I’ve been going back to using Dr.Doom and Doom beam does so much for X23. The assist alone turns her into a much more complete character. Using Doom beam to follow up Tiger Knee’d M talon attacks to start up combos from full screen is pretty sick. Plus since Doom beam comes out far behind X23 (sometimes you dont even see him) it’s great for creating “outta nowhere” mix ups with M mirage feint and he’s broken me out of a lot of combos. Magneto comes in and I start getting hit by a combo and I go “aw shit” and then Doom comes in from the back and beams Magneto out of the combo.

Doom beam even does a decent job handling other assists. It’s speed and projectile durability once active will eat right through Sent drones or other projectile based assists. It’s even solid at stopping Tron assist since the one thing Tron assist has trouble dealing with (other than cross ups which X23 does all day any way) is projectiles. Not that Tron will get hit by the beam but the Doom beam buys X23 time to get up and cross the assist up with a L talon attack while possibly also hitting the point character. Which Doom beam will save X23 from any other trouble as that is happening.

A solid way of messing with Tron assist is to call a projectile assist like Doom beam while charging up ankle slice. Ankle slice hits so low to the ground that it will hit the small vulnerable hit box at Tron’s feet. This way Tron pretty much can’t come on the screen without getting hit and if you get 2 characters hit you can turn on XF and try to kill both characters. Doom beam specifically will most likely knock the point character too far away to hit with a combo but at least you stopped a situation that could have put you in a combo also.

You lost me here. How is Tron weak against projectiles? If I call my Tron assist at the right moment, I can charge a Neck Slice, Tron blocks any projectiles coming my way, and then I come flying across the screen to punish point characters, assists, or anybody foolish enough to spam their projectiles in a way I can predict them. You can cross Tron up with or without a beam assist.

I’m just saying the Tron assist is a bit weak vs. projectiles because it will do nothing to save the point character from projectiles. At least a projectile based assist like Doom beam will take on point Magneto disruptah, on point Task arrows or drones assist projectile off the screen which legitimately can clear a path for the charged neck slice. Unless you have spacing with the neck slice that I’m not aware of the best Tron fire assist will do is save Tron from a projectile. Though that weakness goes to a higher degree obviously to every other assist. Tron doesn’t do anything to actually block the projectiles. They pass through her but that doesn’t nothing to help you not see projectiles flying in your face. They’ll still smack you in the face like you didn’t call an assist at all.

Like if if you call Tron assist then charge up neck slice at the same time Magneto calls Sent drones and then throws out 7 frame disruptah, Tron is doing zero to help you get in on that. She’ll stop Magneto from getting in but Magneto will definitely be fine with the lame game unless you have a projectile assist also. You’re either going to run headfirst into the beam or worse headfirst into the drones. At least with a projectile assist you have a chance to shut out the disruptah or the drones which will minimize the risk of getting hit and give you a much better chance getting in.

Like with your team if you’re trying to get in on Disruptah plus drones you’re better off calling Ammy cold star pre emptively and then charging in with the neck slice. Cold star will easily stop drones and possibly even stop disruptah. If you get hit by disruptah oh well try to get in again during the cool down time that Sent can’t be called. Ammy will guaranteed stop Drones everytime because of how stupid big Sent’s hit box is on the assist call and how long he can be hit.

Whatever little good you could do with Tron assist plus charged neck slice is totally augmented with Cold Star plus charged neck slice. In order to get real frame advantage off charged neck slice on a block you have to land it from a distance any way so it works out.

For the record, minimal distance. It just has to hit on shortly after the first active frame (Probably 3rd, to be safe) to be positive.

I used to use a team similar to this. I used to run Hsien-Ko (pendulum), X-23 (ankle slice), and Tron (gustaff fire). I would at least try to fight it out with Hsien-ko for a bit then activate her hyper armor then switch to either X-23 or Tron, usually Tron so i can easily do relaunch combos early on, since my whole team would normally be intact at this point. Hsien-Ko’s hyper armor pendulum assist really helped the rushdown with X-23 and Tron and I can’t count the number of times my Hsien-Ko plowed through projectiles and beam/ranged hypers.

I now run X-23 (ankle slice), Wolvie (berserker slash), Akuma (tatsu). Akuma’s tatsu can help set up X-23’s dash hyper after her OTG and I can DHC glitch Wolvie in for a simple BnB doing a ton of damage. Akuma’s tatsu can be utilized with cross-up specials like Wolvie’s Berserker Slash and X-23’s medium Mirage Feint. I tried to use Wesker over Wolvie for a little bit but I don’t like the way the gun into crouching medium feels and I can’t get used to it.

