I nice to see we had influence overtime.
I know what must be done once more… Soon it will reappear, get your voting pencils ready.
Did you guys notice the purple spark and smoke around Ryu during the Cap/Morrigan combo ? At first, I thought that was linked to Morrigan (like a curse abilty) but Ryu does not glow before he is hit by Rogers’ counter. Also, that can’t be linked to Morrigan because her air H (or Air HP, I still can’t tell if it’s 4 or 6 buttons because of certain parts - we can note that Morrigan tag is her gliding, when the other are running into the melee) does not connect and Ryu is already glowing.
I wonder if gems have level, like the x factor, with a visual clue like in Smash 4 or Tekken (both games have rage mechanics, and you character is smoking or glowing red when they have acces to it - MVCI could have both, smoke + a spark depending on the game you hav. Ryu have the power gem in this trailer and is glowing purple, I don’t think that’s a coincidence).
Morrigan only form of quick ground movement is to TRI-DASH…
Why would anyone want to limit movement options in marvel.
For a fragile character like Storm or Trish (both do poor damage with low health ) , movement and being able to avoid damage is VITAL!!!

Here’s hoping tri-dashes are dead
You’re drunk lets get you home man
Drunkard has been on tilt all damn morning lol
If were really getting a casual pad-player oriented 4-button layout a pseudo-sfxt/mvc2 layout could work
Lp hp
Lk hk
Magic series would work like mvc2 (lp lk lp again for mplk again for m) but ending in hp or hk would result in the tag-in combo. Hp+hk alone launches and lp+lk raw tags. All four face buttons activate gem (conveniently mappable to a shoulder button on pad!)
In reality were prob just gonna get LMHS tho
^Noooooo! Think good thoughts. Since they got the older VS team working on this, I have high hopes the TVC/MVC3 layout will be changed.
Another thing I’m interested in is flight mode. The timing was pretty short in MVC3, but that shit lasted for awhile in MVC2. I wonder how they’re going to handle that.
I absolutely disliked the MvC2 layout and would much prefer an MvC3 style if it were to be 4 buttons
Not sure if anyone saw this:

It’s BossLogic’s poster for infinite. Looks pretty dope. His customized art be on point.
looks legit

I absolutely disliked the MvC2 layout and would much prefer an MvC3 style if it were to be 4 buttons
Im totally down for LMHS if they can make it work. I didnt like how it felt in mvc3. Too many returning characters felt gimped.
Im also down for a marvel i can lay back in bed w and dominate on pad. Maybe its cuz im older or im desensitized to games getting “scrub-friendly” but the idea of a simplified easily enjoyably marvel sounds awesome right now

Of course there’s a section of dorks angry about Morrigan’s cup size.
How is that important to the character? They’re just tits. There’s no story attached to them besides you fapping away at the MvC3 character select screen. Stop being the stereotypical fucking nerd.
And inevitably some chunkhead like this offers his completely original, open-minded and helpful opinion on the situation
“Haha wow stop fapping to anime you nerds,” he says, sipping from his “PIMP” chalice he got at Spencer’s Gifts. “Everyone’s a nerd except me holy fuck”
Ey, look at the deflector come out already. I was hoping to go a few pages before this shit appeared.
What basis do you have for Morrigan to have massive tits? The explanations given have been shallow at best and trite at worst. Until you give a reasonable argument for her tits to be the size they used to be, no one can or should talk you for more than a dude who just wants to get his rocks off on some animated boobs.
Because the character has looked that way since her inception and it’s clearly been changed to make way for esports which is worrying for other characters.
Worrying how?
You don’t approve of updated looks?
The crossover game is not the time to update characters. It’s the time to celebrate them as is.
Ok I see what you do, very funny.
So you don’t have an answer then? Because I would imagine that if you make a statement like you just did, you would have a reason to believe it.
I really just think you try to avoid obvious points to goad people into replying more. This is such an obvious reason.
When people go see a classic band/performer live, they don’t want to sit through tracks from the new album. No one gives a shit about the new album, we wanna hear the songs that made them who they are today.
MvC3’s Marvel side for the most part delivered on that. Infinite seems to be very much asking me to check out its soundcloud.
There’s gotta be something about smash players that makes them retarded. Cota and XvsSF and all the stuff leading up to mvc2 were the most popular characters the company had at the time. If they do nothing but include movie characters the would’ve been doing the same shit they did in the 90s. So sit your ass down.
There’s gotta be something about your dumbass that loves lumping people into groups. I’m not criticizing them for using their most popular characters, I’m criticizing them for pushing the movie designs of those characters. Context is important
Take your tough guy act to someone who gives a shit.

