MvC:I the 'Sales' topic (financial status of the game)

Strange wording. Isn’t it usually the sold amount that’s reported? I can’t remember any other time with such confusion over sold/shipped.

Nope, it’s always shipped. Don’t know if that includes digital copies though, I know alot of gamers are just going digital I’m the ps4, I think bungie reported A 50% increase in digital shares from D1 to D2.

It’s not always shipped. A company will go with shipped units if the sale numbers isn’t great. It’s a means to show how much demand there is for the product.

Rockstar uses shipped because tracking sales of your game worldwide isn’t the easiest thing to do. Gta5 is the most successful game in history and they still used shipped numbers… it’s always shipped even if they say sales.

Unless your game is all digital you can assume sales for a company means shipped. But tell me more about how take 2 and rockstar are using shipped to retailer numbers instead of sales because they are embarrassed of GTA5 numbers.

Seeing as only video game store will actually rack up the exact count of item sold to the editor, it’s pretty much always shipped that’s used.

Wallmart and shit wont send report to capcom on how many MvCI copy they sold. it’s all in bulk.
Not every store selling videogames is a gamestop with customer files and a game per game inventory.

Its usually shipped, unless the company is trying to prove a point with the amount sold, tekken just recently spoke on how many copies they had shipped.

Copies being shipped is all that matter because that means that there is a demand for it and its being sold SOMEHOW

If 4 years later its still 900 thousand shipped then yeah thats kind of lackluster for a vs game featuring marvel characters this day and age.

There’s no way to track sales. Shipped is what the publisher is responsible for.

for capcom? for sure!
they can see how many game accounts got activated/created.

on pc even consumer can see these numbers to a certain extend too

This doesn’t account for copies not connected online, never activated or never played. It also becomes difficult becUse resale would mess with the numbers.

This game should have initially sold more than mvc3/umvc3 because the previous game wasnt available on pc.

But again, patches and updates will make this game better and greater than sfv

it is already better…

Oh my mistake. Yeah. Mvci is better than sfv. :slight_smile:

Crazy how Capcom didn’t really do anything to cross promote with Thor Ragnarok.

Seeing Injustice 2 have in-game special events just for the Justice League movie made me dust it off again.

I wish Capcom had features & modes in place to bring in new players while the general public is in “Marvel mode”.

I want Disney to stick a boot in Capcom’s ass like they allegedly did with EA’s and make them atone for their sin of releasing this game half cooked. The fun and engrossing gameplay just makes it worse, because it just makes it a diamond that was never polished and could have been a smash hit.

If that leak about season 2 being all the characters everyone actually wanted for this game MVCI is my last Capcom purchase…unless they release a new Rival Schools…or Powerstone…or Strider… or Code Veronica Rema- I need to stop because I’m making myself sad.

I think the Thor/Hulk pre-order costumes were based off of it, but yeah. I’d really like to see more time-based events in FGs like other games, particularly Overwatch.

Disney only kicked EA’s ass because they used their property to create the worst anti-consumer practices a major publisher put in a game. Battlefront 2 had three major shitstorms before it saw release.

Besides, Disney already put their foot down with Marvel Heroes getting that game shut down.

Is the game looking to have a bright competitive future? Whats the general opinion among the fans and high level players? I want to get into it, but dont want to learn a game to have it die a year later.

where are you from and what platform are you playing it on or intend to?

Not the same situation. WB owns DC and Netherealm.

Disney is half to blame for Marvel’s state. They insisted on the MCU roster and artstyle. They only stepped in with EA because the negative attention was affecting their most valuable IP.