Flash got back to earth after spending time in space, helped calm Andi (Mania) down from her hellmark issues. That was the end of Venom: Space Knight (ended a few weeks ago). All of a sudden, just recently we got a relaunch and no word on Flash, but the symbiote is alone on the streets and weak. It seems an illegal weapons deal, in deserpation bonds to a host whoâs some angry ex-soldier guy whoâs abusive to the symbiote. A unlikable douche. Only 1 issue out so far.
Brock is currently hunting down Carnage whoâs empowered by the Dark Hold ( a Cthulu-like âold godâ) book is pretty entertaining, but sadly itâs ending early next year.
Looking at how they didnât use current Captain Marvel and used her previous, but still popular look, I just hope that they choose the best versions of the characters and not the most recent. So Iâd love Agent Venom in here and Anti-Venom down the line. I just need symbiote awesomeness in the game.
Yeah, a team-up between them makes sense. Since X is going to have an important role in the story, I find it highly unlikely that Sigma wonât be in the game. Ultron is another popular villain that makes sense to be included.
Hope youâre not insinuating that Fart Vader should be in this game. Star Wars is the worst fucking thing ever invented by mankind, keep that bullshit locked in a dumpster.
The comic book nerd in me has to point out some things.
RE: Captain Marvel vs Ms Marvel
Currently, Ms Marvel and Captain Marvel are two separate characters. However, Carol Danvers, the current Captain Marvel, WAS Ms Marvel at one point (along with a host of other names in her history). She has a very complicated past.
RE: Venom
I would love to see Venom return, though I donât know what the likelihood is.
Based on preference, Eddie Brock is the one true Venom.
Based on current comics, the most likely order is Thompson > Brock > Gargan