the rings would keep them in blockstun…but they are pretty useless cuz they do no block damage at all (i may be wrong but if they really do block damage, it’s next to none).
the rings going up and down just help them to SJ escape the same way when spiral throws swords.
throwing a bomb during orbs is SWEEEET! i saw a vid once, orbs was on hitting the jugg, timed it so he calls the bomb just as orbs is done, continues magic series xx tiger xx orbs. the tiger knocks them into the bomb which explodes at the right time, strider then jumps forward and hits him more, and finishes with a double jump combo. pretty sweeeeeet! (probably not too useful in a real match tho cuz you’ll want to trap their asses down)
yeah you could throw a bomb but if u do the trap that way u wont build much meter at all, and you wont chip them with orbs. It’s better to just stay on them.
THe rings come out from above and under, sometimes, because they come directly off of orbs, so wherever the orbs are when u press the button is where the rings will shoot from. And yeah, you can throw rings while doing bomb…you can throw rings during any move as long as you have orbs (just mash punch button while strider does the move), except for when ur getting hit (when blocking u can still throw them tho).
also is strider /venom/doom any good?
i’ve been playing this team for awhile n i would like to see some of your opinion about this team’s props n cons
thanx in advance:D
anyone use IM/strider/doom? i was thinking about using the team in that order since IM infinite can build a lot of meter for strider, and both IM and strider benefit from doom assist. However, I dont think this team is gonna be replacing sent/strider/doom as the best strider/doom team. Just wondering about the possibilities wid IM as a third char.
good team…one problem…that almost would make me say start strider first IF they bring sentinel out first…because the fact that doom loses to basically every overhead in the damn game makes for a hard ass fight on your hands if your going with im/strider/doom. personally; i think there has to be a better team than sent/stri/doom…but u know how that goes.
u should experiment with strider/im-b…i have heard they have VERY powerful regular combos…might wanna ask clockwork or somebody. i think one of them is like “,, s.rh, lk bomb into many different things”
im not real sure where the assist goes…its more for like…a punishment combo, because sometimes people juss like to use the default method of tagging out on strider since he does lack a good punishment combo…im solves that problem…anyways; i tried to help, lataz
Cable can AHVB Strider’s teleport on reaction. You have been warned. I believe Strider’s teleport has the most startup (longest window before invincibility) in the game.
If, for whatever reason, you need to teleport in a situation where every frame counts (say, when Doom is getting shot) use the teleport kick. It has slightly less startup than the normal teleport. Keep in mind, however, that the teleport kick special is not like the teleport kick assist; it does not track the opponent. It goes to one of two specific spots on the screen.
Kick teleport (not teleport kick) can be used instead of punch teleport if you want to make absolutely sure that the opponent is completely trapped in blockstun, and has no window to call assist. Usually, however, this is counterproductive; one of the better reasons to use punch teleport is to give your opponent a chance to call an assist, or try to do something (this is what you want).
If you can successfully bait a retaliation attempt, you can do more damage, but more importantly you build meter a lot faster, and you’re almost guaranteed to get another cycle of the trap started.
considering strider has barely any noticeable animation when he teleports i think it’s pretty damn hard for any cable to AHVB on reaction. you’d have to be pretty paranoid to notice strider lift one knee up and a little off the ground and AHVB within 1/2 a second. and in the heat of battle, cable has other things to worry about.
i guess if theirs an EXTREMELY paranoid cable he can, but cable should b worrying about more important things then looking for that little oppertunity of hope.
And another thing is that a good S/D player knows theres a risk of getting AHVB’ed while attemting a teleport so they would watch their steps. On the other hand its a possibility to keep in mind whe u attempt a teleport.
I’m mentioning it more as a warning against intermediate Cables; they can be quite trigger happy, and like to AHVB when they shouldn’t. If they are shooting your teleport on reaction (which is possible) then you should be able to bait an AHVB or two.
Match begins. Stider on point.
c.lp, + Doom, Orbs. (Against Cable, rh Bomb XX Orbs) Basically mash on lp. Orbs almost out, call Doom… and then… what?
Thier guy dies or gets snapped back. Strider calls Eagle for guardbreak. Now what? Orbs? Leigion DHC HSF?
After you call doom, basically you can teleport to the other side and build more meter by animals and assists . you should have meter in no time . just keep yor apponent occupied .
It really depends if you have enough meter in which case you should go for more rounds of the trap . Either that or build meter by throwing Eagles, tigers, etc. DHC to sent when your in trouble against a tough character ( storm, sent ) and on low life.
hey…i read this whole thread a while ago, and most of the other threas involving strider/doom… i’m looking for a combo, and to b perfectly honest, i’m too tired/lazy to search anymore…its something like (using strider) launch, magic, rocks hit, magic, dj magic…could some1 tell me about the timing of this? and how effective is it, as in damage dealt, and the ability of the opponent to get away- can they escape the dj? thanx for the help, and i apologize if i missed seeing it somewhere…
from what I’ve seen Doom’s rocks scale REALLY fast so I dunno if they’re that useful for combos. I.E. today I fp xx fly with Sent and the rocks hit the opponent (computer) and juggle him. So I fly in and do lk, fk x rp. It didn’t do crap
Question: How can you avoid getting hit by a counter during a stryder doom lock down?
exp. Sent has 10% life left and my stryder + doom is trying
despretly to chip him to death. Instead Sent. player counters
into cable sending both me and doom flying well towards our
DOOM! Cable then cancels the shivitar into an ahvb killing doom
usually spelling the end for our hero.
The question is how can i agressively lock down opponents and simotanisly dodge would be counters.
Any advice or general strats would be helpful, thankx
watch for the super flash screen (the one that shows the characters face just before a super…the same screen appears when they do an alpha counter) then block. If you cant block and they end up hittin you and doom with the scimitar, once you are above the screen wall jump towards cable, then double jump again. Doom will fall striaght down and in range of cable, but when u come back down u’ll be ont he other side of cable. You dont have to do the wall jump and double jump when you rabove the screen, you can wait until you see strider again and just try to do them while your still above cable’s ahvb range. THe problem with that tho is that if he’s a smartie and calls cyke (cyclops’ little beam thing from his anti-air goes to the top of the screen) or commando before he does ahvb you’ll be forced to block and your strider wont be able to get to the other side of him. So do the jumps while you and doom are still above the screen.
Other alpha counters, try to stay otu of there range. The most dangerous (for me anyways) are against cyke ->dhc storm and psylocke -> dhc storm. You just gotta watch out for them and block when u see them comin, or stay far enough back when u trap so that the alpha counter misses strider (will likely hit doom tho)
I really like how Sent looks like a decepticon in Law’s avatar
if he does scimitar and knocks both of your characters back, you can just use hp or hk excalibur to get out of ahvb range if he ahvb’s doom. if you get under cable while he’s doing ahvb, call lk bombxx legion.