how do u do his double jump combo? i cant get the timing rigth for the second jump to work, and would mag be a wise decision to add as a third teamate or storm?
king_ice: check out the iceman thread, and trust me there are other people here who talk in third person…
sorry, but i dont even bother with his double jump combos.
i think storm would be a better partner than magneto, but its up to you.
i also recommend that you start off with storm or put her second. that way if you start her off, you can build some meter for strider, land in a lightning attack combo and DHC into the ourbs or the ragnorak for some good damage.
if you start her second, you can just trap with strider till hes in trouble and then you can DHC storm in via legion as that shit is one frame. from there you can run away till the time is over.
just leave doom as a third.
for magneto, just start him first, RTSD to your hearts content, then tempest xx ourbs DHC.
Strider has three different ways (that I know of) for his double jump air combos, one of which is pointless and incredibly hard so I’m not even gonna mention it (unless you really really want to know).
One way is just magic series, then a lk, jump again and do another magic series and ending it however you want.
Then there’s the other way of doing lp, lk, mp, the slightest of pauses, mk, double jump and do a regular magic series.
It might take a few times to get it right but once you get it, it becomes easier than anything in the world.
yeah sure tell me the hard one, and thanks for telling me, is there by any chance a strider combo vid out there that exist? or is it just clockwork matches? i have the knowskill vid, but that only had one combo for strider
Yeah, on SRK’s media section, get the Devil X vs. Ducvader vid, Devil X does one of the dj air combos.
The one with the lk was in Meikyousisui vol. 7 vid at
And the hard one is you launch, lp, lk, pause, mp, mk, jump, magic series.
The timing I found to be as hard as hell, I’ve only been able to do it that way twice, ever. It’s pointless to learn, just do one of the others instead.
saw the combo that u were talking bout, but couldnt add u to my list, says ur name dun exist, and should i even bother with dj combos? do they do more damage as in adds alot more damage than normal ones? or just stick to normal ac combos?
His strongest air combo is lp, lk, mp, lp Excalibur (QCF + lp)
The double jumps are more for looks, but after say, you get them with the orbs in a 30 + combo, due to damage scaling, you’ll get more damage from a double jump than the one above. So it can pay to learn them.
is there any use for his teleporting kick? all i know is that u can otg after it, i shouldnt even bother using this move on cable should i? anyways sorry man dont have aim or icq
well, i wouldnt say this teleport kick is useless, but all i can say is dont bother with it, you are better off using some other moves.
about his double jump combos. i dont use it because it does around the same damage as his normal jump combos and its much harder to do. the only thing i can see that benefits is more meter, which strider off is better off just doing blocked chains and teleports.
Actually, unscaled I think jab strong fwd xx rocket up thing is the most powerful. At least I hope it is, cause that’s what I’ve been using all this time <_<;;
There are few occasions when i use the teleport kick. One is on a psylocke who DHC’s in using the psionic butterflies right when she releases them. It’s better to use a regular teleport though and come down since it’s a guaranteed combo.
well, i’ve been trying strider/doom for awhile and i’m still not good with them. my third person always changes…it’s either omega red/strider/doom or strider/cyke/doom (sometimes doom before cyke). any ideas on how to improve or nifty tricks you guys have up your sleeves?