Of course there’s a section of dorks angry about Morrigan’s cup size.
How is that important to the character? They’re just tits. There’s no story attached to them besides you fapping away at the MvC3 character select screen. Stop being the stereotypical fucking nerd.
And inevitably some chunkhead like this offers his completely original, open-minded and helpful opinion on the situation
“Haha wow stop fapping to anime you nerds,” he says, sipping from his “PIMP” chalice he got at Spencer’s Gifts. “Everyone’s a nerd except me holy fuck”
Ey, look at the deflector come out already. I was hoping to go a few pages before this shit appeared.
What basis do you have for Morrigan to have massive tits? The explanations given have been shallow at best and trite at worst. Until you give a reasonable argument for her tits to be the size they used to be, no one can or should talk you for more than a dude who just wants to get his rocks off on some animated boobs.
Because the character has looked that way since her inception and it’s clearly been changed to make way for esports which is worrying for other characters.
Worrying how?
You don’t approve of updated looks?
The crossover game is not the time to update characters. It’s the time to celebrate them as is.
Ok I see what you do, very funny.
So you don’t have an answer then? Because I would imagine that if you make a statement like you just did, you would have a reason to believe it.
I really just think you try to avoid obvious points to goad people into replying more. This is such an obvious reason.
When people go see a classic band/performer live, they don’t want to sit through tracks from the new album. No one gives a shit about the new album, we wanna hear the songs that made them who they are today.
MvC3’s Marvel side for the most part delivered on that. Infinite seems to be very much asking me to check out its soundcloud.
This isn’t obvious. I also don’t believe in “obvious on sight” nonsense. I work in marketing so I need numbers and the metrics you used to get to that conclusion.
The example you used is incompatible, too. Just because a character has an updated look doesn’t mean they will lose the essence of their gameplay.
I’m not saying they will, for a guy who always needs to be told everything outright you sure were quick to jump on my comment as worrying about gameplay. It’s a purely aesthetic concern. Clearly the gameplay of these characters is being kept intact.

