MVC Infinite Lounge: DLC Characters and Costumes launch Dec 5th

Is it just me or did Morrigan get a breast reduction lol.

Yeah, it’s sort of telling in terms of what the other Marvel characters will look like.

I can’t wait for Hawkeye who doesn’t look like Hawkeye and every other design blunder from the movies.

I saw some people on Twitter saying this game reminds them of TvC because of air dashes

But did anyone from Capcom actually confirm universal air dashes?

Because the only character who uses an air dash in the trailer is X, and that could easily be a character-specific air dash.

They wanted to make things a bit more user friendly, and some people just feel intimidated by that kind of cleavage

You’re not the only one noticing this.

Flash got back to earth after spending time in space, helped calm Andi (Mania) down from her hellmark issues. That was the end of Venom: Space Knight (ended a few weeks ago). All of a sudden, just recently we got a relaunch and no word on Flash, but the symbiote is alone on the streets and weak. It seems an illegal weapons deal, in deserpation bonds to a host who’s some angry ex-soldier guy who’s abusive to the symbiote. A unlikable douche. Only 1 issue out so far.

Brock is currently hunting down Carnage who’s empowered by the Dark Hold ( a Cthulu-like “old god”) book is pretty entertaining, but sadly it’s ending early next year.

Looking at how they didn’t use current Captain Marvel and used her previous, but still popular look, I just hope that they choose the best versions of the characters and not the most recent. So I’d love Agent Venom in here and Anti-Venom down the line. I just need symbiote awesomeness in the game.

Yeah, a team-up between them makes sense. Since X is going to have an important role in the story, I find it highly unlikely that Sigma won’t be in the game. Ultron is another popular villain that makes sense to be included.

Why is X’s fully charged buster a super?

There’s so much they could’ve used instead. How about the double buster shot from X2 followed by the spiral of fireballs from X1?

SRK; The place where posters won’t let Max be great.

Hes not great you shlurper hop off his tip

Hope you’re not insinuating that Fart Vader should be in this game. Star Wars is the worst fucking thing ever invented by mankind, keep that bullshit locked in a dumpster.

Wow Morrigan and CapAm, who would’ve thought.

Look at this ugly bastard

Very glad they didn’t go with this cornball look again

There will be no Doom.

Only sadness.

On the issue of Vader, he won’t make it in because Doctor Doom left his ass at the bottom of a volcano in the prehistoric era last I checked

Captain America looks stupid no matter what version he is.

Teehee look at the cute lil tiny angel wings on my head, maybe if they flap hard enough they’ll fly me off to ponyland

Stop pls…

Double Entendre.

Don’t even ask me how!


The comic book nerd in me has to point out some things.

RE: Captain Marvel vs Ms Marvel
Currently, Ms Marvel and Captain Marvel are two separate characters. However, Carol Danvers, the current Captain Marvel, WAS Ms Marvel at one point (along with a host of other names in her history). She has a very complicated past.

RE: Venom

  1. I would love to see Venom return, though I don’t know what the likelihood is.
  2. Based on preference, Eddie Brock is the one true Venom.
  3. Based on current comics, the most likely order is Thompson > Brock > Gargan

What is the current issue of Venom? I skipped Space Knight. Also any Venom besides gay ass Space Knight is good with me.

lol that was the point breh

always reppin purple too but thats none of my business tho