Felicia is lookin’ way better than she was in MvC2 (or the late Vampire games), so she deserves some love. Lets give it to her!
This is a work in progress, and will be updated and improved over time
Original thread and discussion here.
Key: (now with 90% more smileys!)
:atk: = any attack button
:atk::atk: = two attack buttons
:l: = light attack
= medium attack
:h: = heavy attack
:s: = Special/Exchange
:a1: = Assist 1
:a2: = Assist 2
Color Schemes
2-blond hair
3-red fur, black hair
4-black fur, pink hair
Special moves
Rolling Buckler: :qcf:+:atk: Felicia rolls forward in a ball. Can be ended with 3 attacks (Trip, quick standing punch, upward Dragon-punch). Both the roll and the ending attack hit.
Cat Spike: :dp:+:atk: She throws out a balloon and jumps after it with an air claw attack. Can crossup with proper spacing, and can be combo’d out of with proper timing. Height and distance traveled vary by button used, and :h: versions seem to overhead, and :h: version does a ground bounce on successful hit. Very safe.
Sand Splash: :f:+:atk: She kicks out a wave of ‘sand’ (energy) in front of her… shortrange projectile along the ground.
Delta Kick: :bdp:+:atk: She goes straight up in the air, then does a forward divekick.
Hellcat (special throw) :hcb:+:atk: She grabs her opponent and spins around them, doing damage.
Cat Charge :d::d:+:atk: Increases hyper meter, cancellable.
Cat Run: :s:+:atk: Felicia runs out of axis and forward, becoming entirely invulnerable for a certain time and distance.
Hyper Combos:
Dancing Flash: :qcf:+:atk::atk: Felicia rolls forward as in her rolling buckler and does an autocombo on hit. Safe on block.
Kitty Helper: :dp:+:atk::atk: Felicia calls out a small catgirl helper that attacks along with her for a certain amount of time, doing jumping overhead attacks. *Please check input!
Please Help me! (level 3) :hcb:+:atk::atk: Felicia calls out a group of catgirls to beat the opponent up for her, ‘catch’ hyper, short range. *Please check input!
A: Rolling Buckler (Direct, Front): Felicia rolls towards the opponent and does a low sliding attack.
B: Sand Splash (Shot, Front): Short Ranged projectile attack, can’t be ducked under.
Y: Cat Spike (Direct, Front): She throws out a balloon and pops it with a jumping attack. Hits overhead, at least sometimes does an untechable bounce on hit.
Play notes:
As of now her basic play-style seems to be a ground-based rushdown involving ground strings followed either by Cat Spike as an extender/cross-up or the low Rolling Buckler variant as a mix-up. She’s very tricky to deal with on the ground, but her lack of air approach techniques makes her really hurt by advancing guard.
It looks like you can respond to all but the fastest full-screen hypers with her run-around move, but I can’t find the clip where I saw that anymore, so take it with a grain of salt. If it works the way I remember she should be reasonably good at punishing, especially unsafe ones like Million Dollar (as she avoids blockstun and chip from it entirely).
Per S-Kill, her :df: is a universal OTG normal and those are apparently fairly rare, It’s also jump cancellable
Additionally, she can combo out of both her normal throw and her command throw.
S-kill Commentary on Felicia
Video Clips:
"old beta clips
[media=youtube]HK_t7rIVBek"[/media] *might be out of date, low rolling buckler combo out of the corner
[media=youtube]D57ZjEde5gc"[/media] *shows cat spike ground combo/crossup, out of axis run
[media=youtube]bddYJkqPdKI"[/media] *shows cat spike crossup, C spike causing bounce.
[media=youtube]GFPfDXoy0DI"[/media] *shows out of axis run to avoid projectiles, more cat spike.
[media=youtube]TFTKe6sJsBE"[/media] *shows low rolling buckler combo.
[media=youtube]UI8dmR1kgtI"[/media] *shows cat spike assist hitting overhead and bouncing opponent.
[media=youtube]92671mk9-gM"[/media] *specifically normal-cancelling her meter charging move.
[media=youtube]16DU1NHpYks"[/media]*shows delta kick, hellcat otg followup, a really clean shot at her lvl 3.
[media=youtube]x-6nZVm2Ems&feature=player_detailpage#t=110s"[/media] *shows some cat Run, amongst other things
:l::h: xx :qcf::l:
:h: xx :qcf::atk::atk:
:h:(2 hits) xx :dp:
:h:(2 hits), :qcf::h:
, :l:
:h:(first hit) :s:, :uf::l:
:atk::atk: *** the last part is her natural OTG (:df:
) buffered into the input for rolling buckler.
Stuff I need:
Input and name verification for a few of her moves (marked above).
Commentary and more videos incoming soon, hopefully:
Thanks to our contributers!
D3v for the S-kill info
Sprint for first combos