MVC Infinite Lounge: DLC Characters and Costumes launch Dec 5th

Max stealing content for his own content. Nothing new here. Hi Max.

In the trailer when ryu uses the power stone it looks like a super combo extender with a bunch of otgs. You can see that when he kicks captain marvel off the ground then again when he lauches her late, she touches the ground first.

Oh whoops, I didnā€™t see it posted earlier, my mistake!

At the rate this thread is moving, itā€™s cool. Easy to miss

So Iā€™m guessing these level 3 supers we are seeing arenā€™t gonna take 3 whole bars anymore. In the older games only a few characters actually had level 3 moves.

I am hoping that Sigma and Ultron are in the game. I just see a cool rivalry between both of them mainly due to how similar they are. Ohā€¦ i ran into a Darth Vader comic made by Marvel and he was like fighting Dr Doom in the coverā€¦ just saying.

Glad you like it.

You will be happy to know that it it seriously annoys me because I desperately want a Morrigan ava now. This is the price I pay for my pessimism :frowning:

I have no hype for TvC2.

I donā€™t know man. Looks like a MvC game to me. Plus itā€™s really early.

My friend said MVC3 was already TvC2. You have to call it something else.

MvC3 was maybe half TvC. This game looks much more like itā€™s following TvCā€™s footsteps.

As for Venom. Personally, i like agent venom more than the original Eddie Venom. He could have like a super in where he goes into rage mode and transforms into the original looking venom. I just liked the whole thunderbolts tea, that consisted of Punisher, ghostrider, venom, elektra, and deadpool. I thought that was a sick team.

Im not as updated with the spiderman comics, but what is going on with Venom? Is he Eddie again or still Flash?

Gargan Venom was the best. He had real struggle with the suit I just never felt with Brock.

Most, if not all of the 2v2 games including marvel only had 3 super meters, right? So that could make sense. That Morrigan Super in MvC1 only cost 1 meter.

The X armor install has been something I wanted to see for like 15 yearsā€¦ about damn time capcom

Damn, ESPN actually showed Morrigan with that much cleavage and ass


but then they ban Mikaā€™s default SFV costume due to exposing the same body parts?

I donā€™t fucking get it

Quick rundown of the upcoming Marvel movies for guys like me who donā€™t really follow them:

So basically, Thor/Black Panther/Ant-Man/Wasp are all really likely. I may have to dig into Netflix sometime and catch up on what Iā€™ve missed.

This is EXACTLY what I was afraid of. Cap has that movie universe look. Where are my gills and wingtips?

And where are the colors? Holy shit, is this MvC or Injustice?

Simple manā€¦cuz its MAHVEL BABY.

Oh, no! The game is ruined! :frowning: