MvC2 Xbox 360/PS3 bug database & reporting thread

As a fellow software developer, I found the old thread unwieldy.

To report a bug, PLEASE specify:

  • Which system - Xbox 360 or PS3 or both?
  • What resolution are you using? 480 or 720 or 1080?
  • Widescreen (16:9) or standard (4:3)?
  • Which sprite filter? Smooth or Crisp or Classic?
  • Was this during offline or online play?
  • What are the steps to reproduce the problem (if known)? Videos of problems are REALLY appreciated. :tup:
  • Please give a description of what exactly is wrong / what should have happened

Bugs listed here will link to the best report of the issue for further information and that way potentially allow Capcom/Backbone to follow up directly if they find that they want to. :tup: The Capcom-Unity bug thread is here, but also seems highly unwieldy.

To get the maximum enjoyment out of the game, turn OFF the Sprite filter in the game settings (switch to Classic), and switch to the LOW (1 frame) Lag Input as opposed High (3 frame) lag input. You probably also want to use Ranked:Custom Matches and select by good pings. Anything under 120 ping should be fine. If it’s still lagging badly there, they probably have the Sprite filters on.

Known Gameplay Bugs

  • General: Recovery time for secondary moves such as is wrong, uses the timing. Messes up Psylocke, Magneto, Cyclops, and Chun Li combos at least.
  • General: Xbox 360 only: Start of match is laggy (doesn’t seem to affect the PS3)
  • General: Many sprites lag the game when loaded the first time
  • General: Magneto wavedash/trijump while calling assist drops frames
  • General: Blackheart’s Judgment Day doesn’t chip properly.
  • General: Blackheart’s demons don’t get cancelled properly (Dios has a video of this in this thread)
  • General: XBLA: Blackheart’s demons don’t cause correct recovery: you can reset-infinite with them if you hit them just as the demons fall off.
  • General: Morrigan can off-screen glitch (seen this repeatedly, uncertain of current inputs)
  • General: Chun-Li’s shom combo is broken. (video in post)
  • General: Megaman’s jump buster being canceled by Hail Storm in some cases - never should happen.
  • General: Cammy’s Killer Bee Assault missing invulnerability
  • General: Magneto jump dLK recovers too fast: video.
  • General: Magneto’s ROM is glitched as is Cyke’s infinite. Looks like a difference in when the light vs medium are used in the new version vs the DC version. Related video
  • General: Cable’s infinite taunt is broken.
  • General: Input window for moves appear to be too long - leading to an “older” move coming out instead of the current move
  • General: Megaman’s sound for Buster charging doesn’t stop correctly
  • General: The MAX METER flash is horrific enough to be a bug. Please calm this down.
  • Online: rollback sometimes leaves characters shaded incorrectly. This is fixed the next time their shading state changes. One repro is to be Cable and shoot the opponent. If they block late, you may see them in their “shot” shade until something else changes.
  • General: sounds don’t cancel. Easy repro: Do a Megaman buster to Storm’s head as she comes out for a typhoon assist. No typhoon, but you still hear her say Typhoon.
  • General: Even with walls turned off, it’s not the correct screen width - there’s a buffer. This makes wall bouncing characters such as Megaman/Chun/etc harder to play.
  • General Widescreen: Jin’s Blodia Punch is truncated
  • General: Sometimes the wrong sounds are used (character data loading issue?)
  • Online: Rollback(?) in some cases will show an assist dead but they really aren’t. (I’ve seen this to the point where I’ve 100% killed assists, but then their life bar pops back on - had this happen against nizzbor on Golden-Nz’s account.)
  • General: [media=youtube]ijNynEjnJmw[/media]. No idea how to reproduce.
  • General: Black screen during Abyss stage transitions. [media=youtube]BcEC94V7_Vc&feature=related[/media].
  • General: Many reports that A1 stops working at various points - originally thought to be twitch-guard related by Shoultzula… ?
  • General: Rollback of the WIN screen in one case did not allow the winning character to continue playing