You can always do gun into c.L. c.L is like 3 to 4 frames faster than c.M. On characters that juggle low to the ground like Jill or Iron Man you must use c.L. c.M will whiff because it’s too slow.

I dont use any other assist with X23 but ankle slice. None of her assists are really that great as she’s a character that’s meant to be used on point like Wolvie. Most characters like that are given sub par assists because of their scary point abilities. If you are going to be using an assist with her it might as well be the one that can potentially give you a mix up. Even then I still barely use it because the idea of a character with already low health dying because I spaced her wrong during an assist is not worth it. Deadpool’s low assist is completely better and safer. With my X23/Wesker/Doom team if Wesker is on point and X23 is still alive Doom beam is more than enough to give Wesker all the mix up he needs.

I can never decide on a team to main, but generally my serious teams include x-23 and doom with beam assist.

I’ve found that 3 characters can work fairly well with x-23/doom, and they are thor, wesker, deadpool, and recently sentinel. They each give x-23 a relaunch or they can set up and be used in the DHC glitch. Wesker can probably be considered the best choice, but I don’t know if I really want to use him. IDK why but I always feel a bit clunky and almost slow when I’m playing with wesker for some reason, I don’t know why but I feel my game play just flows a lot smoother with sentinel on the team or thor. Wesker obviously isn’t slow, but I just don’t know if I like how he plays; Although he is clearly the better teammate, I just feel more comfortable playing the big slow robot that he doesn’t feel slow and clunky. I should probably just seriously learn wesker.

I’ve probably rambled too much so I’ll get on with my new team, X-23(Ankle Slice), Sentinel(Rocket Punch), Dr. Doom(Plasma Beam).

Doom’s beam is amazing support for my point character and does so much for her mix-up game. I love calling doom then using j.236M at the right time to cause a bit of a guessing game for my opponent to block as the timing can change when x-23 passes over their head and they get hit by the beam leading into a potential combo. I also love doing this extremely basic mix-up, call beam then mirage feint M to go behind them, works a lot more than it probably should. Sentinel’s rocket punch assist can be used to set-up the DHC trick after x-23s aerial combo, just need to make sure you use a fully charged neck slice when the rocket punch hits them. Doing the DHC trick is obviously massive damage, and leads to quick KOs especially with sentinel’s massive damage output.

Just a few X-23, Wesker, Doom combos I came up with a while ago that I thought I’d share:

Foward Air throw:

  • dash up + call Wesker assist -> s.H xx 214 H, j.M, j.H, jD.H + Call Doom Plasma Beam assist xx 236 L - (Opponent gets pushed into Plasma beam by L talon), Weapon X Prime -> DHC reset

Any Starter except command grab with just doom plasma beam assist:

  • s.H xx 214 H, j.M, j.H, jD.H xx 236 L - Land - s.M(1 hit), s.H xx 214 H, j.M, j.H, jD. H + Call Doom Plasma Beam assist xx 236 L - (Opponent gets pushed into Plasma beam by L talon), Weapon X Prime -> DHC reset

Cool looking because the L talon actually forces the opponent onto the beam and they go for a little ride. Great combo because otg ankle slice + doom beam into weapon X doesn’t work.

That’s a pretty smart combo. I’ve always had to rely on Wesker to set up the DHC glitch so if I used Wesker for an unblockable setup I was pretty much out of a combo after. Definitely gonna work that in.

I think x-23 is going to become a gimcky character like dark phoenix but with more options. People arent abusing the fact she can kill any character that comes in (dirt nap). Ive been messing around with using x-23 (2nd) and dante (3rd) in my team order and whoever you feel most comfortable with as first. If your point character gets blown up you can do a simple loop combo with x-23 into x factor level 2 and destroy the character (if you land the first hit). You would again do this depending on the health of whoever your fighting when x-23 comes in. dhc glitch the character if hes below full health or x-factor level 2 if they are full health. Just because when x-factored you want to do the full loop on them to get them all the way to the edge of the screen. After they die from your one combo with x-factor you can set up an unblockable with dirtnap and dantes jam session and do a combo loop off the dirt nap.

Only bad thing about this team is you pretty much dont have any assists to use to get in on the opponent, but its a one touch two dead character team. Then on the last character you can dhc glitch them lol. So pretty much land two combos with x-23 it should be good game.

