I prefer Jill-B/Hulk-B/Jin-B. It took me forever to get it to work but now…DAMN it’s fun.
Random stuff.
The Blodia punch does the most damage when the machine gun turret is close to the enemy. You can do this easily [hell to easily] with Rogue’s throw assist. Since Rogue turns her enemy towards you, you can just throw the Blodia vulcan into it. It does 8 points more damage than usual since the throw helps you out. Those 8 points don’t get buffered… so that’s always a good thing.
Also I created this fun combo with Rogue[Throw]/Sent[Ground]/Jin[AAA].
Rogue: Lp, lk, [Call Sent], lp lk, [drones hit], c.lp, c.mp, repeating punches, Good Night Sugah, wait till Rogue is kissing the enemy, Sent HSF, wait till the enemy falls down then launch, magic series, Sent’s Aerial super, Jin’s Cyclone super.
This combo pretty much kills about anyone that doesn’t have super high stamina [Juggernaut and up].
this is one of my favorite guys in the game anybody else use him? what are some good combos and strats?
i use c. hk, into his saotome anti air thing
and i use s. lp, mp, sj. lp , mp. down + hk for three more hits
anybody got some more advice and nice combos for jin saotome?
you can also do BP>c.short, s.fierce>BP
i dont know if it does more damage than BP>c.rh>BP, but if someone could test em and post back here. i havent played jin in over a year, so i don’t know which hurts more…
i like to use that charge trick that works with jin when you hold any kick button and press down fo a lil bit then go to up and u do his move without havin to do it the regular way it works on all moves that have u charge down and then to up.
does this work on any other streetfighter game like alpha 3?
Jin can mix up his air combos in an odd fashion. If you do:
s.LP->s.MP (launch & jump up+forward)-> sj.LP->sj.MP->sj.HP
Jin will knock the opponent straight downwards with the final HP. The odd part is, Jin will fall and land on the opposite side of the opponent by about one pixel. If you time it just right, you can initiate his sj.LP or sj.LK right before Jin hits the ground and the hit will often cross them up. This can easily opens up to any number of possible combos. If they’re anticipating the last sj.LP or sj.LK, you can land and do a simple c.HK -> OTG Saotome Dynamite or Blodia Punch. If you do not want to land on the opposite side, simply pull the joysitck to the side you launched from as you fall after the last HP. You can essentially follow up this air combo with attacking from sj,s, or c from either side of the opponent.
Alternatively, there’s some interesting tricks you can pull with his mid-air Saotome Drills and air combos. If you alter his air combo to
s.LP->s.MP (launch & s.jump up)-> sj.LP->sj.MP->sj.HP
the final HP will now knock the opponent down and to a bit of an angle, initiating a flying screen and Jin will dash in from ground level. However, if you tack on a fast air drill at the end, so the string is
s.LP->s.MP (launch & s.jump up)-> sj.LP->sj.MP->sj.HP XX D+HK
Instead of iniating the flying screen, Jin will come down in with the Saotome Drill right into the opponent’s face as they get up. If the D+HK drill connects, you can combo right back into a s.LP->s.MP (launch). There’s a nice variation you can throw into this, as your opponent will probably guard high against the air drill after you surprise him maybe once with it. Wait a millisecond longer before you do D+HK at the end of the string. Jin will start the air drill, but the flying screen will iniate and cancel it, and Jin will do his charge-in from off screen on the ground. You can now do his c.HK and hope it conncets for a nice followup of OTG Saotome Dynamite or Blodia Punch. You’ll notice it sounds funny because Jin starts to say ‘Dril…’ but is cut off when the flying screen cancels the move, then says ‘Drill’ again as he does the c.HK version.
Of course, all these tricks aren’t ‘true’ combos, and they rely on you actually landing Jin’s launcher, so take them with a grain of salt. But, any sort of cross-up potential with Jin does help.
