MvC3: I'm the Second Best at What I Do: The X-23 Team-Building Thread

I was messing around with Akuma’s assist and the only thing I noticed about it is that it actually gets stuffed early before he comes out. On video it looks so ridiculous cuz people are hitting left and right off of mix ups and what not but definitely make sure you have a reason to use it because it can be stuffed out.

Speaking of Akuma in general I really like his potential to blow up Phoenix. Air hurricane kick projectile immune to even D.Phoenix’s air fireballs with the right timing. With X Factor on if you land air hurricane kick to fireball super the game is over.

Would X23, Zero, Akuma work? Ive been looking for a decent point to work with Zero and Akuma, plus the dhc glitch doesnt hurt, i tried deadpool but it just didnt work out. Im thinking its too squishy (everybody is sub 900k health) but im decent with Zero and Akuma.

Dont even worry about how squishy the team is. This is the wrong game to be worried about how squishy your team is. Even if a team has big health things like X Factor and DHC glitch pretty much negate the need to worry about such things as you can easily do enough damage with both of those techniques to kill high health characters. This game is basically about not getting hit any way cuz when you do you should die and if you didn’t it’s probably because the opponent wants to save meter so they can one shot your next character.

I think the team works out. X23 is very solid up first backed up with a 2 assists like Zero Shippuga and Akuma Tatsu. Shippuuga which gives her a safe crossover counter if she needs to get out of a bad situation while she’s blocking something and hard knockdowns during combos. Akuma Tatsu just does everything. Great to lock people down during block strings and advance guard wont affect it so you can use it to set up H mirage feint high low games and I believe it still retains the effect of being impervious to most projectiles. If X23 dies early…oh well that’s the game that’s what happens sometimes and you got 2 characters in the back that are designed to run through teams any way. They designed the game so you can still easily win if one or 2 characters gets blown up as long as you choose the right follow up characters.

Zero 2nd is great of course because he’s going to follow up X23 for you anytime she lands a combo to one shot kill with DHC glitch. I was talking with another player who uses Zero and he was saying he feels Zero is best second because of the DHC glitch and how it’s not really super important for him to be stacked with assists to be effective.

Akuma is great in the back because with even one meter he becomes effective from any range. His tatsu/air tatsu is impervious to all regular projectiles and at most may trade once in a while against D.Phoenix’s fireballs. He has an overhead that if hits easily goes into monstrous damage, a scary throw game where he can land super off any throw, and can basically DHC combo even if he’s the only character on the screen because of his ability to land super into super. He also has a dive kick that crosses people up even if they’re in the corner. Making him a one man wrecking machine that when buffed in XF is just too good to not have in the back. He’s a character that is pretty much self sufficient and not reliant on assists or an extra character to be able to land more than one super in a combo. Like Phoenix he can pretty much be his own team. Sure he has low health but even if you were using someone with big health all the person has to do is DHC glitch you or turn on X Factor and now your character has low health. Might as well just use a character that is more capable offensively of running through a team.

Okay I’ve been experimenting with some other characters besides Hsien Ko to go with my X-23, Morrigan team. Just wondering what you guys think of this team : Morrigan(meter building assist) Amaterasu(cold shot) X-23 (ankle slicer)

I really like the DHC options for this team because Morrigans finishing shower is so hard to DHC out of for extra damage so having Amaterasu’s elemental super is great for tacking on some additional damage when I combo with Morrigan. I’m loving cold star right now, can’t wait to see what kind of mix up game I can start running with Morrigan/ice shot assist.

With X-23 I can still try and do my mirage feint mix up game with cold star even though it’s not invincible like Hsien Ko assist it’s available to me immediately so I’m free to put X-23 on point and she starts off with a great assist.( I find this to be important because at the start of the round you both have 1 meter so I figured if x-23 gets caught by something there’s a chance she won’t die since they may not have the meter for it, but I’m sure a combo that builds a meter into DHC glitch would make that irrelevant.)