I swear almost everyone nowadays uses Dante with X-23 lol. I’m still using my team of X-23/Trish/Dante

Thanks to DHC Round Harvest, X-23 and Dante can create truly stupid and unfair combos.

Anyway, yeah, I’ve been messing around with ways to get Silent Kill/Dirt Nap early on on point, like, at the start of the round. X-23 with the right loops and assists extending her combos, actually builds a lot of meter. Using Jam Session, she can get two bars straight away with one combo and you always start off with 1 bar at the start of the round.

Once you have Silent Kill up, you’ve got a lot of options. You can make your blockstrings more deadly since you can combine them with assists to lock them down while you activate Silent Kill and nail 'em. It seems to me that not a lot of people use X-23 as a 2nd, they mainly put her on point, which is why Silent Kill doesn’t get used a whole lot. And usually, they opt for the DHC glitch. If the DHC glitch gets offed, it’s likely X-23 players will rely on Silent Kill a lot more. Especially since you can actually combo into it so it’d be her best means of damage too if the glitch gets removed.

I use run x23/dante at launch, but I found that I can’t play dante well at all, at least not on pad. I gave tatsu’s x23 team a go because everything looked so simplistic, I combined what I already knew about x23’s mixups and b&bs with tatsu’s team engine. I got about 18 wins in a row with that team online.

I’ve been working with taskmaster and got down some of his b&bs. A team of x23/tasky/tron is in the works, I think that could be good.

Yeah Deadpool works surprisingly well with X23. Between both of them being able to start DHC glitch and the cover he can provide as a low assist to set up unblockables and a pop up for relaunch combos he goes kinda well with her. Since he is able to control much more of the screen space from a distance than she can you can kinda interchange them depending on matchups to deal with different things.

I’ve been thinking of getting X-23 on a team. She seems really underrated and I actually do like her character. Right now I’m using X-23(b)/Tron(b)/Iron Man (a). The problem with this team is that I don’t really have anyone to take advantage of X-23’s DHC glitch stuff, which is a big part of her high damage potential. I guess I could do Weapon X Prime into Shakedown Mixer, but that’s like…4 bars for a DHC glitch. I’m not even sure if this team can combo into Weapon X Prime anyway, so there’s that issue too. Is there any other way to DHC glitch X-23 into Tron that I don’t know about? I’m using Iron Man because his Proton Cannon DHCs are so good, and Unibeam assist is great too for extending Tron’s combos. I need a lot of help, so any advice is appreciated.

My brother uses X23/Task/Iron Man on the side and fares pretty well with that team.

BTW Tron has the ability to start or end the DHC glitch in some way with all of her supers. Which means as far as the DHC glitch is concerned you have your team better set up than you realize. You can use the king servbot hammer super to follow up after X23’s Weapon X prime. If you had another character that could follow up the glitch in the back you can even start the DHC glitch with her lunch rush super. No reason to start or end DHC glitch with her level 3 but you can if you wanna be funny. Technically X23 can follow up DHC glitch with dirt nap but nobody is gonna do that.

Iron Man has really good assists in the same way that Doom does so you can get a lot of your damage done with just X23 and Tron in the middle. Tron with even one assist backing her up is a definite threat that people will soon realize. X23 in front with both a protective assist and projectile assist backing her up gives her a lot of help to get in and do damage in any situation. Plus Tron will regularly break you out of combos that would normally lose you a lot of life or get you killed.

EDIT: After looking into it though there’s one big issue with the team for setting up the glitch. Mainly that Tron’s supers are all kind of slow on the recovery and are weird to juggle off of X23’s weapon x prime. Which means your team ends up having 2 characters that can start the DHC glitch but dont it doesn’t really work together in a way where either can follow up the glitch without spending 3 meters. In order to get X23 to start the glitch she needs an assist that pops the opponent up high enough any ways after charged ankle slice and you’d need to change Iron Man’s assist to repulsor blast to do that. Which you would do the weapon x super as soon as they start to move to the other side of the blast.

yeah, I know all about Tron’s setups for DHC glitch. My current team is completely revolved around Tron’s DHC glitch stuff. The problem is that I don’t have any character that can benefit from it on this new team. On paper it looks like a really good team, but there’s so many flaws I don’t even think it’s worth it in the end lol. If only Weapon X Prime kept them in the air a little longer like Jill’s DHC glitch super.