MVC 2: Jin

AND trent sucks!

Damn…its Jin players like you that make us few good Jin players look bad…

I hear ya brotha!

Official Jin (MvC2) Thread

wait wait wait… so what your telling me is that cable, a projectile user, is all up in my face and I use Jin(AAA) to knock him back across the screen… to right where he wants to be…hmmmm


Okay, I played Jin heavily at the early stages of MVC2, since he was my fav char from MVC1.

What Jin has…

Expansion Assist
Blodia Vulcan
DHC into Typhoon

And thats pretty much it.
Back when trying to cheese was popular and no one push blocked enough all I would do is sj.roundhouse drill call Dr. Doom.

If someone like Storm or Magz tried to air dash above and cross up, Blodia Vulcan, then they get crossed up.

Jin aint so good. No matter what my name says. (he is good in Tekken4 tho! even though I dont play that game…)

Jin’s AAA is great with Storm cheese tactics.
It pushes real far, has all sorts of invincibility, does a good ammount of block damage, and storm can just do the upwards column tornado deally move for some great cheese.
His expansion assist COVERS so much area, and if it hits someone you can juggle afterwards.

DHC into typhoon is usually an ASS LOAD of damage.

Really, Jin has some good assists and some good damage potential, but who would wanna risk playing him?
Its not like he is Cammy who has the great assist and doesnt suck so much wang on point.

Jin is not bad at all on point. His jumping rh kills Sentinel in the air, and his jumping drill (d + rh in air) kills anti-air normals. His priority is Cyke-sick.

He has a GOOD trap with Sentinel which is not destroyed by pushblocking.

c. rh + Sent-G, fierce Typhoon, Sent-G connects, contiune from start…

So does Commando, but you still see people using him. Just because no one else uses him doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. Quit x-copying. Use your imagination and maybe you’ll find something cool.

He DOES NOT!!! MegaBusters the shit outta people. Any one with balls enough to always bring MegaMan to every tourney he ever plays in is pretty good in my book :smiley:

Anyways, Mike, Jin is well, I want to like him but the fucker has NO practical combos, I mean, even Hayato is a fucking combo machine compared to Jin. To this day the only unescapable and reliable super combo I can find for him is j.Hp, lp,lp, Super Typhoon and that doesn’t even work on every one. Everything else he has out side a basic AC or ground normal to special chain is too risky. But, he’s got his AAA and his ghetto Psyblade assist to help his friends out but in a real fight he’s pretty worthless. Sure his Blodia Vulcan is ok but how often is that gonna win the battle? Sucky supers, sucky normals, he’s slow, no combos, no keep away, poor run away and rushdown. Face it Mike, find another low tier to swoon over. Become a Bison fan or a Sakura fan, at least they’ve got shit going for them. Well, later.


Try Jumping d+rh, lk, hcb+p =P. The other Jin thread has some great strategies for him as well.

I thought Jin would suck as a point but he’s starting to get a lot more effective with the tips I found in that other thread. The (it’s a corner combo) jumping d+rh, lk, fp, Fp Tornado, Saotome Cyclone does immensely stupid (good stupid =P) damage :stuck_out_tongue: Not to mention his Expansion assist coupled with someone like Silver Samurai (which is my team :smiley: and another character of your choice) eat rushdown teams for breakfast. Mag rushdown? Block it, call Jin’s Tornado Assist, and through out a Raimeiken with SilSam or any other Super and bonafide free damage. :slight_smile: Psylocke giving you trouble? Same idea, block and call Jin =P since most Mag users have a reaction to go in for a dashing to start that OTG combo, bam, you get them both. :slight_smile:

Oh did I mention the Tornado Assist allows for free OTG Combos for anyone if it hits?


Nice well written article bout jin! Oh wait, NOTHING POSITIVE has been said. Everyone can be good if the person using them has the skills and strategy necessary to play the character.

Gen2000 posted a lot of good stuff on the other Jin thread (thx for the unpunishable super trick and the 100 pt corner combo btw). I’ll post some of the stuff I found.

