"Must I team with these unsavory beasts?"The Vega Team Synergy Thread

Trying to make Vega/Poison work until Elena comes out.

My all around SF main and my third strike main. Can’t wait. :slight_smile:

What Vega teams have ya guys seen that can tag cancel back to vega after vega starts the combo with a launcher?
Just wondering

I’m curious what people think of Vega/Julia team ups. Julia is, really, the only other character in this game I am good with, but not quite sure how they measure up together.

My team consists of Vega/Heihachi atm, he hits like a truck, and the two have good synergy. I used to run Vega/Asuka, but it didn’t work out to well. Mainly cause I forget I picked two character lol.

I got a friend that plays Julia, so I know first hand that she makes a good anchor. She hit’s relatively hard, has standard health, has hella bunch of overheads, and can make good use of meter w/ ex overhead and super. So I say go for it.

Okay, cool. Spent a few hours with both of them today. Came up with some really good combos involving both of them that average age 200-300 damage with one bar, or 490-550 with full meter, and such in between.

You’ll have to forgive me if these sound like childish figures. I’m really new to 2D fighters. Up until now, all I’ve known is Tekken :stuck_out_tongue:

Just wondering out loud, but could Vega/Sagat work? Since Vega makes a good battery, and can also get in relatively well, and Sagat can burn meter efficiently and can be good from both up close and afar. Any thoughts?

VegaKing alllllll day, tatsu and i are talking, we think king and xiaoyu are vega’s best partners.

with both you land pokes with vega, and can end in untechable knockdown by taggig to king/xiaoyu. you have time to tag vega back in or run mixups with next dude. and these combos always do hella damage ofc.

I picked up Claw today. Running him with Lili. Such a beautiful team. Lili gets hella free mixups off of tag cancel from the roll move(Don’t hate me, lol)

I’m using Vega/marDUK and I think the team is awesome! Vega build meter and open the opponent, while marDUK come in and do the damage! They have different bad matchups and can complement one another pretty fine! The only turn off to me is that It’s kinda bad to go from Duk to Vega safe, but this is life… hahaha

edit: King is very viable too… :slight_smile:

Vega + Ken for me. I let Ken run point for most matches because you can easily get a damaging combo (like 470) off tatsu tag in one meter. I think if I end it with Bloody High Claw it goes to like 579. Those two just work so well for me. I wish I would’ve had a better grasp of both characters during cross assault man lol! But yeah until Sakura comes out I’ll run Ken + Vega then it will be Sakura + Vega with Vega on point…

Vega builds meter so quickly and doesn’t have the best damage so I always use him on point. If elena does ass damage though this may change

So, I’ve kind of fallen in love with Juri/Vega…

I personally am waiting on Guy, w/ him, no one shall be able to jump in my vicinity w/o me grabin 'em, MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Rocking Vega/Xiaoyu such a fierce team, I love it.

i’m finding problems with the run away game as Vega/Gief. Probably going to switch it up to Vega/Hei because although the walk speed is slow, the mixup/damage potential/range makes up for it.

Just picked up SF X TKN and am running with Vega / Hugo atm but will more then likely switch to a different secondary character. I freakin love Vega in this game. They finally allow you to combo into Bloody High Claw which I have been asking for since SF4. Anyways I wish I could use Vega as BOTH of my characters but if I must learn a new character then so be it lol. If Sakura were available I’d run with her but I may try out the Vega / King combo.

I had entered bar fights in Philly at copa. I mained Vega/Marduk. I could have gotten farther but I had to face Josh Wong my second match… -__-

But playing as Vega/Marduk is awesome7

Hell yeah it is! I’m trying out some stuff just now, if you tag cancel in Marduk on the first hit of HK Scarlet Terror, you can get his j.HK groundbounce into whatever you want. Right now I’m keeping it simple and just doing st.MP xx HP Gator Slam after the groundbounce.

Starting off with Vega:
j.HK, cr.MK xx HK ST -> tag cancel -> j.HK, st.MP xx HP Gator Slam gives you 449 damage. Obviously that’s off a jump-in, but it still seems pretty decent; using another meter when he’s in doesn’t really give any better results - you can get EX Double Leg Takedown after the groundbounce, but the damage scaling hurts it badly.

Still not sure on the best way to bring Vega back in other than launcher, but I guess I’ll get there. I’m loving the team so far.

Trust me, it’s hard as hell to figure out lol