Known matchmaking bugs

Leaderboard bugs



  • Online: Allow for “Extreme” 0 lag input mode. May be critical to add this.
  • General: Default to the Classic Sprite filter
  • Ranked: Change the “Press A to start match” to “Starting match…” after A is pressed
  • Online Player: Spectator mode for people trying to learn the game by watching for a while
  • Online Player: Add a time out in the Lobby so that someone Away From Keyboard doesn’t lock up the whole room. Or skip them if they can’t join the match.
  • Online: Allow for “blind” pick. Maybe in the last ten seconds it goes to blind pick mode… ?
  • Online Player: Save the Custom Player Match search settings so we don’t have to always specify Turbo 1 or etc
  • Online Player: Show the current win streak.
  • General: Request for language options/selection
  • Online Player: Allow “Kick” for high ping opponents, or allow specifying a maximum ping
  • Online Ranked: Please impose a 5 minute “no rejoining” penalty on rage quitters. People are quitting out because “it’s faster to rejoin” (taken verbatim from a guy who rage quit on me).
  • General: In the Dreamcast, there’s a second screen flash during the FIGHT! animation. That’s not present in the new version - that flash was important to various timing, it’d be good to have it back.

NOT bugs

FIXED in patch

  • General: Unblockable AHVB: FIXED IN PATCH
  • General: Magneto’s Magnetic Tempest either chips too much or too little: FIXED IN PATCH
  • General: Blackheart’s Heart of Darkness either chips too much or too little (Dios-X found this, confirmed)
  • General: Ruby Heart glitch can crash game. “While playing as ruby heart, do Qcf+PP while holding taunt and spam in the direction of 3 - 6 (clock work) X or Y” FIXED IN PATCH
  • General: Jin’s sLP->sMP->Jin Tornado doesn’t work: FIXED IN PATCH
  • Online Friendly Matches (PS3 only): refreshing list can lock the PS3 up: FIXED IN PATCH

great job prepstar :slight_smile: now this is really clean looking.

although I know its not a big deal but I can confirm that the doom ub is still intact for the guy that was wondering.

god, i had a long post for the other thread. hit submit, and its closed. lost it all. overall, the fact that you need to have a wired controller to play this needs to be mentioned. it should not be overlooked because of tourney rules, when most of the sales from this game will come from average joes who wanna sit in their living room on their xbox using their wireless pad to mash out, and its a very significant difference between wired and wireless that is present with mvc2.

so yeah, i disagree that it doesnt matter because wireless controllers are banned from evo. pfft, street fighter 4 has sold millions, and those millions didnt show up to evo, so their home somewhere playing, which is fine, but that same thing applies to marvel, but now this time you will have people possibly shitting on it because of input delays when they just need to put in a hardwired controller instead of using a wireless, which they shouldnt have to do,and if theyre not a part of this forum, they wouldnt know that anyways if i didnt mention it, because i dont think anyone has said it besides me.

Nobody is ignoring you, I’m waiting for someone else other than you to have that problem. That kind of thing could be console/controller specific.

in the mvc2 online thread there is a person that right after i posted it said he was experiencing the same thing.

No idea how to subscribe without posting so…

Preppy, good job on having everything in order. Hopefully this will be reported to capcom and all be taken care of in the patch.

I wouldn’t count on capcom fixing all that stuff. I think its a pretty safe bet that the top 3 or 4 major problems on preppys list are the ones they going to try and fix.

If they tried to fix all that stuff it would proabably take them around 1 and a half years to complete if not longer, that stuff on the list requires major tweaking to the already inferior jap dc online model that they had to use.

but I guess one could always hope right?

Hey Preppy, I’ve since found that this may be a controller issue, so unless someone else can confirm a similar problem, we might be able to scratch this one.

EDIT: Looks like some people have had this issue-- Post #'s 44 and 47. Not sure what’s up with this now.

