don’t know if ppls still read this thread but i was thinking of using mag/strider/doom…what do you think of that team?
with all the threats strider has IM should be the least of your problems, in fact hes actually one of the easier matches for IM or sentinel that youll have (easier, not easy) first off, IM has no instant supers, this means strider can warp, start orbs or do whatever he wants at will without any threat of retaliation from IM. all you have to look out for really is his standing RH when you jump or warp in since it has insane priority but when you warp in you can let doom do the work for you anyways. really, this is a tough match for ironman because smart bombs mean nothing to strider he can warp right past them with ease. with sentinel, like i said, zoning out with constant mouth lazers and jumping fierces, wavedashing or flying under smart bombs, and knowing when not to fly so you dont get caught in the infinite , again, one of the more basic match ups for team clock :evil:
against sentinel , still i work in progress for me :lol: that bastard evolves so much, its hard to make strategies to catch up. youll probably need antiair here.
and yah ,strider dies fast :lol: when i was learning him i kinda went slow against weaker comp then gradually moved up to strong comp . i dunno, either way youre going to take a shit load of beatings for about 3-4 months or so
ok i see . so i will try to work those strategies out the next time i go there.
(P.S. i do get a shitload of beatings…lol)
i’m gettin better with that team and it seems coo. mag/doom is dope…and can work pretty well against sent/capcom, and strider/doom is…well strider/doom…dope
problem with this is you’ll be left with a much weaker strider because you won’t have drones or the that thing BH does.
the tradeoff however is a very good battery which has potential to do a lot of damage before strider gets in.
storm is probably a better candidate if you want a rush down for the 3rd character, and her assist clears a path for strider. you should use strider/storm/doom…and use the dog super xx hail to punish mistakes
ok…now this is sort of confuseing. im really not sure when to put strider in first or sent in first. can anyone help me on which characters i put sent against first and which characters i put strider in against first. if anyone can help me i’d really apreciate it
thanks guys.
does anyone have videos where the strider/doom trap is used in actual competition?
try checking the vids on this site , i think theirs one .
Any other sites besides this? I have all the vids from this site already.
ok…now this is sort of confuseing. im really not sure when to put strider in first or sent in first. can anyone help me on which characters i put sent against first and which characters i put strider in against first. if anyone can help me i’d really apreciate it
thanks guys.
I am not sure but i pick Strider first. Anyway, it does not even matter here in the philippines because the chances of fighting someone really skilled are low.
uhhh, depending on how good ur sentinel is maybe u should start strider vs cable. hmmmm, thats the only 1st or second tier character i can think of that you wouldnt want to start sentinel against.
ok thanks .
I know probably the most solid version of S/D is probably Strider variety/Sent Drones/Doom AA right?
RIght now, Sentinel is far to complicated for me to understand because I just screw with MvC2, I don’t quite understand the engine enough yet so I won’t even try to pick up someone as complicated as Sent. Right now I’m screwing with Strider variety/Cammy AA/Doom AA. Bad?
sounds interesting i was also kinda wondering about cammy’s AAA or kens i would like to know if this works since i’ve seen valle use strider/doom/ken before . does anyone have a reply ?
You dont want to play Sent because of complication but you’re willing to play Strider Doom?
Well I know how to play Strider from MvC1, and I know how the trap is supposed to executed, so with work on Doom and the trap together, I can get Strider/Doom faster than trying to learn Strider/Doom and then trying to teach myself everything about Sentinel from zero.
I would be willing to say Sent by himself is just as complicated, learning from scratch, as Strider/Doom is.
Not really. It’s probably the best overall team that has Strider as a component, but that’s really only because it’s Strider/Doom, but you also get to have Sentinel take over for a while. To make an analogy, it’s like saying the best Doom team is Mag/Cable/Doom.
I personally feel that the best Strider/Doom variant (strictly from the perspective of those two characters) is Strider/Doom/Cyclops, or Strider/Doom/Commando. The only reason people play Sentinel/Strider/Doom is because their Strider isn’t good enough to finish the job (but then again, whose Strider is?)
Nice Avatar u Gotta hook me up with that or anyothers ya got.PM me man As soon as possible.