what can Sentinel/Doom do against Strider/Cykes/Doom?? mainly i’m looking for holes in the Strider/Doom trap and what attacks are punishable (what better way to find out the weaknesses of the Strider/Cykes/Doom than from the Strider/Doom thread :wtf: )
i seem to be better with strider/cyke/doom. is this even a good order to put my team? i don’t use the strider/doom trap that much (like i said, i’m not good with them), so i use cyke’s assist just about as many tiems as i use doom’s rocks.
and i don’t think i have major weaknesses, i just need help all around. i’m not very good at teleporting, so when i do the trap, i do the split kick thing to go next to them (is this a bad move, or no?) and i don’t get how the bomb parachute stops cable users. also, is cyke at least ok against sent? i’ve tried using strider/sent/doom, but the lack of AAA feels weird. at least w/ omega red, i can have an AAA, even if it’s all funky.
After hittin cykes AAA, its pretty much a free bird xx ourbs. teleporting and droppin cyke works wonders. beats almost all of your opponents assists, so therefore, setting you up with another trap repetition.
teleport, call assist, double jump to the wall, wall jump, double jump again. tight runaway tactic
teleport, call assist besides Doom (cant afford to get him hurt too bad) and double jump over to bait your opponents say AHVB. double jump over him and punish them. be wary of DHCs tho.
Strider/Cyke/Doom is a better order than Strider/Doom/Cyke for 2 reasons. If Strider dies, Doom wont be forced in the match with whatever life you have left for him. IMO, Cyke is a better point character than Doom, especially some matches like Storm or Sentinel. I also think that Cyke/Doom is a better duo than Doom/Cyke.
You gotta know how to do his punch teleports. It is <b>crucial</b> since this is his most important move. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and PRACTICE until you can pull it off like 90% of the time.
Cykes AAA is your best option against Sentinel, since it fucks up his flight game pretty badly when used with the tools Strider has.
Strider/Sentinel/Doom has more power than Strider/Cyke/Doom, but it has some major problems with Sentinel/AAA teams, at least to me. A single damn bird xx ourbs does not stop his stompdown and certainly aint worth trading the damage to get the ourbs out. This team also has some trouble with typhoon xx hail storms. with strider/cyke, you can teleport, call cyke and hit her out of it.
But still, I perfer the power of Sentinel and Strider/Sent is just better against rushdown.
There are no weaknesses in Strider/Doom, unless there’s a flaw in the player’s execution. This usually happens when he tries to teleport and does a wall climb instead (expect this towards the end of his Ouros, or when he has fallen a distance from you), or when Doom doesn’t come out for some reason (happens to the best of us, and usually occurs towards the end of Ouros, when he’s supposed to cover Strider while the bots get off the screen). There really aren’t any holes, and Sentinel/Doom is definitely not a duo that is built to escape ANY trap. You might want to throw Cyclops in there, as he is always your best hope for breaking Strider/Doom.
Then why am I constantly practicing sj.LK, sj.LK, sj.HP, sj.HK???
with cyke, the most damaging AC i’ve seen is launch & assist, sj. fp, fp excalibur. it does like 5 or so more points. but, it’s kind of risky and you may or may not hit your opponent to the max. but, it’s pretty flashy (in my opinion). so, yeah. i just end an AC with sj. fp so there’s flying screen and cross up when the opponent gets up.
One extra bonus with Strider/Cyke/Doom is that it’s the best against other S/D teams, especially Sentinel/Strider/Doom… that matchup is bad for Sentinel no matter what way you work it. Doom with Cyke assist beats Sentinel + Doom assist pretty handily, Strider + Cyke assist rocks Sentinel’s world. Even Cyke + Doom assist is quite winnable against Sentinel + Doom assist.
If it comes down to Strider vs Strider, the Strider with Cyke assist not only has an AAA to keep the opponent’s traps honest, but also has the option of AC into SOB for a nice chunk of damage against Strider. I believe that Cyke is the best AAA to pick against a Strider/Doom team (if you pick other high-invincibility AAAs like Ken or Jin you leave yourself wide open to other tactics).