Cold Star helps otg into weapon X prime anywhere on the screen, and I can do the DHC trick into either Morrigan with Astral Vision or Amaterasu with slow super for a kill.

So for I like the idea of this team, both ammy and Morrigan can use up a lot of meter so I figure while ammy or X-23 is out I can be using her meter building assist and when she does come in she’ll have meter to burn along with ammy. Another good thing about having amaterasu instead of Hsien Ko is that I get a great assist and if only Amaterasu is left, she’s still a decent anchor. Still not much experience with this team but it feels like it will work pretty well.

what do you guys think?

I mained Zero back in TVC so i eventually jumped in with him here. Yeah hes best at seccond because hes so much better coming in with some meters built already more than on point. Really do dig X23 shes highly underrated imo.

I hardly ever start X23 nowadays, I realized that I was more efficient at making the most outta X23 during mid-match play. I run Tron, X23, Sentinel.

With Tron, Ankle Slice becomes very useful in keeping combos going. I can get more damage with Drones if I simply OTG with Tron Down+M>Down+H, there’s many times where Sentinel won’t be available if I’m calling him already to rushdown my opponent. DHCs aren’t really an issue with this team, since Lunch Time at point can be turned into anything. With X23 coming in instead of dying early on I can XF2-3 into some major dmg, or save it for Sentinel. Lots of options for this team, I ran X23/Ammy Shenanigans for a while and Cold Star is definitely easier for X23 to setup upon than Gustaff Fire. But, both Ammy and X23 have such low health. I could make the most out of one but not the other, which bothered me.

I feel you on the low health thing, but I love having Ammy because she covers a lot of the matchups which aren’t good for X-23. Gustaff Fire hit confirms took some getting used to and I still miss a lot of them, but they’re great. I need to make better use of Cold Star assist though, I’m stuck relying on Tron assist most of the time, even when I’m more than half-screen away. Bad habit.

I’m also finding ways to use Tron mid-match instead of leaving her for last, which is making a big difference. Tron has so many bad matchups solo that she’s a terrible anchor, whereas X-23 usually fares a bit better and Ammy is pretty much self-sufficient.

Anyone here play hulk, x-23, sent? I wanted 2 know if there r any post or ppl who know of combos/ set ups that x-23 benefits from having sent drones/any hulk assist.

I’m trying to combo into weapon X prime off of hulks otg gamma wave assist but it doesn’t seem 2 work 95 pct of the time. Is there is something i’m not doing or timing? Maybe i need to also hit with my otg ankle slicer3 hits or 1 hit then cancel into super? In the mean time i just been trying 2 find a way for hulk 2 dhc glitch after X-23 but once again this is all in vain… Would love some help on this or if anyone has experimented with x-23, hulk, sent at all, any advice in the area of team work combos or set-up. I read one post from tunawarrior i think but his setup were not real cuz of ppl rolling left n right made his hulk x-23 wake up game null. I’m wiling to change my hulk assist to help X-23, once again any advice would be appreciated.

I used to run X-23 / Dante / Akuma… but lately, I’ve been playing around with switching it to Akuma/Dante/X-23.

I’m really starting to think X is better on anchor than on point.

X-23 assist can be amazing(Dante/Akuma mixup, Akuma OTG combos)
DP+PP counters people playing keepaway/applying pressure with supers
QCF+PP is a strong super to poke/counter into XFC cancel.
XF3 infinite off of just about any hit/command throw.
XF3 Dirt Nap -> Infinite, obv

Can be difficult to get around runaway tactics
NEEDS XFC to be viable on her own

A lot of these are skewed to the way I’m playing her; To me, her low health isn’t that much of a con. If my last character gets hitconfirmed, and the opponent doesn’t suck, I’m dead anyways because of some excess meter / unused XFC. Because I run her last, people have a lot of meter, making her DP+PP more important.

Why does everyone dislike putting her on Anchor so much? The comeback potential is ridic.

^Maybe it’s because feints without assists is dangerous?

I’m now running Mag/Sent/X-23. I only recently started doing the DHC glitch and glad I found a team that can both do it into Sent. Too bad Mag/X-23 (in either order) doesn’t have one though.

Simple set-up for WXP - do a mirage feint loop, land, st. A + call Mag’s projectile, st. B, st. C, WXP. Mag’s projectile should hit right after st. C. The window to connect WXP is ridiculously huge even though it may not look like it connects.

I had been running X23/Ammy/Sent but that was when Sent wasn’t health nerf. Tron without a good assist to get in is a nightmarish matchup especially vs. good zoners/keepaway, I couldn’t use her as my last character due to comeback factor. I think DHCs work better for X23/Tron than X23/Ammy, and it got to the point where drones were equally important for both of my characters to get in (I could actually get in easy with X23 moreso than Tron). I know a lot of people like Cold Star Assist, but you really don’t see it much in high play because good players stay in the air more to dodge its pressure.

I have to improve my execution from Gusta Fire hits into feint combos, Sentinel is a huge hitbox when using drones. I don’t like abusing his assist much if I can help it.


The problem is that dhc glitch really is too good to pass up if one her teammates runs well as the catcher. (Wesker, dante, wolverine, sentinel, etc)

Without the dhc glitch, you’d likely see her less on point at round start.

While both of my other girls (Trish and Morrigan) can technically play catcher, it’s proven too awkward. And I’ve tried. I really have. So X has been my anchor for a while now.

Yeah for right now DHC glitch is the main thing that would make her great for a start. Tatsu definitely did well having her on point despite not being able to utilize the DHC glitch from the start of the fight but I dont see it working in the long run without DHC glitch. Either way she’s always going to be a dangerous low health character and people will be glad to spend all the meter they can when they hit her to make sure she doesn’t get another chance to fight. When DHC glitch goes away you’ll have to have your mix up/reset game after landing combos on some real serious shit or put her in the back and have the threat of XF plus Dirt Nap to tear through teams. They didn’t give her that level 3 just so you can put her in the front all the time and just go for resets. She’s definitely designed to be an offensive powerhouse with the threat of being able to one shot the next character coming in after a kill pretty much for free.

Assuming “anchor” means reserved for last character, I generally try to do that. Granted, she’s the best launcher in my team (X-23/Chun-Li/Deadpool) at my current skill level (god awful), but she’s hellla dangerous with a level 3 X factor to boost her.

How does X-23 (b)/Task (a)/Doom (y) sound as a team?

Horizontal arrows help X approach from long, Rocks help mid to upclose and also help her combo in DHC glitch. Once task is in both assists help his mixup game or so I hope.

Also, does anyone know the best followup for Task post DHC glitch?

Swing, air BC, swing, air BC, charging star, launcher, go from there.

I run x-23/ammy/tron. My main initial straegy is to have a touch of death loop combo into dhc trick. After that I’ll try to set up unblockables with ammy and ankle slice assist, looking to get x-23 back in the game with a dhc.

Tron is my x-factor anchor and assist.

High five, kikimonster. Best team around. :smiley:

It sounds fantastic to me because its the same team I’m running right now.
The combo thats been working for me lately has been a variation of this one:
Except I tend to start at the first shield skills.

Found out yesterday that rocks is either really iffy at midscreen or just simply doesn’t pick up after ankle slice for the dhc glitch. Although since X-23’s combos cross counties in terms of screen carry I guess it might not matter. Anyways I decided for now that I’m gonna have Dorm as my anchor at first, and once I get use to X-23 i’ll make Ammy my anchor for a bit more flexibility.

As for Task’s follow up I finally got it through my head that you can delay the DHC to allow Task to recover faster. Mashing out shield skill seems to work 90% of the time and for now that’s what i’ll rely on until I get the timing of c.M starter down. Nice heads up on that combo, will fool around with that tonight.