Like how would suppose it could get worse than the worst game Marvel 3? Nothing’s going to be worse than XF, TAC infinites and TODing sword characters with beam port mix ups right? It shouldn’t be possible, any way.
For real? Id be seriously pissed if that was what we were getting. Why the fuck would i want a collection when i had/have those games already? I want something i haven’t seen.
What if they used this to gauge interest in a MvC4? Use it as a barometer of sorts to see the demand for MvC4, especially considering the slew of Marvel related movies and content that came out since it’s release?
I respect your opinion, but what made the whole 3v3 of MVC fun was that you had to design a team. Not just aesthetically intriguing but also with dynamics.
For starters i don’t really expect this game to be tailored with the competitive scene in mind.
Capcom, and more importantly, Disney will want this game to be as accessible as possible.
If the rumors are true, you can already see this on how it is said that it will go for a more mvc1 route on how the game is played, with only to player characters and 1 assist char.
For all we know the asist char could be like MVC1 where is selected from a pool of non playable characters.
Also, since is very likely that this (hypothetical) game will have more involvement from Disney, we can expect them to be more anal than what they were with MVC3. Lets not forget how anal they were when Capcom was designing Dr. Strange for UMVC3.
We are already seeing some stuff about that with how all the rummors affirm that there is no XMen, after all, they were only included because capcom pushed for them due their iconic nature within the previous game competitive fandom.
Within this lines i also expect Disney being more interested on patching the game regularly (as long as they see it profitable), so at worst case scenario, you can say that this game could be potentially overpatched, not allowing the meta to settle down.
We could argue that since is not the case with SFV, MVC4 wouldn’t be that way, but i can’t really picture Disney allowing this game being left alone for so long with all the casuals that get it complaining about x or y char/move being op.
We can also see the design philosophies within capcom on SFV. They are clearly aiming for more accesibility on their games, so you can already expect that they will keep the 3 normals buttons scheme with only some sort of new gimmick to tie with the new gameplay design, expecting to have6 buttons will only lead you to dissapointment. They are also trying to be more safe on how the games play, so you could expect the game to be less over the top, which by being only 2 chars + 1 assist as the rumors say is already asing of this, now this could be good or bad, but i expect it to be bad.
I also want to add that many of the problems on MVC3 started with the kneejerck reaction that the fanbase had to the 1st gameplay videos/tests so you can expect something similar happening.
But more importantly. I see this game being easily orphaned again if Disney sees it as non profitable enough by not metting their expectations.
A FG selling over 800k is good for most companies, but for Marvel a game based on their ip’s that number is a joke.
It will definitely be a bizarro situation when the worst fighting game becomes heralded as the great game before the terrible mess that is MVC4.
I still believe though. You can’t stop my believing. If even one X Men character gets in my believing will be through the roof since that is already supposed to be impossible.
What about instead of paragraphs you just sum it up with “Marvel 2 isdabes because Cable zones. He is my mutant Guile and gets bodied by other rushdown characters like every zoner does”