Yo , any1 know any guardbreak on strider huh??
throw an eagle when a characters comming out after one dies .
nevermind, question answered.
but uh…anyone know any resets?
oh well i only know 1 , call Doom assist teleport other side throw then the Doom rock hits.
oh before i 4get thanks 4 the guard break tips
theres a bunch…that i always forget to do in actual matches =P
Most have to do with launch xx teleport stuff…just mess around with that stuff. There’s also air combo resets…the only one i really know is launch, (hold forward), sj.lk, sj.mp, sj.mk, (strider will cross them up), double jump, dj.lk, dj.mk, xcaliber thingy (sword-to-the-sky move)
no problem.
damn…yesterday i was at the arcades and i was fighting some spiral player ,…he was the only one i was doin very bad against cuz everytime i activate ouroboros he kept on teleporting with spiral and wastes my whole shi’t :mad: and i end up wasting all my specials and dying… can anyone help me on this ?
nah you’re pretty much screwed…the only thing i can suggest is predicting where spiral will reappear…but if they get unpredictable it’s very hard to catch spiral. so bring in omega red and coil her swords up her ass
alrite thanks:D
I think if you activate the super, toss a few full screen orbs with Doom, let the rocks hit and teleport, it should cause enough blockstun to keep her from teleporting. Either way, you’ve got full screen orbs so wherever she teleports, you can react while she’s recovering (you can wavedash to her before she can teleport again, especially if you have rocks covering your rear) and if she blocks it’s free lockdown.
If Spiral starts teleporting during orbs, jump backwards and throw rings. You can put stuff in all the possible places she can appear.
If she goes bottom or top front, rings should hit her. If she goes bottom back, she should appear on top of you (free combo). If she goes top back or top, double jump.
much better explanation than me.
although I am glad that I got the concept of the strat down, since I only play against a training dummy with a busted ass left arm.
rereading my post, i could have said that about fifty times more clear than I did. oh well. i don’t play this game anyway
thanks guys
hmmmm rings are pretty effective vs spiral. the devilx vs duc vid on SRK.com has a pretty good demonstration of it’s usefulness (albeit woulda been a lot more useful had spiral was on the ground instead of the air when strider started orbs)…still wastes at least half of the orbs time which sucks…ah well spiral is weak muahahhaa
speaking of weak, this vid also shows a good example of what happens when you do a slash instead of calling the bird bomb vs cable …
Wow now that was a good 20 pages I just read ^^
some of it was kind of repetitive I suppose but still it was just a good reminder ^^
I guess I will post what I posted on gamefaqs on here also
Alright, I’ll be serious for once on this forum because I really want to do good in this next tournament I’m going to.
I’ve been reading up on S/D trap for the past few days on Shoryuken Forums while mentally training every now and then. Of course I am practicing my execution on the controller & arcade stick. But most of the S/D stuff I read after the first few pages is not helping me much. It is just a repeat of the same thing over and over again. I think I’ve read up to page 17 so far but it’s getting really close to the tournament date. Such questions as what’s a good third character for S/D, how is the trap really executed? (by the way, which is the same repeat with the Orbs, Doom, Bomb, Tiger, Bird, Teleport, Etc.), How does S/D beat top tier? Why does no one play S/D? Why is there no perfect S/D player? Anything Flashy with S/D? etc. Questions that don’t help much really. Though I have read some pretty good stuff on Shoryuken, it’s just not answering all my questions
My questions are…
- What’s Strider’s farthest reach- a light punch or a light kick? crouch or stand?
- Is there any lag coming out of Strider’s Teleport?
- While Strider is in the Orbs, is it better to call out Doom early on certain characters or is it better to call him after the Orbs finish so you can start the Orbs again?
- Lets say you called out Doom in the beginning of Strider’s Orbs, what would that leave you with against such characters as Magneto, Storm, Sentinel, etc.?
- How about playing against players that are really good with pushblock? Like the pushblock at the beginning of your magic series (lp for example) or pushblock after you teleport
- Could you use the bomb within the Orbs about to leave as a good source to still trap your opponent?
- Whats more important while in the Orbs? Gaining the bar to trap again or trapping them?
- Lets say you are Strider and you do lp, (lp or lk)xxdoom assist, teleport on other side
In that situation, is it better to hit them with something when you come down? or is it better to hit them when you hit the ground? or maybe it is better if you just hit the ground and start up the Orbs? - Which has better block stun? Tiger or Bird or Bomb?
- Is it better to keep them close or farther away? for example: Strider has the Orbs out and is next to the opponent, this is going to refer to my question 6), and Strider does s. lp, s. hp, s. hk to gain meter. Is it better for Strider to then teleport after I suppose? but the opponent could get out of block stun also maybe and then call his/her assist? well I’m not really sure what to do anyways
Just a few questions I suppose.
Thanks in advance
yeah… this tournament im going 2 is Soo’s weekly so lol ^^…
i really want to mess him up so far i’ve done fairly well for someone who’s just begun to use the trap well
i’m no pro with S/D but i’ll try to answer your questions cuz i got a lotta time on my hands right now =)
strider/doom beats any team the same way whether top-tier or not. trap their asses down and chip like mad.
it’s probably just a matter of preference for not choosing S/D. ppl generally probably like to play rushdown teams, and others may feel obligated to have cable in just so they can AHVB too, etc. another thing is, if you’re playing S/D, 2 characters are taken already, and usually the 3rd character will be sent (i prefer storm or BH). so you basically have no customization, which is a turn off for many people i think.
there’s no perfect strider because it’s too difficult to play perfect. it’s impossible with strider/doom cuz the slightest mistake will mean death. probably another reason ppl don’t choose this team. the stakes are high! when i play this team, i either own really bad…or GET owned really bad. also VCs are a bitch! they are hard to predict, and if they do it when you don’t have orbs, or not in between you and doom…usually = near dead strider…just think of a gene splice into super optic blast!
and i don’t think there’s really anything ‘flashy’ with S/D…it’s all trapping. it’s a team designed to win, not to get ooos and ooohhhhs from the audience after a 50 hit magnus combo in an unmashable xx hail
now to answer the questions
- i don’t think it really matters cuz you’ll never be using lp or lk unless with orbs on, or in combos…nonetheless i’m pretty sure a crouching lk has the farthest weak attack range
- yes there’s lag, but it’s not very noticeable so cable can’t AHVB you on reaction…but unlike spiral you can’t teleport to avoid the AHVB on reaction
- if you call doom at the beginning, there will be a hole in your trap for a AAA to hit you. if you call it at the end, and then teleport, it makes it much harder to escape/call AAA because the character is now surrounded from both sides
- again…calling doom right after orbs isn’t recommended because they can escape easier. either way, against any character if you don’t get them trapped within 1/4 of orbs time, you’ve wasted a meter
- against pushblock happy opponents you need to learn how to teleport on reaction to get back into their face. remember they can’t pushblock if they are in between you and doom
- never tried it myself but it could work if timed properly
- have you tried building meter with strider without hitting them??? yeah…so it’s mandatory you trap them cuz that’s the only way you’ll regain meter.
- i can’t think of a reason why not to come down with an attack, into ground attacks. try to time it so when the rocks (after circling) fly out that’s when you start orbs, so right after they are blocking the flying rocks orbs is in their face now.
9 use whichever for the situation. the bird is useless if they are grounded, and vice versa the tiger is useless if they are in the air. both if blocked should give you enough time to (with the help of rings if needed) to get them into the trap - if orbs is on don’t let them outta your sight! if orbs is off, you still wanna me close, but with extreme caution. if you get too far away it will take some effort to start orbs safely again.
hope that helped.
Here’s how I use Strider/Doom
I use a team of Strider/Doom/Ken, because it has many benefits. I don’t know if this has been said before on this thread, but I’ll go ahead and say it anyways.
-Ken’s AAA is invincible and cleans up all the clutter underneath Strider when he reappears from a teleport giving Strider a chance to activate Ouroborous. I like to teleport, call Ken, jump to the other side, blocked magic series xx Ouroborous. (of course, the counter this strategy is to wait for Strider to appear and jump away from him to dodge the Ken assist, in that case you should call a cat to protect Ken…or double jump torwards them as they try to dodge, and then call Ken when you are close to them)
-Ken’s AAA is good against rushdown, even if they just BLOCK Ken, you can activate Ouroborous.
-You can make the 1st move in a match almost all the time (normal jump forward + light kick + Ken’s assist), and when you get to the other side, activate Ouroborous.
-Ken’s assist hits 3 times if blocked, that’s more than enough time for you to activate Ouroborous.
-Ken’s assist is okay against a flying Sentinel. Even if Sentinel DODGES it, you can activate Ouroborous!
-If Strider dies, Doom/Ken is not that great. So make sure Strider doesn’t get hit by anything. In fact, in a timed match, if you are skilled enough to kill one character on their team and your strider is still alive…it’s best to runaway the rest of the match, and have Ken protect you, and call a cat to protect Ken when he comes down and taunts. Until you get enough meter for Ouroborous of course. :evil:
-It’s either you beat the shit out of your opponent or vice-versa, it’s almost never in between, unless you got a good Dr. Doom.
-Ken ain’t top tier :bluu:
How I fight MSP:
-Start off the match with that guaranteed first move mentioned above. Then, Ouroborous from the other side…get some free block damage. You probably won’t have enough meter to repeat, but, that’s okay. Jump back, call Doom, and throw the animals (cats AND birds) at Magneto, keep doing that until he tries to superjump at you or something…and Ouroborous (you should have meter by now!)! Occasionaly, teleport to the other side of him and call Ken->blocked magic series-> Ouroborous. Basically, that’s all you gotta’ do against magneto.
