step 1:
get them into blocking…how? orbs. how? however it needs to be done. this could be calling an assist while you call orbs, or bird xx orbs, or whatever…just get them to into block orbs.
step 2:
orbs are almost over. call doom. teleport to the other side. attack with chains to push them into doom for maximum damage.
step 3:
try to continue the trap by continuing to chain xx bird/dog xx orbs…OR back off and wait for another opportunity for step 1.
if during step 1 they pushblock, immediately teleport back to them and come down with a slash. don’t let them off.
you can use the rings to keep them blocking until you teleport over them and come down with a slash.
also if you wanna be really lazy, more most people you can just call orbs just before they come down from a super jump and they will land into your orbs and have to block. (don’t do it against sent cuz he’ll just stomp you and not give a shit…not storm cuz she can lightning attack away)
but most importantly…DON’T WASTE METERS. you don’t have much, so if you ever call orbs at the wrong time and they escape it by super jumping or pushblocking you away and you can’t teleport fast enough back…you’ve just put yourself back a lot.
also be careful of getting too predictable against peepz like cyke or psylocke as assists…VC xx super = dead strider
If u do teleport when trapping (some do, some don’t i guess) u should block when ur coming outof the telelport because there are holes in which they can call a AAA and hit u or doom and escape. So block and wait for assist, then chain xx dogs xx orbs.
Same with the rings…if they pushblock don’t telleport immediately but choose to lock them down a few rigns before teleporting u should block on ur way down from the tellport because there are holes and they can calla for a AAA in this situation too.
I would actually like to see a vid of someone who does the trap by telelporting to other side after calling doom…cuz the few short months i tried it i could never get it to work good…luckily Clockw0rk gave me a tip to improve my trap’s lockdown ability.
being strider/doom itself already scares a lot of rushdown teams. being effective with strider/doom will destroy most rushdown teams.
also to note, if you screw up just a little against a good rushdown team, than you can kiss the game good bye cuz strider will be dead in a blink of an eye.
also question of my own, i noticed that when strider teleports he is still facing the opposite way, and then quickly turns around to the opponent. calling doom will put him behind the opponent. this is different from conventional strider doom because this time you teleport first, and than call doom the frame that strider appears. i tried it a couple times and it only works some times…does anyone has any input on this?
also, here at there is that advanced mvc2 video, it has them pushblocking normal attacks during a combo and then throwing opponents, do you think this would be possible pushblocking a strider with orbs on, and then throwing him (as we all know throwing makes a character invincible)
i use strider/sentinel/doom …now what basically wanna know is how this team works in what order can i use it , how i can use it effectively , and what magic this team can work if there is any …so if anyone could help i’d appreciate it
by the way thanks for al th help u guys gave me so far
2 orders will work good with this, and that is with strider first, or sent first and doom last.
having sent first is probably better, cuz sent is a very good character that can get the match goin and building meter, when strider comes in he can mop up the rest.
having strider first is alright too, but you have to build the meter to get orbs going, and usually because you’re trying to build meter really bad you end up doing more mistakes, which is a big no no for strider doom.
when i play this team, i usually call sent most of the time, and when orbs starts and it’s over than i call doom to trap them, but other than that i use sent most of the time.
you should also consider using BH as the 3rd character, one of the better batteries in the game, and a very damaging super if you connect it (too bad everyone knows to mash the hk demons nowadays)
BH and doom also have very good traps when either is point and the other is assist
ok…today i was at the china town fair.i also lost 2 every match i fought. but even though i lost i still did pretty good except when ppl pick that BULLSHIT psylocke aaa… i dont know how 2 get around it , i really need help fighting ppl with that idiotic assist… and another thing , sometimes i end up losing a match cuz i get hit in the begining of the match , can anyone help me on what is the best 4 getting first hit ?..these 2 things really bug me when im playing down there , so if anyone can help i’d REALLY apreciate it.
good starters with strider are jumping forward with lk, or crouching lp. i use the jumping lk for taller characters, and crouching lp (which has some good priority) for smaller characters. or if i wanna play safe i just jump back blocking and that usually prevents any attacks.
psyclocke, cyke, ken, cammy are all bitches because of their AAA, all i can say is to predict them, if your opponent knows where there are holes in your SD trap, you could purposely stop at that point to bait the assist out, then dog xx orbs (sometimes the dog will bounce the assist into orbs which is sweet, and usually i say screw the trap and call doom when the assist is caught, then they take some major damage from the orbs and doom).
lol i’ll try 2 be patient …but thanks alot u really help now i just gotta go to the local arcade and show them not 2 laugh at a strider/doom team no more :evil: …idunno y they laugh at that team and thnk its so wack…well thanks alot 4 ur help i really apreciate it
really its going to take so much time to get good with that team. im just starting to get a rhythm again with strider after i stopped playing marvel for about 6 months to focus on soul calibur2. its really about experiance and what to do in certain situations. the thing about alot of these AA’s, its very damn predictable on when its going to be called. which psylocke duel are you having the most trouble against ? mag/psy, cable/psy or storm psY? to me cable/psy is a huge hazard since it will pretty much guaratee your death if you get hit cleanly. magneto or storm/psy can be pestered by sentinel drones which keep strider pretty safe from follow up combos. the one reason i hate starting strider is first move death syndrome. i dont really use sentinel as a battery either since to be quite honest. he isnt much of a battery and doesnt build much meter. i just try to get two bars and get strider the fuck IN the fight safely. but if im causing some damage with sENT i’ll stick with him :evil: btw, you dont need to build orbs against magneto, storm or really sent im starting to believe. meter is most important vs cable. so save that shyt for his ass :evil:
thanks alot … these ppl are all annoying with any team that got psylocke in it . i was fighting some kid the other day with magneto/ironman/psylocke and his stupid ass just kept infiniting my characters the whole match .
i got mad pissed , and i couldnt do shi’t once i got caught by that bitch ass assist .
and when i start a match and he gets first hit…my strider ends up dead within like 5 sec. i tried startng with sent but when i stomp i get hit by that assist. even if i get first hit with strider i end up getting hit by the assist somewhere.
another thing is that when i fight a rushdown i always jump back blocking while calling sent when i got no meter but they end up too close and keep knocking him out and attacking my strider.
i also got some problems with team team SCRUB sent capcom really gets me pissed ths assist keeps me out and cable capcom too i cant get near cable with that . can u help me with these topics as well…?
by the way thanks for all the help 2 everyone helping me out i REALLY apreciate it…THANKS GUYS
the more you play, the more you can predict those bastard assists. usually there are only 2 places where there is a hole in your trap. one is when your orbs is about to end and you call doom, if you call doom too late there is like a really small window they can call the assist…which is enough for one dead strider. the other spot common is after you called doom, and teleported and you’re attackin them pushing them into doom, once doom stops the attack there is a slight window there too…so just watch out for that.
and against rush down…PUSHBLOCK!!! it will give you a lotta needed breathing room. only pushblock on the ground tho…if they are good they will guard break your ass in the air if you pushblock in the air. usually it’s good to do dog xx orbs right after you pushblock because you just messed up there timing.
have u considered usin blackheart? you should give him a try…fairly easy character to play effectively, and builds meter very fast.
call doom, sj back hk xx pp xx hk and you have 2 very fast demons comon out, which builds meter, and doom does a little chip for u. if you sense that they will jump up at you, use fp after the dash. before u know it you’ll have 4 meters ready for strider to burn. u lose that very useful drone assist, but u have a great weapon for taking characters down from the air.
well really up to you, if you’re good with sent, stick with sent, but if you’re only mediocre with him i’d sub in BH instead.
hmmmmm…i see that pushblock is what i need . and i’ll try blackheart but i’d rather stick to sentinel because at my local arcade my sentinel owns .and thanks for the tips on the trap holes , i’ll be very carefull on those holes and and little windows for those bullshit assists.
with sentinel against ironman/psylocke you should NEVER be above trying to stomp iron man unless you have him locked down by rocks. being above ironman you risk being caught by a jump jab into infinite or psylocke into infinite, not worth the risk. pester iron man with mouth lazers and keep him away. avoid smart bombs with your superior speed, pan him out of the air when you can and chip him with doom when you can. however, dont assault him with stomps like hes cable. hes very capable of killing you if youre directly above his head. make ironman come to you by repeated mouth lazers.
against rushdown with strider. mix up your assists. call doom as well he can greatly stall someone. a good strat vs magneto is to call sentinel drones and throw a dogs and birds to keep him out. if they super jump and airdash at you over your attacks/drones use jump fierce which will beat magneto in air combat. also remember your normals are just as fast as magnetos,namely jump and down jabs. so dont be afraid to mix it up with him when you have no other choices. this is really a random match up that can go either way quickly.
