"Must I team with these unsavory beasts?"The Vega Team Synergy Thread

Been doing Vega/Hugo since launch and while I suppose the team works there doesn’t seem to be much synergy going from Vega to Hugo except like cr.:lp: xx clap, backbreaker.

You can tag cancel from :lp: RCF into Hugo’s cr:mp: if your timing’s right, but I don’t know. I like the team but I feel there’s not much more to learn beyond the basic stuff with them.


cr.MP xx LP rolling Cristal flash, tag Hugo, cr.MP xx calp, cr.MP xx lariat, cr.LP xx palm, backbreaker.
Godlike damage off 1 bar. The timming is not that tight after you try it 10 or more times.

Good thing about this team is that Vega is fast and with a switch you can put Hugo on the opponent’s face and go on from there.

Switched Hugo for Nina last night. I am liking Nina’s pressure game and she seems to have good synergy with Vega but I need to play around with this team a lot more before I make a definitive decision. And learn how to play Nina.

im gonna try out rolento on point and vega as anchor, what you guys think ?

Hurts you’re damage potential greatly. One if my buddies plays rolento. I end up not wanting to tag due to the meter use not being worth the damage. Vega on point though with rolento anchor is ok but then you run the standard risk if getting shut down before rolento even gets in

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Has anyone given the Vega/Balrog team a shot?

I’m not sure if Capcom grouped chars together randomly or if it was strategically. Vega can get Balrog in, and Balrog has the AA Vega does not… Is there a method to the madness? Could natural teammates be the way to go in the future?

i hate rog too much to ever touch him


I’m really having a hard time picking and sticking with a secondary character for my Vega. I was trying out Nina and while I have developed a few good tag combos for them, I just don’t seem to be creating much synergy with them. Back to the drawing board I guess.

I feel your pain!!

Finally settled on Vega/Ibuki. Both fast, both low health, but I am enjoying my time getting better with each of them on their own and as a team. Have never used another fighter other than Vega in a SF title, so I have much to learn. :slight_smile:

Guile/Vega got me to grand finals then I lost to that disgusting pig rufus; altough I would rather embrace the rough nature of Asuka ill settle for this military brute

but im going to learn hworang as a counter pick for rufus…

I played a Guile / Vega guy yesterday that was pulling off juggles for days. Good combination.

I’ve been sticking it out with Nina after all and am glad I have.

It wasn’t me lol.

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I personally think Chirstie/Vega will be a great team and im not sure why…just have to wait and see…

Elena/Vega as well…

Would you or anybody share some team combos for Vega/Guile…i play this team since release because Guile used to be my SF4 alt…i like him in this game he has strong footsies and very good AA game and an invincible reversal but his damage output is very underwhelming…(the best thing they have come out with in the Guile sub-forums so far is a 3 bars corner only combo that does 525…masked Vega can top that with two bars anywhere on the screen…what i’m trying to say is…i don’t want to play my lame stile anymore,Deal damage with Vega and turtle with Guile…i think i can do better than that…

guile is perfect for burning out the clock but his damage is bad, I just mainly build meter with guile chucking sonic booms and tag cancel flash kicks to vega

I dont even magic series(vega) x cr.mp x2 super anymore with guile

I either RCF tag magic series tag again or cancel from FB (flip kick) to guile

vega is going to do your most damage while guile acts as your “meat shield” in way

i use Vega/Guile as well (Guile being my alt in sf4), Guile being the anchor tho, when i get a magic series or tag-cancel from scarlet terror i always do f.mk, c.mp, c.mp, flash kick

I’m loving this team. Really solid IMO. Great footsies, decent synergy, and damage output. I especially love that both characters can punish raw tags from full-screen. Neither of them are meter-dependent so it’s pretty easy to sit on full bars with Vega to have the slide cross art ready. And of course, Julia can punish with HP lunge punch on reaction. I get a lot fewer time-outs this way because people are hesitant to switch out. And who doesn’t want fewer time-outs? xD

This is a smart man right here. I use vega/king and I can land easy 300-400 dmg combos that require childs play execution and tons of meter gain. No meter spent. Definitely my main team now and forever. Only helps that its my 2 fav characters out of each series.

Yeah exactly. I just picked my two favorite dudes from each sides. Didn’t want to go SF/SF or T/T. wanted to pick 1 each.

But, I happened to pick a team I think works super well. I don’t play SFXT that often because it’s not a very “widely-played” game to put it lightly but I do still enjoy it. Wish other people did more.

I think that team is great because Vega is an ideal point character for a strong anchor, and King is an ideal anchor for an otherwise strong point character. You wouldn’t think of putting them together but once you make that connection it becomes pretty apparent that they work well together.

Though, I’ve always sort of had anti-air SRK tag cancel to King knees on the brain. THAT seems really cool.