Me either, like X made into it than volnut and megaman. there’s also Maximu or Mecha suit Arthur(Cannon Spike) to replace GG Arthur.
Probably Nero, Some 80s-90s adventure/shump side scroller character, another character from beat em up and other PS2 and Dreamcast characters from Capcom, Amaterasu was in promotion during TVC development days. Hoping for Power Stone, Cannon Spike, Breath of Fire, Plasma Sword, Warzard and a few characters tribute from the previous crossover series.
If Arthur returns, I’m with you in wanting the Cannon Spike version.
Wow I thought Vergil looked like Dante a bit but Nero looks just like him. Seems like he has some cool powers though.
Haggar would have to be replaced with another grappler (mostly SF Characters) plus you lose series representation for 2 series (Final Fight and Slam Masters). I don’t think he’ll be dropped. I kept Firebrand over Arthur because he has more interesting gameplay and he’s a villain. I could see him being dropped but in that case Arthur would probably stay. I don’t know about Amaterasu being dropped. I think she has a better chance of returning than Viewtiful Joe but probably not as much of a chance as Frank West. I kept her mostly for the Thor rivalry.
If Wesker is dropped they better have Bison and Sigma. Wesker was the main Capcom villian in MvC3 so they better have a good replacement if they cut him.
How many characters from Final Fight and Slam Masters were in MvC1? I don’t think Capcom cares that much about those properties.
I mean, Haggar is iconic, but I honesty don’t think he’s that popular everywhere, he’s remembered only by very old-school gamers/Capcom fans, they did fine without him in MvC1 and 2, I don’t think they will necessarily bring him back.
Maybe another Ghost & Goblins character.
She’s a little weird and she only had like one and a half games, it was nice to see her in MvC3 but Okami is not a “classic” Capcom property…
Either Bison or Urien. It’s a shame Bison was never in the previous MvC games but I think Urien’s gameplay would be more interesting in the game.
Their gonna have a grappler though. So is it going to be Zangief or Alex or will they use the pre-existing assests for Haggar and bring him to the new game to represent two series as opposed to a series that will already have reps.
Astaroth is really the only other Ghosts N Goblins character worthy of the series, and he sucks. He’s slow, would definitely be the slowest character in the game. His moveset consists of fire breathing and a generic beam. Otherwise their’s Hades, but he would only work as a Final Boss and he would be a lame final boss.
okay heres my list mostly wishful thinking, bolded are the lock-ins IMO
[details=Spoiler] Ryu
Megaman X
a really really nerfed Virgil lol
(beyond this point is wishlist/people i think most likely to make a return from mvc3)
Tron Bonne
Viewtiful Joe
Cap Commando[/details]
thatd put 15 each side for a nice launch roster of 30, with room for lots of DLC. I doubt anyone would really be disappointed by a capcom side like this
now the marvel side, this is harder IMO
[details=Spoiler] Captain America
Iron Man
Captain marvel
Dr Strange…theres no way he isnt in this game IMO
Iron Fist
i originally was thinking wolverine was a lock but then i looked at the marvel side and realized i had no women after captain marvel and I dont see that happening lol…dlc for the marvel side will be realllly interesting. I dont think were getting cable AND punisher, or cable AND venom, and I dont think were not getting punisher so I left cable off…but im really hopeful im wrong
they did say the roster is going to be huge so i could be way off about all of this
Maximo - could borrow a few tricks from UMVC3’s Taskmaster that probably wouldn’t return.
Haggar can be replace by Mecha Gief(which can be a different fighter or have a reploid counter part) or Victor from Darkstalkers, Maybe someone in Powerstone. I don’t think they would go Slam Master, even I like so because it’s like they are not promoting that franchise anymore for unknown reasons.
As for Frankwest? we had Gene from God hand to be wacky nd do over the top antics! While idon’t believe that Viewtiful Joe and Amaterasu would return because of being UMVC and TVC already, plus their franchise is already stagnant and dormant probably they would be replaced I was expecting a Felyne as a replacement because of being so popular of Monster Hunter and to rival Guardian’s Rocket Racoon.
As for the villains they probably take the likes of Pyron, Jedah, Blade, Blistein and Devilot. I don’t think it a good direction for the final bosses like Warzard(Scion) and some 90’s beat em up should be part of the game they are only obscure and the gamers just want them to see out of curiosity but they were never remarkable and nostalgic. For the case of Darkstalker i think they could add up to 5 characters like Street Fighter beacuse of the appeal and it’s a true sense of nostalgia not curiousity and promotion but boss selection the best either they bring Jedah or Pyron.
The problem is with other FG bosses is because there would be too many swords man.
I don’t think they would promote Ghosts N Goblins like before unless they would release remastred version. During MVC3 development they were promoting GnG it had different releases from portable and new mobile versions.
Recurring Anti Heroes
1. SOLO - bounty hunter and recurring villain in Strider games
I agree Strange is a lock. Should be fun, he and Ammy were the best newcomers to 3 imo. Even though I doubt it’ll happen, I think it’d be kind of cool if they replaced Haggar with Victor or Sasquatch…