against team scrub-
really this team is a BITCH to play against . one thing you want is to always have strider vs their cable. now that thats out of the way, sent/doom vs sent/commando is a bitch to play. you have to be very patient since sent/commando has the upper hand in air warfair. however, sent/doom should be able to hold its own until strider comes in. usually when i fight this match, it goes alittle something like this.
sent /comm vs sent doom. sent /comm takes an upperhand, i dhc strider in, strider threatens to kill sent comm. sent com tries to counter in cable or randomly tag in. and then it goes anywhere from there. so there are several keys in this match up for me. your sent/doom must be able to damage sent/comm a bit, its too much work for strider to kill sentinel then cable all by himself. your strider must be great at hunting the mighty sentinel beast. fighting sentinel with strider is a BITCH but im figuring out more ways around sentinels gayness. warping is EXTREMELY dangerous against sentinel because of the low mouth lazer. if sentinel ever hits strider with the low mouth lazer he can immediately hSF XX dhc to cable, then to commando and kill your ass. what i do is anticipate when the low mouth lazer is coming and jump over it and pressure sentinel to make him uncomfortable by any means possible, running with drones, getting close and callin doom, knocking him out of the air if he flies at me, avoiding his AA anything to start the trap. from a distance you can throw your drones and do B,f+lk XX into orbs and start trappin. the short bomb will make sure sentinel cant come in and fuck you up. usually after this theyll fly away while you have orbs. double jump back mashing rings to bring his fat ass down and warp on him and chip. one thing i strongly suggest is move your ass and be aggressive against sent. across the screen youre a dead man, hustle your ass off and get inside! next you take on cable which is an even bigger challenge. im sure most strider know what to do against cable but its mainly coming down to your execution and not fucking up at all since hes the best character at punish poor striders mistakes. one note, if you ever hit cable with doom up close and he pops into the air, make sure he is LOCKED down. jump after him with jabs or get out of the way. its very easy for cable to ahvb you on the way down anytime hes popped into the air by anything from rocks to dogs/birds. so when trapping and cable gets hit, stop your normal trap and make sure he can get any ahvb off at all and if you cant do that for gods sake sj and get the hell out of there!!! also remember, d+fierce+doom, warping to the other side of cable is your friend anytime he takes the skies . with proper timing your d+fierce will beat out anything cable does, and if he just sits there and blocks let him eat rock by warping to the other side. this also works against blackheart :evil:
thanks . im gonna try out these things tonight and try to put them together . tomarrow im going t the china town fair and i’ll be ready to bring them sumthing new:evil: i’ll show them what happens when they laugh at strider/doom.
i went down yesterday to the china town fair and ended uplosing again. i did a good job at baiting out psylocke and keeping away from it. but therewas a problem, most people over there pick combo fiends team ( mag/IM/psy ) and the problem with this is ironmans smart bombs i cant seem to get those to stop .
i was useing strider/doom/ken agaist ironman so i can hit him when he smart bombs but for some reason i still kept losing. what should i use against ironman ? and every time doom leaves they start rushing down like crazy and that is REALLY the end of my strider:( .
its like this: in the begining im doing good, they’re getting chiped and mashing assist but thts alrite. then i jump back and slash with fierce while calling doom. they usually try to get past doom and end up getting hit by my fierce. THEN somewhere along the line they get past my doom and rush like crazy and there i am helplessly trying to pushblock and call sent. that is when i call sent isnt it ?
i usually get my doom cought by sents HSF and killed if im fighting sent . when am i supposed to throw out sent assist ? this i dont do much. i mostly think about calling doom . i tried every damn team with strider/doom and i still lost.
the most part is they get too close up and start killing either by finishing my strider or a snapback to doom. what should i be doing when my assist leaves the screen when i got no meter ?
STRIDER DIES TOO QUICK and after that the whole team.
when IM throw smartbombs get under him. Its not that hard to predict because when he’s far he’ll seldom jump with any other purpose in mind. And if he does jump but doesn’t throw smartbomsb, get under him anyways and trap/launch him when he lands.
When getting rushed only pushblock the trijumps…that works best for me anyways. sometimes pushblocking cr. shorts doesn’t push them away. After u pushblock (as clock told me) u can jump back and call ur assist to stop their rush.
When assist is of the screen and u have no meter…ummmm…i dunno! That was something i struggled with too.