MvC2: East Coast vs. West Coast 5 on 5

Ec is Horrible at mvc2 right now

Chris S

I wouldn’t mind seeing Illan either. Against EC players, I think he can pull some wins off.

They already did it at SB 3.

The best WC team possible, soo, chris s, chunk, jmar, row lost to a team that didn’t even have yipes and sanford I think.Anyway

Chris S

Josh 360
Baby Wolverine

seems like these people still play.

At SB3, JMar didn’t play, it was Combofiend.

EC didn’t have Yipes or SmoothViper in their 5.

I like SooMighty, Chunksta, Chris Schmidt, Finesse, Dark Prince.

Umm I’m not sure I would say Combofiend qualifies as top 5 WC material. No I’m gonna go ahead and say he isn’t top 5 in WC. Finesse, Fanatiq, Cable Guy, Soo, Chunksta = 5 people better right now. Also I don’t know how often row plays but watching the him vs. wigfall match showed a lot of rust (not that his cable isn’t still the best in WC except for cable guy). Notter has a good cable also, but still not good as cable guy’s or row’s imo.

Anyways, I do feel that I would have made a better contributer to the wc team than combo, and I feel cable guy would have made a better contributer than row. So to say the best possible WC team did what they had to do is erroneous imo.

dont nobody play this shit, nigga!!!

Oh ye of little faith, marvel will not die.

LOL soo, I love you. But I swear. I’ve seen you write, “people still play this shit?” like 3 times over like the last two years lol. I’m not saying u still play consistently but I can’t help to find it slightly funny how people must down play either this game being dead or them not playing it. I don’t mean any hate cause you’re the homie.

But I’m surprised row was put on the list WOW. I definitely don’t think he’s what he use to be at all.

Chris s/Chunk/fanatiq/bill/potter, bill prob won’t go to evo cause he doesn’t enjoy leaving his house. So I’d say cableguy or crizzle.


haha choboooooo.

let me clear it up for you. what i meant when i said people still play this shit is that theres been the highest number of up and comers lately in recent memory aka young dro HSCkhaos, higher toan, baby wolvie, josh720, etc.

me myself i dont have to play or practice to be dumbhot. its genetics. if people really knew how little i play marvel and still do what i do, wow.

surfers are still crisp. just give me the word chobo.

I’ll 100percent cop at evo :], so u better come. It gives me a excuse to get u out here hahahahahhah. 11’s correct?

Nah I feel u and that’s the thing. I think this game if u were good u can still be good. U see the game differently then most people do, so no practice no difference. But I see where you’re coming from :]!

you guys should play the 5on5 online and post the vids on youtube afterwards


time for new blood. let the old guys retire you had your moment in the sun.

i recommend jordan valdez aka chris_is_buku for team wc

how about we all stop fooling ourselves acting like Marvel will ever have a main event again on Evo. All the grudge matches have been played, all the best Money matches have been done, Everything that can be done in Marvel has already been done, East coast vs west coast has been done before, and if this starts again, It will be a bunch of retarded nigga’s in Cali argueing amongst themselves about who is better then who amongst themselves, where friendship and popularity will cloud people’s judgment and the east coast will set back and laugh watching Cali argue about who is better in a game even the east coast dosent care about anymore…

Why do people keep writing and writing about a game they dont give a fuck about?

most people have nothing better to due then to hype maybe? Or like to try to resurrect the old hype of 2002 that was marvel.

I love certain people on the WC team at SB3, but it seemed like some of them had other priorities. I bet if you watched videos of some of those people playing you would be sitting there shaking your hands in your air yelling FINISH THE COMBO.

People need to shake off the rust before they step up. I think having their own money on the line would help more too.

If I wanted to throw a thing like this, I would establish regions where everybody can pick their top 3-5. Challenge into those spots for $50 vs spot money match before Evo, and then at Evo have those ~15 people play round robin or whatnot to establish the current top 5 as opposed to riding off the coattails of glory. :smile:

I’ll never in my dreams be … Top 32 even, but it’s a helluva fun game to watch. It’s fireworks on screen most matches.

Quoted Cosign 100% truth

and again 100% truth…I love how people “hate marvel” so much that they have to follow behind any post that has any hint of hype for marvel with “this game sucks and is dead” or something of the like…when you people see how bad sf4 sucks you’ll be right back at mvc2…so don’t be fools realize this in advance and keep your game up. Cuz contrary to popular opinion, once you lose your game it doesn’t come back to you exactly the way it was, iit takes lots of work and sometimes you never get back to you 100% best.

Marvel is still fun and even though it continues to be unbalanced it is still lovable. I enjoy playing it a lot and Fanatiq go to FFA soon because i want to play you more. When Marvel 3 comes out in the future will it top mvc 2 is the real question!! haha