Arcadechamp seems to have stop RQing. So props to him. He does however have a knack for giving up after I kill one character and Strider still has 3 bars.
Scummbag beat me last week once when I tried going low tier. Good for him. The guy TBed me after, pretty much guaranteeing he’d never beat me again. Last night, we had a close match where he’d mashing kick and doom assist into proton cannon, and taunt right after. It got a little close because of lag, but it came down to the point where it came down to my doom vs. his doom. I land the last few hits and win, not giving him a chance to rq. We play again, I go Cyke/Gambit/Commando and proceed to damn near ocv his team while throwing in a taunt every chance i get. This time, he ragequit. Hey faggot boy, if you’re reading this, you’re better off quitting at the select screen cuz you’re never getting a win off me again.
BG to || Gloc 9, whom after beating me and teabagging my commando sent me a message telling me to go back to training mode, and then another telling me he’d mm me for $5000
^ cause they are scrubs! lol. I never infinite a scrub unless I have to. If you reset without assists they really cant complain.
Yea, Gloc 9 is vicious. I wish my matches with him weren’t laggy though.
I’m sure it’s been said a million times before. I’ve heard of “them,” but seen it for myself. I HATE RAGE QUITTERS. Mofo’s is like roaches more of them then decent players. Fine. Just practice before you go online to play anyone/everyone. It’s annoying, regardless if it counts in my favor. OMG. Btw, ranking system online is garbage and highly inaccurate.
If you suck at mvc 2 just play the damn computer or training mode. I see it stupid that “these people,” know they’re playing an assortment of people everywhere. At least just bend over and let go of your stick.:hitit: damn damn damn. Take it like a winner. Practice if you wish to get better.
Yeah dawg, that was me. We’ve played once online where you scraped me with Morrigan/Gambit/Cyke. Pretty sick considering I’ve never seen that team used in that order.
I’d also just like to add that mauling and demoralizing RedRibbonArmy is some of the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Watching him mash desperately as Strider locked him down and hearing him scream incoherently on the mic was epic. It was even better second game when I already had him beat down to just guile and I brought in Sentinel and just held up while in flight mode as he jumped up and down hopelessly trying to catch me like when you hold a treat too high for a dog to reach.
This dude is utter trash that talks MAD shit, i wrecked this cat and he quit on me too.
I also like how i mashed Goji84’s face in and he messages me “MSP is easy mode” when hes using sent/storm or sent/cable, i forget. Makes me lol everytime i kill this trash off.
lol…and goji uses msp (and gets scraped) anyway too. I can’t remember, but I’ve probably wrecked him with anakaris a few times iirc. or perhaps it was someone with a similar name
YOU, my friend, are funny. I was using a team full of low/mid tier characters. I don’t even PLAY Sent/Storm/Cable:rofl: (OR MSP for that matter) And for the record, I said “MSP, WEEEEEEE, Easy mode Marvel ftw”!
I love how you’re sitting here trying to turn things around. Pathetic. You’re not that good champ, and you taunted me after beating my low tier team with MSP? :wtf:
BeaTs, now there is a monstrous player. Best Anakaris I’ve ever seen, by far, and probably one of the best overall players on Live right now.
I got about 5 RQs earlier today on ranked, + a LOT of scrubby hate mail. What the fuck? Grow up, take a deep breath and chill out if this game really makes you that angry
Obviously im not sanford/wong lvl, but OCV’ing you is easy as fuck
lol… u seriously are gonna sit and lie and say u werent using any god tiers against me to make yourself look good? I KNOW you were using sent for a fact, and im pretty sure you used either storm or cable or may be iron man i cant remember, as far as i know thats NOT “low tier” lol
I anit twistin shit up trash MSP = easy mode, anyone who depicts that retarded messege u sent me knows thats what your saying lol…
Why do you even post here, you RQ on everyone here, you dont know wtf you be talking about %100 of the time “juggs is mid tier” GTFO of here. Dont even speak on beats, even he says u use MSP, i suppose hes lying too right?
Pretty sure goji is just a troll. Dudes a joke in general. Saying he played since 2000 yet says that he RQ’ed against Juggs/colossus cus their assists “hit hard” wtf, if you been playing that long you should know by now what their assist damage is and you have no excuse whatsoever and should know by now to avoid it in the first place.
He also played top tier once against me and he actually didnt RQ. He had mag/sent/cable i believe and I sent him a message saying “Im surprised you didnt drop” and he sent back “Im surprised your actually good at this old game” or something to that effect. This guy is all just twisted up in the head. Just ignore him on xbox and the forums. Whenever im matched up with him i just drop in the beginning of the match to save me from a headache and a frozen xbox.