MvC2, The Gawd Game, turns 20 years old today

For as much shit as I give Capcom now over the utter shitfest that SFV is, there’s no denying that MvC2 is unfuckwithable.

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And ironically enough it’s because they stopped giving a shit and just threw anything together without caring is why we got Marvel 2.

I don’t know that Dark Prince Jr being a piece of shit was good for anything. The money matches are a story and a half but it wasn’t great times.

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We had plenty of great hype, rivalries and money matches without him being a complete fuckboy. Don’t let nostalgia glasses let you condone that type of shit.


stream of consciousness rambling thoughts

i went to university washington from 2001 to 2006 ish. i played marvel every single goddamn day that i could down at the HUB which was like the UW rec area. the manager was named fernando and he played guile storm commando and he played them like gods. locally famous PNW celebs like wenzel and nolan and mark santos played at the HUB. probably the most famous celeb out of PNW is rowtron and jmar. although those two didn’t attend UW at the time, guys like wenzel, nolan and mark played with rowtron and jmar regularly, so the skills trickled down. some of the guys at UW were disgustingly good.

i would always be happy to take a game off wenzel, and wenzel has occasionally taken a game or two off justin wong. so i’m one degree of separation from greatness :rofl: but seriously i never got good at the game, but i got pretty decent. but only while i was still in school

i only competed in one tournament, playing team scrub i believe it was run by preppy at a place called lanwerx back when they were trying to make lan gaming a thing. i scored one major upset against a guy named nasir who was much better than me. he played iron man. he caught me in the infinite a few times but the damage scaling kicked in so iirc he tried to go for a reset but i escaped. and barely got the win. then i lost to wenzel who was playing magneto sentinel tronbonne ewwwww and with one combo he basically killed my commando assist lol. next match i was playing some dude playing magneto storm sentinel iirc. he snapped my commando in, but i surprised him and managed to put a good hurt on magneto. i think he figured i only knew how to call commando as an assist. but like i said the manager at the hub played commando like a god, and to fuck around sometimes would start the match with him lol. so i learned how to play him. commando has a few tools that are safe vs magneto, provided you have the cover of sentinel drones. standing fierce, tiger kneeing captain fire, qcf lk ninja are all good. and if you can land it, jump in fierce, c lk, c lk, c fp, captain fire does a shit ton of damage. if youre even better you can combo in jump in fierce to his supers, but i wasn’t good enough at execution. either way i eventually lost the match but it was a lot of fun and i got apex points on srk and was proud.

fast forward after graduating i never touched marvel again. i went to evo with pablo the mex and airthrow. pablo the mex i used to destroy for free at marvel, but when i played him again he beat me with collosus WTF. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

so i had gotten way worse, and embarassingly when i played casually at evo i think everyone assumed that was my peak, and i was trying to explain to people “NONONO IM BAD BUT NOT THIS BAD” but nobody believed me lol. one particularly embarassing time, this guy did cyke QCF + 2k super against me (the narrower mega optic blast that you can aim). i blocked it. as cable, this is a free punish afterward into AHVB x 3. but i whiffed the AHVB x 3.

fast forward to now. pablo still occasionally does get togethers where we play marvel with local PNW celebs. but now I CAN NOT EVEN LINK TWO AHVB TOGETHER. I CANT EVEN DO THE BREAD AND BUTTER CABLE COMBO OF JUMP IN ROUNDHOUSE, CROUCHING LK, CROUCHING LK, STANDING ROUNDHOUSE X AHVB. i even fuck up cables simple guard break of jumping fierce, AHVB. but its ok. i still have fun. sometimes i money match (and lose badly) just for the adrenaline. i enjoy the shit talking


dark prince was an asshole.

fuck that guy

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BTW, i think MVC2 was what shoryuken was all about. When you thought about MVC2 communities, there was nothing more synonymous to it that the shoryuken forums.

Those where the days. In my area the arcades where just MVC2 and DDR.

There was an arcade attached to bowling alley that I frequented that was Bemani Central.

DDR, Guitar Mania (fuck guitar hero), beat mania, etc. That’s where almost all of the top players in the state would have gatherings and tournaments. It also had Taiko Drum Master, Crazy Taxi and some other awesome cabs.

It also had ¢25 MvC2 as compared to everyone else where you had to pay ¢50.

Oh, it also had like 6 Initial D Cabs.


This what I feel the youth today really needs. It was just different going out of the home and to the arcades, it felt like you were attending an actual sport gathering or something.

Just the whole atmosphere of two people playing, while a crowd was watching/studying/hyping around it is an experience that people today need again.



I played the crap out of Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3, and a lot of things i loved about the game. Ultimately i had more hate & frustration for it than anything. They took away the ability to roll away, so your character is just left snoozing after a knock-down. If you were good enough you could OTG combo non-stop, Aka: “Touch of death”. Basically kill whomever you want once you score the first hit, leading to endless OTGs.

PISSED. ME. OFF. Soooooo much SALT! So many matches where i was kicking butt and outdoing the other guy but, all it took was (1) hit…my character dead. Rinse and repeat.

I even remember a big-time money match between two pros. One guy had Zero and just destroyed the other guy. Other dude couldn’t do anything because the guy’s Zero just happened to score that 1st hit each time. Forget who those guys were. That match right there serves as the biggest example of how f’ed up that game could be. It’s almost like Rock, Paper, Scissors sometimes. Loser loses a character each round.

And don’t get me started on X-Factor. So many teams based around having Wesker or Phoenix LAST. Let’s say the other team took almost no damage. Your first two characters are DEAD but, an X-Factor lvl. 3 Wesker could clean house all by himself. Disgusting.

UMVC3 could be fun as hell but, WAAAAAAY more broken than MVC2 could ever be.

why is MvC2 at this year’s Evo?




20th anniversary of the title.

Also, Wiz was likely paid to by some company or sponsor since he fucking hates MvC2




Honestly never got good at the game but the stories and matches and shit talking kept me in it. I think i found SRK when i was looking for MVC2 Combo videos. Biggest regret was not getting the tips/tricks magazine with all the MVC2 breakdown tips for assits/character breakdowns and interviews.


I still have that issue in a box under my bed.

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Late nights get that lonely? :wink:


Hehe nothing makes me nut harder the AHVB bro!