MvC:I the 'Sales' topic (financial status of the game)

California on ps4.

Well what is the situation then, because that excuse makes no sense to me. Marvel and Capcom are titled on the box, Marvel and Capcom characters are featured heavily in the game, and MVCI is purposely tailored around the Marvel Cinematic Universe; but you’re implying that in-game events in MVCI aligned with the release of Marvel films is not logistically possible…???

The game would benefit from piggybacking off of any future Marvel-related event & should take full advantage of them, in my opinion.

based on the comments on this forum you should be fine in that area and platform to find people to play with.
if it lasts for years…thats something you have to be part of to happen.

I came to this thread to see if anyone posted the sales numbers for Infinite and saw that I missed this post. It’s not the same situation because WB owns Netherealm and DC comics. They have the same parent company. WB is the publisher of Netherealm titles. Not sure what the confusion is here. Anything done with Infinite requires negotiation coordination between Capcom and Marvel. As we’ve seen from the situation with MvC3 and Infinite that’s not a smooth and easy process. Marvel is pain and the ass to deal with. WB and Netherealm doesn’t require the same amount red tape. WB gave them massive budget to produce Injustice 2. Netherealm has the ability to pull from the entire DC roster. Capcom has to pay to license Marvel IP. Capcom is limited in which characters they can use. If Capcom had their way, I can guarantee you that X-Men and Fantastic Four characters would be in the game.

Marvel vs capcom ibfinite should have been called marvel vs capcom: dead or alive? lol :slight_smile:

I want a Marvel vs DC fighting game.

Made by Netherealm, of course.

But probably taking some elements from the Marvel Versus games. Like the Infinity Stones, maybe.

Or decent animations and sound effects.


Sound design is pretty much the only thing above reproach in Netherrealm games…

Anyways, Arcsys should get the Marvel license.