MVC Infinite Lounge: DLC Characters and Costumes launch Dec 5th

What’s cool is that so far, it looks like they’re gonna do that. As others have pointed out X’s highway stage is merging with Asgard and even broke the Rainbow Bridge. On the statues, the Sigma virus seems to be creeping outwards, so unlike MvC2 the stages hopefully wont be a random mishmash of things. I’ve got high hopes with this entry.

Chris G and Evo 2016.

At this point, thanks to her bullet hell, she’s joined the pantheon of Mahvel in the same way that Mags, Storm, Sent did. Expect to see Vergil in the game as well.

It means no footsies, for the rest of your days
It’s our combo free, philosophy…
Akuma Matata.

Didn’t seem to save Cable or Cyclops.

I couldn’t figure out how to embed the picture but I don’t really understand the comparisons between injustice and MvCi. They honestly don’t look anything alike to me which I feel like the picture kinda highlights.

You need stoey mode for the game to sell.

Discussing the neednfor story for a story mode in srk is fruitless since it has no bearing on the goals of this site.


All this does is show how NRS still can’t make good faces for women.

Captain Marvel face is really well done imo.

Supergirl on the other hand looks like chucky.

They look extremely similar to me. First, in terms of animation. Go to 0:21 or 0:51 in the gameplay trailer and look at Ironman and Ms. Marvel fighting, that to me looks exactly like Injustice (very fast, long strings of attacks). Next we have the general artstyle, it’s very dark and “realistic”, just like an NRS game, specifically Injustice.

Injustice I’d imagine was really popular with a casual audience, so I understand why they would want to ditch the “cartoony” style from the past in favor of a more realistic NRS-style, but it’s really disappointing and is something I think we should give them shit about.

The reason is because OW is a more modern game, while 2D fighting is seen by most people (not for me) as a pretty much obsolete game format.

On top of the license appeal, Injustice and Mortal Kombat/X (some of the most succesful fighting games lately) had a lot of extra content, including cinematic story, mini games and secrets, but I don’t think if they were completely based on versus combat (that’s, “Arcade” and “Versus” modes) they would have sold anywhere as well.

People who play fighting games for story should die.

I think it’s kind of hilarious how NRS has been sort of the “casual mans fighting game” for years, without ever really getting any respect from other players, and actually getting disrespected quite often. Now Capcom is biting NRS’s style…lol hold that


People didn’t clown MK for its story, they clowned it for its incessant patching and clunky fighting engine.

Probably they will since it’s inevitable since Akuma is more known to be without it even in his future counterparts.

I hope they would collision and infection themes are really interesting especially with Ultron in!!

Megaman vs Sonic Comics did alot interesting robotized ideas hopefully Capcom would do better in simplistic and nostalgic manner since they have a lot of untapped creative ideas in their previous cyberpunk inspired video games in the past decades.

I don’t think the story would be good at all.

Capcom couldn’t even get their shit together for great storytelling on Street Fighter V (Such an emotional moment seeing Guile meeting Nash again, right?), they can do no other than nonsense with a “cosmic scale multiverse clash” on MvC:I.

Marvel writers are going to be probably brought on board, but still multiverse crossovers are mostly failures in comic books too.

It’s not like casual gamers would give a shit, anyway, they swallow anything they’re offered. There’s a lot of people that think Sonic and Kingdom Hearts games have a great story, to begin with…

Animation isn’t similar at all. Injustice is a string based fighting game that, as per NRS usual schtick, tries to do Tekken style strings in a 2D fighting game, and that shows in the way it animates (slower normals, no cancels, etc.).

Only part true. They’ve also clowned it for being easy and being custom designed for the casual player. Sound familiar?

Sorry gonna have to disagree.

“very fast, long strings of attacks” has nothing to do with animation style. How something is animated is irrelevant if you’re talking about how long combos/strings are. Guilty Gear and anime games have long block strings and attacks but don’t look anything like an NRS game in terms of animation. You’re talking two different things here.

The reason NRS games look janky is because their attacks don’t have any weight behind them. I could go into the nitty gritty but basically attacks look light and ineffectual. Their character models are high fidelity, but are in uncanny valley in terms of realism. Their character poses are really strange sometimes also. (Batman in Injustice). Quite frankly right now MvCi just looks like MvC3 with the colors toned down and some character model tweaks/undeveloped lighting/shaders.

MvCi may have toned down the colors since MvC3 but their models are still DEFINITELY stylized, vs. NRS’ take on a more realistic look. Actual character models != color palette.

Honestly it just seems like you are unhappy with the fact the game is less colorful. A lot of your other comparisons don’t seem to make much sense.

And before we go any further about color, let’s remember what SFV looked like when it first debuted. Shit had horrible lighting and shadows. Final product looked MUCH better.

Go to 0:51 in the gameplay trailer and watch it. You’re really going to tell me that doesn’t look a lot like Injustice? Also, the artstyle looks a lot like it too (very dark, realistic, etc)

I think it has more to do with genre expectations than with marketing. OW got away with having no story since it’s more or less a TF2 style shooter with MOBA influences, and neither TF2 nor MOBAS are known for their story mode. On the other hand, had Blizzard released SC2 without a story mode, they would have been crucified by fans since SC and RTS games have always had campaigns.

With FGs I think it’s a little more complicated… previously arcade mode (or even versus) may have been enough to keep casual players interested, but thanks to NRS I think a high quality story mode is going to become more and more of an expectation. Capcom will need to keep up with the times if they want to access the unfortunately large portion of FG buyers who don’t care about multiplayer in the slightest. Some of these players may become hardcore players in the long term, but even the ones who play it for a month and then ditch it are still an important marketing demographic. Capcom made the mistake of ignoring that demographic with SFV and they paid for it; I doubt they want to do the same again.

Then again, it’s Capcom so who knows.