Of course there’s a section of dorks angry about Morrigan’s cup size.
How is that important to the character? They’re just tits. There’s no story attached to them besides you fapping away at the MvC3 character select screen. Stop being the stereotypical fucking nerd.
And inevitably some chunkhead like this offers his completely original, open-minded and helpful opinion on the situation
“Haha wow stop fapping to anime you nerds,” he says, sipping from his “PIMP” chalice he got at Spencer’s Gifts. “Everyone’s a nerd except me holy fuck”
Ey, look at the deflector come out already. I was hoping to go a few pages before this shit appeared.
What basis do you have for Morrigan to have massive tits? The explanations given have been shallow at best and trite at worst. Until you give a reasonable argument for her tits to be the size they used to be, no one can or should talk you for more than a dude who just wants to get his rocks off on some animated boobs.
Because the character has looked that way since her inception and it’s clearly been changed to make way for esports which is worrying for other characters.
Worrying how?
You don’t approve of updated looks?
The crossover game is not the time to update characters. It’s the time to celebrate them as is.
Ok I see what you do, very funny.
So you don’t have an answer then? Because I would imagine that if you make a statement like you just did, you would have a reason to believe it.
I really just think you try to avoid obvious points to goad people into replying more. This is such an obvious reason.
When people go see a classic band/performer live, they don’t want to sit through tracks from the new album. No one gives a shit about the new album, we wanna hear the songs that made them who they are today.
MvC3’s Marvel side for the most part delivered on that. Infinite seems to be very much asking me to check out its soundcloud.
There’s gotta be something about smash players that makes them retarded. Cota and XvsSF and all the stuff leading up to mvc2 were the most popular characters the company had at the time. If they do nothing but include movie characters the would’ve been doing the same shit they did in the 90s. So sit your ass down.
There’s gotta be something about your dumbass that loves lumping people into groups. I’m not criticizing them for using their most popular characters, I’m criticizing them for pushing the movie designs of those characters. Context is important
Take your tough guy act to someone who gives a shit.
Of course there’s a section of dorks angry about Morrigan’s cup size.
How is that important to the character? They’re just tits. There’s no story attached to them besides you fapping away at the MvC3 character select screen. Stop being the stereotypical fucking nerd.
And inevitably some chunkhead like this offers his completely original, open-minded and helpful opinion on the situation
“Haha wow stop fapping to anime you nerds,” he says, sipping from his “PIMP” chalice he got at Spencer’s Gifts. “Everyone’s a nerd except me holy fuck”
Ey, look at the deflector come out already. I was hoping to go a few pages before this shit appeared.
What basis do you have for Morrigan to have massive tits? The explanations given have been shallow at best and trite at worst. Until you give a reasonable argument for her tits to be the size they used to be, no one can or should talk you for more than a dude who just wants to get his rocks off on some animated boobs.
Because the character has looked that way since her inception and it’s clearly been changed to make way for esports which is worrying for other characters.
Worrying how?
You don’t approve of updated looks?
The crossover game is not the time to update characters. It’s the time to celebrate them as is.
Ok I see what you do, very funny.
So you don’t have an answer then? Because I would imagine that if you make a statement like you just did, you would have a reason to believe it.
I really just think you try to avoid obvious points to goad people into replying more. This is such an obvious reason.
When people go see a classic band/performer live, they don’t want to sit through tracks from the new album. No one gives a shit about the new album, we wanna hear the songs that made them who they are today.
MvC3’s Marvel side for the most part delivered on that. Infinite seems to be very much asking me to check out its soundcloud.
This isn’t obvious. I also don’t believe in “obvious on sight” nonsense. I work in marketing so I need numbers and the metrics you used to get to that conclusion.
The example you used is incompatible, too. Just because a character has an updated look doesn’t mean they will lose the essence of their gameplay.
I’m not saying they will, for a guy who always needs to be told everything outright you sure were quick to jump on my comment as worrying about gameplay. It’s a purely aesthetic concern. Clearly the gameplay of these characters is being kept intact.
Only that no one has their movie costumes yet. The costume Cap is wearing in this game? It’s what he was wearing during the Marvel Now relaunch

they should put spectrum/monica rambeau
shed be broken though
you could also put miss america
or blue marvel
im bias though
ultimates ommiversal is such a good fucking series
i like the 2 on 2 format i wonder if it will be 4 player like mvc1
I don’t even understand complaining about Cap’s costume, especially since his movie get-up is dope.
And even if you don’t like his look does anyone here really expect his classic appearance to not make it in in some form, most likely as paid DLC.
You knew it was coming.

You knew it was coming.
Twenty Bison Dolars says this post came from Chris G on an Anon account

You knew it was coming.
I don’t even understand complaining about Cap’s costume, especially since his movie get is dope.
And even if you don’t like his look does anyone here really expect his classic appearance to not make it in in some form, most likely as paid DLC.
I guess fans don’t want the game to attract the movie crowd. I like Cap’s movie costumes personally.
I wouldn’t be shocked to see it removed, weakened, or just function totally different. I don’t think it’s too farfetched to assume that keepaway tactics will be gimped across the board as that’s kind of a trend across a lot of different games