-Vs. Storm; she’ll probably runaway a lot and throw out whirlwhinds and typhoons xx Hailstorm. So, if she runs and just tries to build meter by punching the air up there. Strider should build meter by throwing animals. When she lands, she’ll most likely rushdown a little bit…remember if she rushes in from the air Strider does jumping fierce + Doom, for free block damage and a chance to Ouroborous. From the ground, Strider does jumping roundhouse + Doom. She’ll then typhoon xx Hailstorm in hopes that Strider will throw out cats. Try not to throw out too many cats, but mostly birds so that the bird will hit her in her Hailstorm animation. Throw them fast! If she gets hit by a bird, teleport to the other side while she’s on the ground, call Ken to make her block something, and Ouroborous that shit! Try not to teleport unless you know for sure she can’t do nothing about it (she’s either blocking something or is on the ground or is in no way able to perform hailstorm at the moment) , cuz you might get hit by hailstorm chunks.
-Dealing w/ Psylocke’s AAA-Assuming your skilled enough to keep the point character in blockstun you really shouldn’t worry about that assist. Even if you do get hit by it during the trap, if Doom is on the other side they can’t punish you for it. But, if your not that great with the trap, don’t even bother for locking down. Just get the free block damage (by calling doom when your close to them, teleporting to the other side and throwing rings to maximize the block damage…don’t bother with a blocked magic series if you fear you’ll get hit by psylocke…usually in a blocked magic series, you’ll get hit by psylocke at the last part of it, FYI) , and then play keep away and wait for the next free Ouroborous oppurtunity, which should easily come since you’ve got the Ken assist to make them block something. That’s it, you should usually kill that team under most cases.
I was just playing the computer just now
it was funny because in the beginning of the match i tried lp, lp, doom and usually the computer stays there but this time the computer sj out of it… then i tried lp, lk, doom and i realized that dooms rocks hit so it included to the block stun stuff ^^
i dunno… just repeating some stuff others said… hmm… i’ll come back with more questions
edit:: i came back with more questions lol less than 2 minutes lol ^^
anyways is it sometimes good to ground teleport you know teleport with lk and hk when having doom out?
like lets say you do s. lp, s. lkxxdoom, teleport overhead, come down with hp, start orbs, chip chip chip chip, when its about to finish the opponent is like at the edge of the screen, lp, lkxx doom one more time but this time you teleport on the other side of the screen but on the ground
uh would that be ok? lol hmmm I see like you’re letting your opponent having some options to assist back or something but im just wondering
because I also use Strider/Doom/Sentinel and-d i could always just jump back I suppose and assist sentinel with j. hp against MSP or something like that
I’m just asking if this is a good tactic against MSP lol cuz MSP consists of close range to do good damage right? ^^;;
edit2:: 20 minutes later just wondering which way do the orbs leave the screen?? lol ^^;; one more day till I face Soo LoL ^^… so -.-;; I was just wondering… because I thought when the orbs leave, you can call up some more Orbs right? hmmm ^^;; i’ll come back with more questions
Here’s how I use Strider/Doom
yeah ken is the shit! sometimes i like to start ken off against not so good players…reason being…his shoryureppa is invincible and instant frame start up. it’s so fast, that you can do it AFTER someone else does a super and hit them! example, cable does a ground HVB, and you’re fairly close, do the shorureppa right after and you will hit them. also a cool trick, is after a blocked ground HVB, and you’re full screen away, ken is fast enough with the shoryureppa to hit cable before he recovers! anyways, the point is, DHC into strider for guranteed orbs to connect!
vs storm…just put in BH or commando it’s a lot less troublesome!
now to add on to the previous post
vs psylocke. the only time the AAA can come out is when your orbs is OFF, or they are NOT in between you and doom. any other time there is a good chance psylocke will hit, which then after you might as well put more coins in. a lot of newbie S/D players make the mistake is staying in their face after orbs…BIG MISTAKE. either call doom and teleport, or jump away. but don’t keep chaining after orbs because there is a split second after orbs that they can call an assist…and that’s enough for a 100% combo.
i’ve always done the teleport with punches because i have the option of coming down with a slash, and if they are ducking i will hit them for a free combo.
however, there is a slight lag after the teleport, so never try the kick teleports with orbs off. if you get too predictable…someone like magnus can wait for you to appear, then lk, launch and you’ll be screwed.
there is a slight lag in the punch teleports too, and i’ve seen people jump up and time it so they throw strider…but chances are they will probably be eating your sword not the other way around.
Just wondering… if you were full screen with Strider Orbs could you keep pushing the jab button and the rings that come out… would the rings keep the opponent in block stun? I’ve also noticed that sometimes I hit the jab button where the rings are like… above and under Strider. Does that even help any?
anyways if Strider’s Rings were to keep the opponent in block stun? wouldn’t you be able to throw a bomb? because I’ve also notice while throwing the Bomb with Orbs on, you can still throw some rings if you keep pressing Jab or Fierce