I dont think sent has any fast fly combos with doom, well actually i have done them, but it was all random rocks hitting, and didn’t do any damage
u can still do the fly combo, but just fly forward and stomp more for chip damage. Ive been trying to do a fast fly combo with strider beta assist, but still cant find a method. go to top-players.com
What about Strider/Storm/Doom? I think I may pick up MvC2 again after not playing for a long long long time and I want to do Strider/Doom…
So far the best third party assists are Cyclops and Sentinel, correct? I was thinking Storm only because I don’t know anything about Sentinel and I don’t want to learn him from scratch, plus Storm doesn’t really have any really really bad matchups if it comes down to her alone…
Heh, that used to be an old tourney team of mine when I was a scrub back then and didn’t know how to use Storm properly . Once my Strider died, my whole team dies, cuz my Storm was shit. But that was like a year ago…
Anyway, Strider/Storm/Doom has its ups and downs; if you’re decent with Strider/Doom, chances are, you can possibly take out at least a character and a half before Strider dies. AS LONG AS you’re not playing a direct anti-Strider/Doom team (something along the likes of Felicia/Storm/Ken, but then, who uses Felicia and Ken nowadays?), you can do alright if your Strider is decent (BIG difference between dececnt and Perfect). And once Strider dies, Storm/Doom is a pretty good team for clean-up via runaway, or rushdown with Doom, etc if Strider has done his job.
Problem with this team is, if your opponent gets an early lead, good luck trying to regain the lead, cuz it’s gonna be hard to do some damage if Storm’s dead or Doom’s gone.
storm used to be my extra character when i was using stridoom back in the day… she’s really helpful in clearing out the ground for strider, and she’s great on point (massive chippage with doom and a great rushdown character), but stridoom/storm suffers from really low stamina… personally i think sent’s better on this team
for example, when u start either storm or strider first, then DHC the other character in when his/her health is low, it’s always gonna b a risk calling that character in as an assist cuz of the massive assist-killing potential of any of the top tier characters (you shouldn’t be calling strider out as an assist newayz, but that’s beside the point)… with sentinel tho, you have a HUGE stamina advantage and can call him out for the most part without having to worry him getting killed
i’ve just started to play like a pro so i’m just starting now to learn all the coolest things about MvC2. Strider/Doom is my best team, with Sentinel or Blackheart…or so my friend says, who is a Guile scrub. but i also really like Magneto/Storm/Psylocke…and i do really good with that team too…but i think it’s just because Strider/Doom is sooo annoying it’s harder on my friend.
but on to the point, i don’t know if i’m not pulling off the trap well enough or not…but i always get hit by my friend’s Cammy AAA. at first i always would get hit by it even with the orbs and it was so very annoying. now i just go in and block by prediction and chip him after Cammy is flying through the air (or dash back and give her a beating while throwing circles out so he blocks)
so am i doing anything wrong? Cammy AAA always finds a way to hit me, now i’m scared to go in doing ground chains and freely as i used to.
and by the way, this is how i do my trap…jump in, ground chain blah blah doom, teleport behind, chain, dogxxouro, chain chain chain, run out, doom, teleport behind and repeat as much as a can until i’m outta metre and then i try to plain strider like a weak magneto.
Try getting him to block an animal and then toss some rings at him. Once he starts blocking the rings, teleport into him and trap away. If cammy is coming out while you’re trapping or hitting you in between rounds of the trap, you’re probably leaving a big hole somewhere.
yeah i had same prob too, tried using s/d, and mag, against a cab/psy/??? i forgot his last person, first time in the arcade… and man do i have trouble using j sticks, anyways i trapped his cable, but when i did, his psy would pop out and aa my strider’s lowlife ass… i think i was using… call doom and do super , teleport(if i could get the motion with the joysticks that is), lp,lp like theres no tomorrow, send dog, then call doom again… funny cuz there was a few times where my tel. would end out coming as a wall cling…lol, was there a specific time when he would call out his assist? if there is, just block her, that if of course if doom’s rocks are still out getting his main char. if not, then take her ass when she lands… or just keep harassing his main char., i’m prob wrong with my advice since i havent gotten to playing in the arcades much but whatever
its all about baiting the assist out then double jumping out of the way and calling your assist. (Dooms AAA, Sent ground, Cyke AAA, whatever other assist you have)
i have 2 teams. rushdown with the infamous magneto, storm, psylocke, and my other good team with the strider/doom.
i find that when i play with mag/storm/psy i seem to turtle a bit and wait for mistakes made and use speed (mag’s dash) to go in for a easy combo for good damage. reason why i’m not all crazy with magneto is my arcade buttons are all screwed up and i always seem to throw that stupid wave thing instead of triangle dashing. seems to work for me.
BUT…with strider/doom, all i think of is getting into my opponent’s face and constantly trying to trap him. very annoying for him, problem is when i screw up strider can’t take shit for damage. aren’t ninja’s supposed to have some kinda secret technique that allows them to automatically evade all attacks???
so question is…what mentality does best with strider/doom? turtle then retaliate seems too idle for this team, but going all out can mean death with the slightest mistake. or does this team really live up to its saying that it is only good when executed perfectly? and we all now that’s impossible…