MVC Infinite Lounge: DLC Characters and Costumes launch Dec 5th

Played around with a template I found laying around on 4chan, just an idea for what I’m hoping for out of the Capcom side of the roster

Is that so? That makes me worried then that they have a release planned for 2017. I would like to think Capcom learned their lesson with SFV but they seem to be gluttons for punishment.

Won’t matter as long as story mode launches with the game, so casuals can “not play a fighting game” while playing MvCI.

i’ll be back when you guys stop talking about a characters breast size in a game like it actually means anything

The amount of crying for a story mode was so fucking ridiculous. Why not just play Pokemon or some shit instead?

The question is, will Akuma take his place in the circle of life?

Or will he wisen up and see a barber before punching Loki in the face

Mile’s with spider-mans umvc3 moveset would be too grimey. go invisible, webzip towards a nigga, then use his stupidly OP venom blast.

To be true that’s not a bad thing. In a modern age game, everything has different aspects of a game. In First Person Shooters there are stealth, puzzles, exploration and attack sequences. Platform games often involve different mechanics as you progress within the game. But in a fighting game, only thing you can do is: Fighting. That’s playing the main (only) mechanic.

Is like fighting games are to some extent still stuck in the “arcade game” era where the gameplay was so straightforward you couldn’t do anything else than play the main game and that’s all. That was good when you only had to spent 25 cents to play a session… but with current games, that cost several tenths of dollars, casual gamers might want some variety to be more entertained, to take a break from the game without taking a break for the game, and feel like the dollars they spent were more worth it.

Even games like Fatal Fury or Street Fighter II used to have some mini-games between the stages to make the experience a little more pleasant, and they were arcade games. Color Edit mode in King of Fighters was such a welcome feature because it added to the game something: Variety. Criticizing people that want some other modes to justify the purchase and simply to be able to have more fun with the game is a sign of misunderstanding of how most people work.

Not everyone’s a hardcore but many people would like to give the game a try, and be able to spend more time with it if the main mechanics is not that engaging for them or simply they’re not such hardcore fighting game fans but they’re interested in the game. Marvel has a lot of potential for any kind of interesting modes taking advantage of their characters appeal and lore. They can use all that to give a better hook at potential buyers. A cinematic story mode is a good step forward, since Marvel fans love superhero stories.

I’m usually a little skeptical because the main purpose of crossover games is just to satisfy the fancy of seeing your favorite heroes from different franchises finally fight one against each other. However if they really “explained” the collision of the two worlds and built a plot around that it could lead to very intriguing ideas. We’ll see.

So… Will the game have super jumps? Or did I miss it? If they don’t… It truly is a reincarnation of TvC+SFxT

Ahh the classic Remy outfit.

Marvel the Salty Ppitoon of the FGC:

Can’t wait until 2017! TIME TO BULK UP!

There were super jumps in TvC?

How tough am I? I made a 1 v 3 comeback in Marvel 3.

“Heh, so?”

Without any X-Factor AND the opponent still had his! And I was using Arthur.

And then Overwatch, a game focused on solely being a class based, team, objective shooter (with no singleplayer, no in game narrative altogether), goes and wins game of the year.

What we have here is an example of how good marketing and clear communication can keep a game from having negative reactions, despite being multiplayer only.

P.S. Don’t bother bringing up Overwatch’s “Arcade”, since the stuff there, especially it’s most popular mode, 3v3 elim, is still multiplayer and still has a punishing (and even more unbalanced) meta.

MvCI story mode seems like a bad idea for the following reasons

1)Character focus
In crossovers such as this, there are so many characters that would not only all need to be true to themselves, but also not be superfluous eye candy and have substance. It’s likely that you’d have a core group of about 6 (3 from each side) going about doing something with the story focusing on them. A crossover has so many characters that deserve focus, but it’d be impossible to give it to all of them that deserve it (and since most of the characters are their own leads, there’s rarely enough time to get them across adequately and it can lead to major consequences). A Strider fan wouldn’t want Strider’s only role in a story to be to show up, try to kill someone, fail, and never be seen again, but chances are that’s exactly what would happen due to time

2)No Tension
In a fan service mascot game, there is no real reason for a new threat to have any menace because there’s no stakes. Is Marvel going to kill of Captain America in some crossover event game that they don’t even own?

Or better yet, would Disney? This is the same company that wouldn’t let 99% of their own characters have a meaningful impact in Kingdom Hearts because they didn’t want to have the Square-Enix characters and gameplay mess up their stories.

  1. Capcom
    Think of Capcom’s track record of telling stories in it’s fighting games, heck even in general. Do you really think they’d be capable of pulling something like this off?

  2. Development focus
    And finally/most importantly, if they did manage to pull it off and dedicate all this time to making the story as good as it is, that’s a whole lot of time, resources, and energy that could have gone to refining the gameplay and improving it

If they do it any pull it off, terrific! I’ll gladly eat my words. Am I saying you shouldn’t hope? No. I’m just saying that there’s a lot that can go wrong.

Akuma was one of Galactus’s Heralds in UMVC3 and Apocalypse Henchman in MVS.
So Akuma is best along with Sigma and Ultron returning with Cybernetic Implants than Regular Akuma.

Same probably nice to do with Mecha Zangief

Letting them be part of Ultron and Sigma’s Invasion to Capcom and Marvel Universe!

Because invasion themes are awesome like DC’s Future Ends or MTG’s Scars of Mirrodin Expansion converting the likes of Darksteel Colossus to Blightsteel Colossus.

Can we keep the “character I’d like to see” talk to the actual character thread?

why is morrigan still here?

out of all these character they couldnt replace her already? I understand why ryu is always there but morrigan isn’t that important…

THat’s nice and all, but I was more talking about will Akuma get rid of his god-awful lion’s mane for MvCI

How tough am I? I made Cosmic Lord with one character.

“Yeah, so?”

That character was Nemesis