MvC Infinite CHARACTER Speculation/Request Thread

And since Marvel’s Sasquatch (Alpha Flight) has fought the Hulk a few times, it would be nice to see the Capcom one have a taste of the green giant.

I like Walter but I like my cute and deadly furball a lot more.

The Lock: Strange, Spider-man, Thor, Hulk, R. Racoon, Nova and Chunl-li?

The Incoming: Antman, Groot, Starlord and Felyne?

Most Requested: Asura, Gene, Dead pool and Wolverine.

Marvel side speculation/ wishlist
Black Panther (getting a solo movie he’s a lock)
Wasp ( is going to be part of a team up movie where her names in th title , is female, has more move set potential than ant man)
Daredevil ( more popular than ever thanks to Netflix show)
these may be a bit more risky than avengers + their movie villains and Spider-Man but I’d say 70% confident on these.

Capcom side
Juri (she’s always wanted to be in a marvel game let’s be honest.)
Samanouske (Capcom released a statement about reviving dead franchises right after the MvC reveal and I’ve seen onimousha pop up in more than one discussion about games they want to bring back)
Strider ( because Strider)

I’m not quite sure about the roster size yet so I’m going to venture a guess that the initial roster size like MvC3 (36.) I don’t have my finger on the pulse of who’s in demand on the Capcom side so here are my Marvel picks:

1.) Captain Marvel
2.) Captain America
3.) Iron Man
4.) Thor
5.) Loki
6.) Hulk
7.) Black Widow
8.) Hawkeye
9.) Scarlet Witch
10.) Vision
11.) Ant man & Wasp
12.) Doctor Strange
13.) Black Panther
14.) Groot
15.) Rocket Raccoon
16.) Star Lord
17.) Ultron
18.) Thanos

DLC pack 1: X-men/Fantastic 4 pack
1.) Wolverine
2.) Storm
3.) Magneto
4.) Dr. Doom

DLC pack 2: Marvel Netflix pack
1.) Daredevil
2.) Jessica Jones
3.) Luke Cage
4.) Iron Fist

Characters I could possibly see making it if the game is successful:
1.) Elektra
2.) Punisher
3.) Winter Soldier
4.) Falcon
5.) Gamora
6.) Drax
7.) Psylocke
8.) Gambit

Less likely picks that I would still like to see:

1.) Rogue
2.) Iceman
3.) Wiccan
4.) Emma Frost
5.) Cyclops

And my troll picks:

1.) Phoenix
2.) Squirrel Girl

I know I basically listed every character but oh well.

Edit: Well I just realized I forgot to include Spiderman. There goes my list lol

I swear Shakunetsu’s posts take up like half the page

I have to agree there as well.

The thing is, they all run around the whole court mechanic. Phoenix is funny because it’s this normal guy who couldn’t hurt a fly bumbling around solving a case and inadvertently beating you up. If you put in another anime lawyer it’s not really that special anymore. I definitely understand wanting more from your favorite series but I just don’t see what another lawyer could do and I don’t really see the merit in cloning Phoenix. It’ll only serve to make him less special.

But then he’s just kind of some guy in underarmor. It’s all about the flash!

My own point:

Does anyone else wanna see MvC2 Jill back? I didn’t really care for MvC3 Jill, so generic.

Also same for Chris, they may as well have called him CoD Guy.

I’d love MvC2 Jill, but they HAVE to keep the chargeable shoulder dash… and make the zombie attacks better.

It won’t happen though. Maybe we’ll see Leon Kennedy and Jack Krauser equipped with BIOORGANICWEAPON AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARM.

Regina from Dino Crisis throwing velociraptors instead of zombies.

From Capcom more than anything I want this dude. King Leo.

And Sasquatch. Watch out Hulk, my boy may cave your head in if given the green light.

Also from Power Stone, I like Galuda, Fokker and Rouge.

Especially Rouge.

God, do I miss Power Stone…

Magneto is a hero… Urien is nothing but a tyrant.

Eh, Magneto is kind of an anti hero…Marvel has a funny way of taking mass murdering characters and making them good.

Y’all forgetting its 12 on each side…that should reel in some of these outrageous ideas that 3-4 characters from the same series will make it in

Your forgetting thats just a rumor.

It was never confirmed to be 24 total

This is actually looks good.

However, no one has assumptions over Daisy johnson/Quake? Agents of Shield is still running strong and Quake was actually fun in Future Fight. Id pick her over Emma Frost… is she even relevant now? I dont know what happened to her after AvX.

Cool wishlist.

Since Vulture is going to be the main villain in the upcoming Spider-Man film, i wonder if that will raise his chances for this game.

If Marvel suggests a Spider-Man villain, it might be the one making his MCU debut.

I’m hoping Vulture won’t get in as it would kill the chance for Falcon.


That’s a tough challenge.






3 Resident Evil reps, 1 Star Gladiator rep, and a Street Fighter rep. These niggas would make Marvel lit as fuck.