The most damaging corner combo is BP (hold down-back), C.Roundhouse xx jab Typhoon (2/3 hits) xx Saotome Cyclone.
jin is da bidomb. As far as I know, you can decide what side you want to land on after doing the air combo by holding that direction. But you gotta end it with FP not roundhouse. I always use the expansion assist, his aaa is very good, but has virtually no comboability. Jin pretty much has to be used only for his assist, and I have two main teams I use with him. Cable/Sentinel/jin (exp). The strategy is simple. If they get hit with jin, proceed to ahvb or hsf them until they die. of course you could snapback or launch them if you like, but the supers hurt so much. And my new team, MSJ. jin’s expansion assist can be otg’d into magneto’s c lk, c rh just like psylocke. Or you can just start up the normal jumping or superjumping infinite right off of jin. Or you can let em fall and then tri jump em with mags. Also magnetos c lk, c mk combos into jin as well so you don’t have to stick out risky launchers. with jin on point, I like to pyschic blodia vulcan or cyclones, especially against offensive characters like mags and storm. The cyclone is great against stompdown sentinel. Or you could sucker em with the blodia punch and dhc to hailstorm or shockwave when they try to jump at you. Oh yeah storms standard launch into super combo dhc’s into the cyclone or the vulcan, for nice damage. Try em out, jin rocks the house; just ask chaos.
Actually I think the most damaging corner combo IIRC is j.fierce, s.short, s.fierce, typhoon xx super cyclone. I remember doing over 100 damage on Cable in training mode. I’m not sure if the j.roundhouse does more or not because the extra hits scale down the damage of the super cyclone. Anyway, you only need 1 super for this and it looks nice.
My strategy is to chip. j.roundhouse does 3 points of damage blocked, and combined with Doom, adds up to a lot of damage. If they accidentally get hit by Doom cuz they were stupid, cancel into super typhoon for some good damage, or do all those crossup things mentioned before.
Whats up my fellow jin fans!! I have also been using jin since mvc2 first came out. I,ve already established the perfect Jin team wich (if you would refer to my avatar) consists of Mag,Jin,Doom in that order. The team has just about everything you could ask for (except for an anti air) but hey it works hella good.
Well it seems that everyone has already posted everything a person should know about jin ( except for a few of my personal combos and lockdowns) so I just wanted to say, play with jin he is good!!
Ive actualy been dying to play a half decent Jin. Everyone I have faced so far that claims to be a “Jin master” has fallen before the might of my flame taunt. I am willing to say that I have the best Jin in all pac south,Anyone who thinks their Jin can beat mine, 100$ says you wont come close!!!
I f you think I sound conceded, your absolutly right im just trying to get someone to prove me wrong:(
I’m a HUGE Jin fan. I played him religiously before exploring other characters and let me say that you are, by far, the most confident and courageous Jin player I have ever heard from. My Jin is decent. I’ve frustrated the hell out of people with his AAA, insane chip damage from his normals, Typhoon XX Blodia Punch combos, and launch into Great Cyclone. I don’t know if my Jin could take yours though. I haven’t played Jin in a while because my pussy friend Ibow2no1( if you’re reading this) almost always resorts to Cable, BH, and runaway Storm. Not saying that those characters are bad, but does he really need those characters when I choose to go with Jin/Amingo/Dan??
Anywho, Jin is great. I have this weird connection with the way he plays (50% offense and 50% defense). I just feel so comfortable with him because if you EVER decide to start him, you have to play smart and learn to be patient with him. Yeah, I wouldn’t call myself an expert cause that’s just too much, but I can throw some shit down with him for sure. Jin/Tron works really well for me. Just call Tron to punish a blocked or missed assist and proceed to do Typhoon XX Blodia Punch. When the assist gets hit a certain number of times <<<!!!PRESTO!!!>>> your opponent’s point character just stops blocking. I get plenty of :wtf: looks when that happens.
Old School team right here: Jin<B>/Venom<A>/Ken<Y> aka Team Berzerk
*I know my team isn’t shit btw so don’t bother telling me:lol: