MvC3: Hsien-Ko Combo Thread

3 loops of gong in the corner, I do Light Medium gong, LM Gong, LM gong, it works up to 3 times, I tried mashing L and then S but S whiffs.
Does around 520k damage with hyper

However you can get mixups going with Eye of agamatto

I’m having so much trouble trying to combo anything after :d::h::f::h: consistantly :frowning:

You usually have to delay it by a bit. Like: :f::h: jump (wait a beat) :h::s: or what have you. I guess there’s no new Hsien-Ko bnb video out, is there?

I’ve tried delaying, using air dash, just find it really tricky :frowning:

I got a combo with Hsien-ko to work with Zero’s Ruyenjin assist involving the Cr.H to F+H but the timing takes getting used to but I’m working on it lol I’m really liking Zero/Hsien-ko in the team :slight_smile:

I use a team with Hsien and Zero. If you using Ryuenjin, you can call the assist before Tenrai Ha (balls) to be able to tack on another Tenrai Ha without having to use gong in between. A lot of assists allow you to do this and its a lot easier since it doesn’t require timing the gong.

Also a corner combo with Ryuenjin assist(lets just say hes partner 1)

Gongo loop x3 (c.H > f.H.> gong) c.H > f.H > A1 > Tenrai Ha x 2

Ryuenjin will carry the opponent higher then the weight, but not the spiked balls, ignoring the OTG and giving you an option for a very easy second Tenrai Ha.

Oh I also do that as well. Another thing I do is after Zero’s BnB I Rekkoha and wait 2 seconds or so then DHC to Hsien-ko to use Tenrai ha.

The iron balls will knock the opponent to the ground allowing you to use Tenrai ha again and then DHC to Zero to finish with Rekkoha. It costs 4 bars but the damage is amazing.

So, can we expect to see the OP updated soon? I mean, if it’s not going to, we should just compile a list of her most practical BnB’s with damage and meter gain and notes.

That makes sense to me. I could compile it, but I don’t think I am qualified enough to make the new thread.

Since I think I didn’t see anyone post a combo starting from Hsien-Ko’s instant air dash j.M and j.S, I guess I’ll post one.

Air Dash j.:m: j.:s: St.:m: Cr.:h: :f::h: j.:m: j.:h: j.:s: St.:m: Cr.:h: St.:s: j.:m: j.:m: j.:h: j.:s:

It does 420,200 damage meter less, 613,200 if Tenraiha is used, and it builds around 80% of a bar of meter.

The jump cancel part is actually pretty simple. The j.M has to be done as early as possible, same for j.H, then j.S just as you’re about to land or very late. The hardest part on this combo on my opinion is getting the right juggle height when doing the St.M Cr.H St.S, otherwise the air combo at the end have to be shortened or won’t work. The St.M has to be done pretty late, enough for the opponent to be barely above the ground. After that, the remaining part of the combo should be simple.

I dunno about everyone else, but anything after a jump cancel f+H should always be j.HS on an airborne opponent or performing an air-to-ground combo. Altering it the slightest could most of the time have your foe be pushed too far/drop out of your combo. However, a f+M jump cancel combo should work reliably instead for either situation.

Been working on a new combo:
st.:m::d::m::d::h::f::h: j.:m::s: -land- j.:l::m::h::s: st.:m::s: - etc
393k before supers. Been trying really hard to get :f::h: and another j.:h: but no luck yet. It might be possible though, still working on the timing.

EDIT: After several hours I got it down:
st.:m::d::m::d::h::f::h: j.:m::s: -land- j.:l::m::h::s: st:m::f::h: j.:h: j.:s: st.:m: st:s: j.:m::m::s:
It does 451k And builds over 1 meter it seems.
I’ll keep trying to milk more damage out of it if I can,but this seems like a good start I suppose.

Okay here is a quick compilation of new stuff, if there is anything missing or anything you want added just say so and I will edit.

For most of these combos Multiple Tenrai-has can be added for roughly 150-200k per super.
Adding extra Tenrai-Has works by doing a :rdp: :m: and canceling it into another Tenrai-Ha.

Mid Screen Combos:
st.:m: :d::m:st.:h: :d::h: :f::h: j.:m: j.:s: st.:m:st.:s: j.:m: j.:m: j.:h: j.:s:
Damage: 374,900
Meter: 70%
Lei-Lei’s easiest new combo in my opinion. Can be followed up by an otg assist(do :s: j.:m::m::s: usually) for extra damage (about 450k depending on assist)and some more meter.

st.:m::d::m::d::h::f::h:j:h:j:s:st.:m::d::h::f::h:j.:h:j.:s:st.:m: st:s: j.:m: j.:m: j.:s:
Damage: 418,400
Meter: 95%

st.:m::d::m::d::h::f::h:j:m:j:s:st.:m::d::h::f::h:j.:h:j.:s:st.:m: st:s: j.:m: j.:m: j.:s:
Damage: 427,300
Meter: 90%

st.:m::d::m::d::h::f::h: j.:m::s: -land- j.:l::m::h::s: st:m::f::h: j.:h: j.:s: st.:m: st:s: j.:m::m::s:
Damage: 451,000
Meter: 105%

st. :m: :d::h::f::h: j.:m::h::s: st.:m: :rdp::l: st.:m: :d: :h: :s: j.:m::m::h::s:
Damage: 421.3k

Corner Combos:
st.:m::d::m:( :d::h::f::h::rdp::m:) x3 st.:s: j.:m::m::s:
Damage: 472,600
Meter: 90%

By Discovigilante:
j.:m: j.:s: st.:m: :d::m: :d::h: :f::h: j.:m: :rdp::l: j.:l: j.:s: st.:m: st.:s: j.:m: :rdp::l: j.:l: j.:s:

After Air Dash:
By Evul Soldier:
Air Dash j.:m: j.:s: St.:m: Cr.:h: :f::h: j.:m: j.:h: j.:s: St.:m: Cr.:h: St.:s: j.:m: j.:m: j.:h: j.:s:
Damage: 420,200
Meter: 80%

After Throw:
[SIZE=3]Throw- :st.:m::d::h::f::h: j.:h::s: st:m::d::h:st.:s:j.:m::m::s:[/SIZE]
Damage: 256,400
Meter: 50%

By ll.nd:
Throw- st.:m: ( :d::m:) :f::m: j.:m::h::s: st.:m: :d::h: st.:s: j.:m::m::h::s:
Damage: 279/288k

Throw- st.:m: :f::m: j.:m::m::h: (1 hit) :s: st.:m: :rdp::l: st.:m::h: :d::h: st.:s: j.:m::m::s:
Damage: 303k

In Corner:
By: ll.nd:
Throw st.:m::f::m: j.:m::h::s: st.:m: ( :d::h::f::h: :rdp::m:) x2 :d::h: st.:s: j.:h::s:
Damage: Roughly 350k

After Air Throw:

Been experimenting with assist combos for Hsien-Ko. With Spencer’s Slant Shot, you can snag opponents after the last hit of Chireithou and reel them back in. You gotta dash in first, though it’s easier to air dash instead. Not sure what to do afterwards but I’ll come up with something.

The goal is 900,000 starting off without bars or using x-factor.

Yeah, that’s fun to do. There’s a video in the Vids thread with that and other Spencer stuff from Vanilla by EvuL Soldier from Vanilla if you want to check it out. She likes that assist because she doesn’t have to go chasing her opponent and because it helps squeeze some extra damage in. You can do crossup stuff with it, too.

@Jux: Thanks for compiling that list. Appreciate the meter values and such too. After the normal throw, what about starting the combo with a s.:m:? Might be a little easier and lead into the rest?

@LL.ND: Would replacing the j.:m::s: with a j.:h::s: at the beginning of Jux’s combo be a better option?

Yes you are correct, I forgot to put the st.:m: in there thanks.

Which one? For bigger damage(and on a grounded foe) you would go for j.MS instead.

Also, improved corner forward throw combo: st.M, f+M, j.MH(3hits)S, land, st.M, (cr.H, f+H, M Gong)x2, cr.HS, j.HS - 341k. This combo is the same practical throw combo I posted earlier but now you can easily transition into a small gong corner loop as you’re coming near a corner.

Oh, I was referring to the combo in his first post. Sorry about that.

I seem to be struggling with the ground grab combo. They always recover before I can get Hsien-Ko to do St. M after the jump cancel. Any specific timing on that one?

Like Noble said, there’s a video I made with that on the video section. As for a follow up, you can’t really do much. You can either add in an extra mount of damage by doing St. S, air H, then j.S, or do pendulum H and mash for extra damage. Best option though, is going for a reset. A simple reset would be to either do an instant air dash double j.M, crouching attacks, or a regular ground grab.

Just found it. nice video.