"Must I team with these unsavory beasts?"The Vega Team Synergy Thread

Well if that’s the case just scarlet tower into tag cancel into knees.

The thing I appreciate about vega is his reach, people will throw out moves thinking their fine until you do that crouching medium and then going into abc combo launcher. All my friends complain, and even made a song, about ABC launcher into knee x3 and either QCF punch or SRK punch with king.

i would love to main vega/king as well (i love king) but he’s really to slow for my tastes… and speed gems don’t help :frowning:

If you watched the UFGT8 stream you prolly saw me get blown up by viscant but I like Vega/King still. I find king isn’t as slow as you think. Do you play him as an offensive character or do you play a little more reserved with him?

Been using Vega/Hugo since the launch. I believe they form a strong team. Here is a video with some ideas of the strategy behind combos, basically, Vega builds, Hugo smash.


Would NJ HK switch cancel into Guy jump MP izuna work in 2013?

Yep…pretty sure it will work

Been trying out Vega/Guy since the new patch and found a 491 1 bar tag combo.


That’s awesome!

Akuma X Vega Combos. This team does very high damage.


Awesome team…too bad for me i dispise Akuma…question…in the first 2 combos Vega does cosmic heel after the launcher…is this possible with all the chars or Akuma launchs unusually high…I´ve tried like a thousand times on traning room but it just don´t seem to work with Guiles launcher…

It’s not possible with all characters. You can do the cosmic heel early because you can start an attack after you pass your partner. Akuma moves far back allowing you to start your attack early enough for cosmic heel to combo.

Thanks…i didn’t know that attacks can only start after passing your partnert…I guess if Vega could do cosmic heel on tag in combos with more chars meterles that would be a little too good…at least i can still tag cancel antiair Flashkicks to start cosmic heel combos with Vega…I’m looking for an alt second char…Guile is awesome but does’nt do much damage in combos…judging by those 2 videos akuma and guy are great for that…but i hate Akuma and Guy seems to be a prettu hard to learn char

Akuma is easy to learn. At least the way I play him at the moment. If you are good at footsies then he shouldn’t be too hard (if you use Vega then you should be pretty good at footsies). Zoning with fireballs and applying his mixups may take some time.

I haven’t spent much time with Akuma so I’m not that good with him yet. As you can see though his combos aren’t too hard.

Thinking of trying out Vega with yoshimitsu, anyone runs this team that can give me an idea on if it works?

Im thinking of running that same team, (Vega / Yoshi) Right after i saw this:

any bison/vega players? i think they compliment each other quite well.<br>

Bison/Vega stuff:

-Bison cr.short, st. short, st. mp xx mk scissors, st. mp xx crusher > tag > st. mk, cr. mk, cr. mp xx heavy scarlet terror
-Bison crossup j.mk, st.fierce, st. mp (cr. mk) xx mk scissors, st.mp xx hp crusher > tag cancel > vega bnb
-Bison cr. short, st. mp, st. mp xx mk scissors, st. mp xx hk scissors > tag > cosmic heel, cosmic heel, cr. mp xx heavy scarlet

-Vega st. fierce, cr.mp xx light rolling crystal > tag > st. fierce, st. mp xx mk scissors, st. mp xx hp crusher
-Vega st. fierce, cr. mp, st. fierce xx EX rolling crystal > tag> jumping fierce, st. fierce xx hk scissors, st. mp xx hp crusher
-Vega st. fierce, cr. mk, cr. mp xx mk scarlet terror, cosmic heel, cr.mp xx heavy scarlett terror > tag > hell attack, st. mp, st. hp xx hp crusher
-Vega st. fierce, cr. mk, cr mp xx mk scarlet terror > Pandora Cancel into Bison > st.mk, st. hp xx super art

So no Vega/Bison players on SRK that can talk shop with me?

Is vega a point or anchor. I want him to be my point for Vega x Jin since he has great long ranged normals.
Also their damage would be immense

I’ve been using Vega on point and it works really well because its easy to confirm an ABC into your partner for a lot of damage. I’d imagine that he can also work as an anchor since his damage from a switch cancel is also pretty good.

Could you possibly substitute one of the Cosmic Heels with an EX Izuna Drop?

Vega/Guy is intriguing (both ninjas), as is Vega/Raven, though not necessarily in that order in terms of point and anchor…
What do you guys think?