I have yet to RQ, too lazy to hit start and junk.
I only ragequit when the person is:
a: scrubby
b: has RQ'd on me more than once
c: catches the Dan 3 Level Super
To whoever Semicide is dawg, you might want to check your losses each time you ragequit on me. Especially if we play each other 5 times in a row and you ragequit each time.
Why wouldn’t I be? How long have you played this game? Jugg and Collos assists hit hard…anyone who’s played this game knows this. What’s so difficult for you to understand here?
Thanks for your input.:tup:
^ yeah but you are a low tier supporter… Colossus and Juggs are low tier. It’s like you are discouraging the use of low tier by rage quiting on them!
They’re actually mid tier, if you want to get technical, but lets not. I’m not discouraging anybody here. I play low-mid tier about 90% of the time because it’s actually, you know, fun. I encourage more people to do the same.
So I RQ his match. So what? It’s not like the rest of you cats don’t do the same on occasion when you smell bullshit.
Actually no, I’m fairly certain most ppl here don’t RQ.
dood, i’ve been playing marvel probably before you started growing hair on your nutsack :lol: but seriously, you’re complaining about hard hitting LOW TIER. go back and read your post and think about it for a second. I would have some sympathy for you if you were complaining about cable/cyclops or something…(actually, i’m lying, i have no sympathy for veterans in marvel :lol: )
it’s unheard of man.
Oops, thought Dark Strider was also shoultzula (original account). Dunno why I was thinking that.
i RQ when i hit someone with the Dan 3 level super :X
BG’s to my Xbox… it froze about 15 times on sunday, sometimes i was winning, sometimes i was losing. What sucks is im sure the people think i RQ when im losing :{
What he said.
RQing on Colossus/Juggy is dumb and tends to indicate that you are a complete scrub. Juggy in particular is so easy to punish that it’s a fucking joke that you have to quit on that.
Rage quitting is ESPECIALLY an asshole move given that it can potentially freeze the other guy’s box due to some tip-top net coding. If you’re crying because you’re getting hit or losing to “dumb cheap stuff” MAN UP. Hold forward to take the loss quicker and then go play other people more your speed.
Play low tiers against Vinnyman, he’s fun/good. He’s about the most defensively minded player I’ve played since JMar and Issariya. :tup:
Yeah he is, with the right characters. I was playing Dhalsim/Omega/Charlie. So sue me.
I’ve been playing Marvel since March of 2000 so…that angle isn’t working for you.
still doesn’t change the fact that you are portraying yourself as a scrub for RQ’ing against a hopping juggy/colossus. Look man, we can beat this subject to death but really take into account to what you are saying. :wtf:
Wow, I can’t believe what I’m reading. Sim, Nash and Omega OCV that team for free. I mean, it’s like taking candy from a baby.
you were probably thinking that because Shoultz actually had that avatar awhile back and I mean AWHILE back maybe 07.
Don’t feed the trolls ladies and Gentleman. We all know Goji84 is trash that RQ’s.
BG’s to NorcalKing, guy quits and messages me “I dont play fags that use infinity combos” lol
Thing that irritates me the most is that he has “Norcalking” as his name, if hes looking at this CHANGE YOUR NAME SCRUB, a disgrace to norcal for his bitching and scrubyness.
Some of these RQers have the most ironic names. NorCalKing for one. And I kept playing another one named Arcade Champ or something. Must’ve been some arcade he was the champ of.
awwwww <3:encore:
Wow, I was in the same Ranked rotation with you evidently. NorCalKing quit against me on the select screen.
ProTip: If you select Sentinel, the other guy probably wants/needs to go high tier too.
I managed to get Arcade Champ to not quit on me, but I think I picked Amingo/Thanos or something silly against him. =P
BG to scummbagg again. Guy bitches up a storm about how playing Cable against Iron Man/Sent/Doom is cheap/gay, so challenges me to a Player room where I proceed to soundly beat his chiptastic Sent-centric team with Amingo/Thanos/Jin and other garbage. The guy is OK at the game if you like runaway chip, but – seriously, if you’re calling Cable cheap and you’re playing Storm/Sent … you’re an idiot. :lol: