The video on the spoiler show the difference of Solo and Vile. I hope both bounty hunters to be on the side of Sigma together with Cyber Akuma and Mech Zangief!!
I guest even MVC3 uses the same TVC models and engine with alteration and update while both have different shadings and filters but they probably would be using a better stylized design in this one.
Out of all the SFV newcomers, the one I’d like to see in is Laura. The reason is that her charged fireball might actually benefit from the game’s new tag system. Besides, her vortex heavy gameplan already fits Marvel.
Let’s build a Team Capcom Heroes VERSUS Team Sigma Henchmen but excluding other evil genuises like Wesker and Bison because they probably better independent and have a separate league!
Hey as long as they are coming… I’m fine with that. Take my money Capcom/Marvel.
Pretty interesting strategy too. We know those characters will be in high demand post-release so the DLC could both sell well and maybe create a narrative (depending on the PR spin) that Capcom fought to get those characters released in some capacity.
Someone from Red Earth
Jin or someone else beside Devilotte from Cyberbots (Shade could replace Cable)
Ruby Heart
Strider Hiryu
Strider Hein
If Thanos wouldn’t show up in a game featuring Infinity gems, I’d be severly confused…
I’m worried on the Capcom villain department as well (hench my new avatar XD), vanilla MvC3 lacked Capcom villians, plain and simple (it was just Wesker and Akuma).
I have decent feeling Sigma will finally show up (which would be very welcome imo)
I really hope they don’t phase out Wesker, out of all the Resident Evil characters, he fits the bill of “being” a fighting game character most, plus he’s an scheming mastermind.
Obviously Capcom is currently promoting RE7, but I don’t see any of the new characters (i.e. the Baker family) as a good fit, I would rather prefer them to bring out the classics like Nemesis (ideal grunt material).
Between M. Bison and Gill, Bison is most likely due to popularity. If they add a Street Fighter villian, I hope it’s him, Akuma is having enough exposure atm (plus he’s more of a “seeking the strongest opponents” type than bent on conquering the multiverse)
Pyron is basicly Capcom’s Galactus and we haven’t seen him in a fighting game for ages, he fits the cosmic-level threat with ease.
Although I do like Jedah, I don’t think he would fly in this current age rating system, with him having self mutalation moves etc.
Realistically (If the launch game ends up having the rumored 24 character roster wwith 12 for both sides), I think we’re lucky if we get 1, at max 2 playable Capcom villains.
Since 1/4th of the slots have already been taken at this point.
Just throwing some in since hey, it’s that thread time again. Also, including some X-Men since I haven’t heard anything non-pre Saturday rumour about no X-Men. Mix of possible and obscure-ish in cases.
Spider Man
Venom (Brock)
Scarlet Witch
Winter Soldier
Wolverine (Laura Kinney) (yes, really)
Akira Kazama
Nina (Breath of Fire) (or Ryu from BOF)
Some monster from Monster Hunter
For returning, I’d like SonSon, Ruby Heart, Captain Commando, Strider, Doom, Iron Fist, Thanos, Shuma, and Felicia.
For new, I’d like Cloak and Dagger, Captain Marvel (already got that wish), Miss Marvel (Kamala Khan), Squirrel Girl, Spider Gwen, and Alex (new to MVC anyway)