  • Jin needs Doom. You don’t even have to get a hit since Jin’s medium/hard normals do chip. Combine with Doom-B and you can chip off lots of life.
  • AAA owns crossups.
  • You want to crossup in conjunction with Doom AAA. Try Doom+FP Typhoon. If you hit, you crossup the opponent and knock them down. If you did this near the corner, the rocks can OTG (comboed), then you can super. If you didn’t hit, rocks will cover you.
  • If you crossup and opponent gets hit by flying rocks, do Typhoon super. Loads o’ damage.
  • Fighting Sentinel: I’m not good vs. Sentinel, but here’s what I found. As AAA, Jin can’t force Sentinel to block like Cammy or Commando. Also, at max flight height, Jin AAA won’t reach. You have to know when your opponent will stomp. So call Jin and block high right before Sent tries stompdown. Problem is that Sentinel gets unfly once hit. What to do now depends on your point char. If you were in corner and Sent got hit to the opposite (top) corner, with Doom do ground photons to force them to block.
  • Nifty combo with Storm/Jin: Jin, sj.fp xx LA xx LS. Like Storm/Commando combo.

What a dickhead (I’m referring to you)

Not so fast. Blodia Vulcan; it’s great for what it is, but it’s not all he has to offer. The other supers dish out their fair share, too, and they’re easy to put to good use. If you do what you’re supposed to do, the supers will get the job done.

Jin’s got no rushdown. To that, I submit that if he’s being played for rushdown purposes, he’s being played ass-backwards. Jin has what he needs to deal with the dash-happy. Go ahead. Rushdown. Then, try to figure out why you’re picking yourself up from the floor half a screen away.

For me, Jin brings some very easy damage for a cheap price: you manage to land a short combo and you’ve suddenly begun to fill that lifebar with a lot of red. And it only gets better once you’ve added him to a line-up that he can support and be supported by.

Yes, the way jin is supposed to be played is pretty defensive , followed up with some nean short bursts of pain. He can deliver so KILLER damage if he gets the opponent in a corner, so make sure you keep his laggy moves backup with area controlling assists.

MI Jin Masta’

Put all your babble to rest. Jin is da’ man, period. No rushdown…ha! My Jin is capable of keeping up with and at times beating VDOs Rogue.

The key, keep the pressure on them. I used to play Jin with Sakura (expansion) and either Rogue (anti-air or throw) or Chun Li (anti-air). Sakura’s expansion holds the opponent in place for some good dashing c.lp, - chip damage. What catches people alot…even Mags and Sents…is to follow that two-hit chip up with the same thing. They often don’t expect the second time and try to dash in. Follow this up with either Saotome Dynamite, or lp.cyclone into Blodia Punch or Great Cyclone.

Abusive c.rh (ground drill). Catches many off guard, if it connects, follow it up with lp.saotome dynamite and cancel into either Blodia Punch (or in the corner Great Cyclone).

With Cap.Com: c.rh, xxCapCom AA, Blodia Punch (50%) as the character flies off the screen, keep tapping the c.rh. He’l lead into the next screen with the drill kick OTGing the opponent where Jin can then punish them with a second Blodia Punch. (dropping at least 70-80% on Cables even).

If that first Blodia Punch puts em in the corner, then use the second chance after the c.rh to use the Great Cyclone. Many times, using that CapCom AA with the ground drill can set them up for a quick Cyclone if you’re looking to make fast damage.

Also, Jin has the easiest cross-over air combo. Always end the air combos with fierce punch. Guide yourself to land on the other side, fierce punch again, start air combo. To insure good damage, switch up from time to time. Instead of always crossing up, land right in front of them. They’ll be thinking to cross - block, and will get hit anyway, right in the face. Once you’ve had your fill of the combo’ing, either relaunch into Great Cyclone, or j.fp, xx Blodia Punch.

My personal favorite (and creation) using the into the command grab {I call it the Saotome Rush for lack of the real name} qcb.k . Nice way to kill an opponent off…follow with taunt for best results.

Playing Jin with Sentinels…anti-air assist. Need anything else?

Rush-Down Teams: Expansion and Anti-Air assist, need I say anymore?

Turtling Teams: Once again…need I really repeat myself?

Can you see your fate? I have.

I’ve been using Jin since I started playing 3 years ago, and I’ve never even thought of trying some of the stuff posted here. Thanx for the info:cool:

Just a random note here:

There is no difference between jab and fierce dynamite. None. They are the same move.

Has Jin been used effectively in tournament play? If so, what team was he a part of? I keep hearing about Jin/Doom and yes that character combination is great for chip damage. His fire stun moves as well as Doom’s rocks work well together. Anybody else work well with Jin? I was thinking Cable/Jin/Doom but this is a Jin thread and we’re talking about him on point only, correct?

i work well with jin, but my teams are below bottom tier. I just like watching people stare in disbelief when i beat them with a “scrub” team

I’ve beaten people with Jin-B/Venom-A/Ken-Y teams before:cool: :lol: :slight_smile: