Punisher needs to be in this game, teamed up with BB Hood.
Some ideas from the other thread: Demitri and Blade is bnb
If Thanos wouldn’t show up in a game featuring Infinity gems, I’d be severly confused…
I’m worried on the Capcom villain department as well (hench my new avatar XD), vanilla MvC3 lacked Capcom villians, plain and simple (it was just Wesker and Akuma).
I have decent feeling Sigma will finally show up (which would be very welcome imo)
I really hope they don’t phase out Wesker, out of all the Resident Evil characters, he fits the bill of “being” a fighting game character most, plus he’s an scheming mastermind.
Obviously Capcom is currently promoting RE7, but I don’t see any of the new characters (i.e. the Baker family) as a good fit, I would rather prefer them to bring out the classics like Nemesis (ideal grunt material).
Between M. Bison and Gill, Bison is most likely due to popularity. If they add a Street Fighter villian, I hope it’s him, Akuma is having enough exposure atm (plus he’s more of a “seeking the strongest opponents” type than bent on conquering the multiverse)
Pyron is basicly Capcom’s Galactus and we haven’t seen him in a fighting game for ages, he fits the cosmic-level threat with ease.
Although I do like Jedah, I don’t think he would fly in this current age rating system, with him having self mutalation moves etc.
Realistically (If the launch game ends up having the rumored 24 character roster wwith 12 for both sides), I think we’re lucky if we get 1, at max 2 playable Capcom villains.
Since 1/4th of the slots have already been taken at this point.
they all ready have 2 of these pairings. hopefully they complete the set
of course i have the strider/spidey
Just throwing some in since hey, it’s that thread time again. Also, including some X-Men since I haven’t heard anything non-pre Saturday rumour about no X-Men. Mix of possible and obscure-ish in cases.
Spider Man
Venom (Brock)
Scarlet Witch
Winter Soldier
Wolverine (Laura Kinney) (yes, really)
Akira Kazama
Nina (Breath of Fire) (or Ryu from BOF)
Some monster from Monster Hunter
For returning, I’d like SonSon, Ruby Heart, Captain Commando, Strider, Doom, Iron Fist, Thanos, Shuma, and Felicia.
For new, I’d like Cloak and Dagger, Captain Marvel (already got that wish), Miss Marvel (Kamala Khan), Squirrel Girl, Spider Gwen, and Alex (new to MVC anyway)
How did I forgot about Ruby Heart and SonSon. I loved those two in Marvel 2. I definitely want them back.
I only have one request for a Capcom character, and that’s Asura. If they get Augus and any of the other deities, that’s a huge plus.
Edit: Asura and Yasha would be fucking perfect.
Another interesting Capcom Villain Spotlight that appears in several Capcom Crossover and made a lot of Cameos.
DEVILOTTE a Cyberbots villain from where Jin Saotome Originates.
Her personality is like the old Karin in A3, Tron bonne, Bulleta/BBHood and with Doronjo from TVC.
She pilots the Octopus like Mecha Known s Super-8, She appeared in previous MVC as an assist.
Since Super-8 is huge its better that Capcom would bring mini version like Cyber-woo in NGBC
I’m full on board the “Replace Tron with Devilotte” train
Devilot is a shitty character.
Capcom side
Lady - This is my number #1 Pick.
Gene (Godhand)
Jedah blahblahratings
Kenji (Warzard)
Black Guy Rufus from the early SFIV designs
Returning: Hoping for the DMC trio and the Clover duo since they made it in MvC3. They’d go nice with my list of who I want to see. Phoenix Wright and the RE characters in addition to RE cast, especially Wesker.
I want to see some fucking Ghost Rider.
Robbie Reyes, most likely.
Lol idc just wants chains and flaming skulls. And leather jackets.
**The Repliod and Robotized Street Fighters, The Sigma and Ultron Henchmen for invasion:
Along with Devilot, Huitzil/Phobos, Vile and Solo to form Henchmen Team, Here are some nostalgic return I hope Capcom would bring into rather than their regular counterparts.
Cyborg Nash to rival Chun li’s and Kevin Strayker.
Has all SF5 Nash Special Moves, but with new bonuses like the Rainbow Missile, Miracle Drill and Plasma Barrier from Shadow Lady’s move set.
Has Air Dash, Triangular Jump and Triple Jump.
**Super Moves **
Somersault Justice, Galaxy Missile and Justice Saber.
**Mecha Zangief ** - Clone Reploid

Slow when walking but fast when dashing and air dash.
Vodka Fire Has blue flame
Has flight mode
Can block and no hyper armor like MVS version.
Has HP Short range lasers for Standing, Jumping and Crouching like MVC’s Gold War machine.
Super Moves
Siberian Blizzard, Final Atomic Buster and Vodka Inferno(like Dhalsim’s MVC’s Yoga Inferno)
**Cyber Akuma ** to rival Ryu.

Moveset are combination of UMVC3 and Zero-G Gouki from Cyberbots
Megablast(New SP) from Zero-G Gouki’s Moveset from CyberBots
Double Air Hadouken
Goshoryu Counter -similar to his X-Ability from Xmen Cota
Homing Rocket Arm
Crouching HK same with Zero-G Gouki
Has flight mode
Raging Demon, Sekia Kuretsuha, Messatsu Gohado Agyo and Zankuu Gohado Agyo
Cyber Dan?

Oh yea. How could I forget? I want some Breath of Fire representation, dammit!
Ryu would be okay, but I think Fou-Lu would be a more interesting addition to the cast (Maybe you can give him a Ryu costume if the demand is that great)

Oh yea. How could I forget? I want some Breath of Fire representation, dammit!
Ryu would be okay, but I think Fou-Lu would be a more interesting addition to the cast (Maybe you can give him a Ryu costume if the demand is that great)
I was thinking Fou-Lu or Rei. I’d also like Myria from BOF3 to appear as a Capcom final boss but that’s just wishful thinking.
- Iron Man
- Captain Marvel
- Captain America
- Groot
- Dr. Strange
- Ant Man
Safe Bets
- Rocket (Star Lord if Groot & Rocket act as one char)
- Hawkeye
- Hulk
- Thor
- Dormammu
- Spider-Man
- Black Panther
Educated Guesses
- Inhumans Rep ([Crystal] / Black Bolt)
- Wasp
- Spider-Man Villain: Venom (or Green Goblin / Doc Oc / Vulture)
- Luke Cage / [Daredevil] / Iron Fist / Ghostrider
- Scarlet Witch / Vision
- Thanos
- MegaMan X
- Ryu
- Morrigan
Safe Bets
- Female SF rep (Chun / [Juri] / R. Mika)
- 3rd SF rep ([Bison] / Akuma / Charlie)
- RE Rep ([Wesker] / Leon)
- 2nd RE Rep (Chris / [Jill] / Nemesis)
- Dante
- Spencer
- Frank West
- Amaterasu
- 2nd Darkstalkers Rep (Demitri / [B.B. Hood] / Jedah)
Educated Guesses
- Monster Hunter Rep
- Red Earth Rep (or Power Stone Rep)
- Asura
- Captain Commando / Jin
- Ruby Heart
- Samanosuke / Ryu (from Breath of Fire)
- Phoenix Wright
- Sigma
- Ultron
40 characters total
We should have at least 5 Darkstalkers characters
B.B Hood
Hon Talbain