I’m playing on a wireless official 360 pad and I can’t confirm any noticeable input lag. What kind of controller are you using? Is it possible that it’s your TV?

Yeah, I mapped the A1/A2 to the triggers instead of bumpers and it seemed to “fix” my situation.

Anyway, I’ll submit something:


There’s no way Magneto could ever do that many hits in the DC version. Funny, I won a match online when I shouldn’t have cause I delayed my short so long that the MK wouldn’t have comboed but i got another short and it all worked out.:xeye:

Second Edit* The PS3 version of mvc2 will allow for ppad testing. Yay. I’ll be able to transfer combos by programming it on the dc and then trying to play it on the ps3 version. except i dont have a ps3

*Edit, *I read through the glitch list you have and I don’t think that some are worth mentioning. Stuff with widescreen won’t ever get fixed 'cause it’s purely graphical. Also, maybe you can prioritize the glitches and bugs by “IS IT GOING TO FUCK UP TOURNAMENTS”. I know for sure that Capcom REALLY wants it to be a viable port for tournaments so keep that in mind when ordering the bugs.

Also for input delay related quesitons someone is going to have to play on that one Evolution2009 monitor they used to run sf4homo and all the other new gen games. We need a solid test before capcom knows exactly how bad the input dropping is in offline play, if any.

(clarified offline)

If you look closely, it’s already prioritized, weighted with reproducability. :tup:

damn, yeah i had a feeling I was getting ridiculous links in the corner. What in the world could be causing that?

is it a proven fact that changing the sprite to classic actually makes the match run smoother or is it just an educated guess?

confirmed problem with button. lol! funny, i dont notice the problem at all with sf4, but mvc2 it is like real sensitive. i just mapped it to other buttons which i should have did, duh, and it seemed to work fine.

So can someone else not you/someone you know try that out again?

I’m pretty certain that I can detect when people have different sprite filters on via the slowdown. Try it yourself with/without. :smile:

Wow… I’ll have to experiment with some of these discoveries.

this looks very clean and it’s well organized with references. thank you for doing this, preppy. hopefully capcom can do their part now.

ok figured out some bugs today. zach listed my complaints but I just figured out why they’re happening.

the random slow down stuff has been a little bit figured out.

In offline mode, certain things cause slow down and you can test these for yourself. Go to vs mode 2 player and have both people pick msp. In the opener do nothing for a few seconds till the opener lag leaves. Then these things slow down the game.

**- The first SJ of the game slows the game down. Visible skip.

  • The first assist call slows the game down. Visible skip

  • The first s.fp with magneto\storm on hit slows the game down. Visible skip**

Now this is rather awkward. Say p1 does all these things first. When p2 goes to try these things to slow down the game, it simply won’t do it. The first player to do these things will always slow the game down and after these have been performed, they no longer make the game skip.

In general, the offline mode is not right. The frame rate is not accurate. I don’t know if the 360 version is dropping more frames than the DC or it can’t process the game well enough. What it really looks like is the ps2 version a little. If you play the ps2 version on say the clocktower stage, there’s some slight frame rate loss going on and thats exactly what it looks like to me. Its not as bad as the ps2 ice level but still visible frame rate loss present… You can visually tell the 360 version offline mode is off. Don’t know how they’re gonna fix this really, its pretty horrendous @ this point. Online could of been better and offline is a mess. =\

To anyone who’s played ps2 marvel extensively, play the game 360 version offline and watch how the game slows down like the ps2 version.


supers slow the game down to. Watch storm do her qcf+pp on hit, its not looking right


Updated with everything mentioned.

I went 10-0 tonight, in front of a bunch of people at my house party, and the leaderboards reflected that I went 7-3. (Started with 106 losses, ended with 109.) Every match was played to completion - no quitting issues. I may have lost a single character once.

I cannot beat the glitched leaderboards. You win. :rolleyes: