I tried Vega/Ogre for a bit…didn’t seem to have as much synergy as Vega/Balrog. Maybe additional time is needed.
I’m thinking Gief compliments Claw rather well. On a side note, I wonder if it’s possible to do a heavy RCF and then tag in Zangief to attempt a cross-up. Haven’t gone into the lab to try out that dirty set-up. Sounds downright nasty.
yea unfortunately I have found the same things out with rcf. What I meant to say before though was that can you use rcf as a combo ender when the opponent is airborn? I found out that if you replace the h ST with m. rcf on large characters like hugo then it will completely connect. It doesnt do too much in the damage department but it could give your partner some unique opportunities if tagged out.
I have been trying to find alternatives to the cl h xx cr. mp too. but no luck thus far besides low damage douche pokes that keep them just barely in the air. Oh and the rcf thing but that is character specific.
Does anyone know how to keep the pressure up without doing something obviously unsafe(probably wishful thinking) or pushing the opponent away? I do I find that the overhead is rather useful too since you can do a full combo off of it. Of course, capcom had to make it a one frame link as well which is fine well and dandy until you slip up during a critical moment lol. I am more of a defensive player. It served me very well in sf4 but I keep getting jumped in on(cross ups are stupid in this game lol) and crushed because i am too defensive in a rush down game.
Well you can do something obviously unsafe and then Tag in your team mate to apply more point-blank pressure, like a random MP.RCF or ST or Walldive perhaps then Tag. IDK. I like your character-specific find with RCF though, I havn’t seen any RCF combo fully in a juggle yet and that’s the kind of thing that piques my interest.
I’m hitting a limit in my game with just my Juggles, I think tonight will be a training room night and maybe I’ll try a new alt instead of Cammy, although I do <3 her. Cammy and Vega have a nice backstory together.
I absolutely have to try Bob though because one of his special moves is called “Meteo”…
i’m playing Vega/Guile and i feel really good with them, probably cause they’ve been both my sf mains ever >_>
For tagging in you can use st hk OR cl HP which is safe on block as long as the person who got tagged in has some good block string that’s at least 4 frames, or you can use lp RCF which is now a TRUE block string and does chip.
If you want to switch with a mixup then you can do a knockdown and FBA claw attack then tag out making it safe on block and heavily comboable on hit.
I am slightly disheartened… I have spent so many years playing Vega and trying to become the best I could with him, I never really used an alt. Sure training room or CPU are one thing but in a match whenever Vega’s partner is out there I feel naked… I am leaning toward either Vega/Juri, Vega/Lili team. Would you recommend me splitting my time between training and just throwing either gal out there til she is learned in endless(trial by fire if you will)? Feeling naked in a tag battle is a bad feeling.
I picked up vega/guile today. team fucking rocks.
I dropped the tekken players I was trying to learn for now. They are so different and I felt compelled to use one because on the surface they seem so good right now but in the end I am so much more comfortable w/ the SF cast that I figure I’ll play them until I learn the ins and outs of the game mechanics/system and go exploring from there.
I am having a lot of good luck with Asuka. She has a strong cross-up which feeds Vega a combo, it’s very easy to combo into their cross art (with Vega initiating) for 600 damage, and they have a fairly safe tag-in combo that does close to 500 damage (one meter).
I.E. starting with vega:
j. :hp: > cl. :hp: > cr. :mp: xx l. RCF [TC] (now asuka) st. :hk: xx :dp: :hk: > j. :hk: > st. :hk: xx :hcb: :hk: > cr. :hk: for 470 if you miss the last roundhouse (like I usually do), almost 500 if you don’t
If you don’t quite make the combo, the L. RCF is safe on block (pretty sure?) Asuka’s combo is really easy except for the last part, if you’re willing to cut the damage down to 450 or so you can do st. :mk: xx :dp: :hp: > cr. :hk: at the end instead of the st. :hk:, which is much easier to pull off.
For the Cross Art, starting with Vega:
j. :hp: > cl. :hp: > cr. :mp: xx :mk: ST > cr. :mk: Cross art
The MK is important because you want to catch them low or the cross art will whiff.
When tagging Asuka in from a launcher, I have the most consistent luck with st. :mk: xx :dp: :hp: > cr. :hk: which is about a 400-410 damage combo all together.
Trying out Marduk as anchor to Vega’s point. Seems pretty decent so far, I can get juggle the STs, tag cancel into Marduk’s grab for decent damage. At first I was running Vega/King, but wasn’t really feeling it.
I’m trying Lili now specifically because she has an EX counter-move that punishes meaty divekicks. I was playing Cammy vs a Rufus and my Cannon Spikes didn’t help worth a shit in wakeup situations. On reaction he was able to ambiguously cross me up on any recovery I chose and punish backdashing. He’s top tier man, top.
Rufus is annoying as hell. Balrog and Ogre do okay against him though, it seems.
Need some help here gentlemen got my ass wrecked today been a vega player shit took me forever to learn match ups and I’m not much of a combo guy but a solid player , having trouble with a team love the abc combos but my second is ken which I understand but not combo Heavy by nature my vega since I have exp with him seems to set me up well but getting creamed by endless combo strings I would guess an anti air is essential with vega so ken uppercut seemed the right choice works but not for high level p,Ayer a fellow srk player killed me today need help … Or practice
Vega/King works for me just not every match-up…but Law or Raven works well with vega…
can’t believe rufus is still a problem…vega can fight him better though
I’m playing Raven / Vega since release and I like it so far. I am also messing around with Lili… we’ll see
As I must have someone who is equally beautiful I have chosen Lili. I think they can make it work. I always like having airthrows…
I just found out I really like Marduk and i think he’s pretty strong. When i want a lot of dmg i use him with Vega.
I’m currently derping about with Nina. both cold blooded assassins, i think it fits
I don’t know weather to put this in this thread or the combo thread…so I’m putting it in both
I’ve been using Hugo + Vega alot recently and i think they work brilliantly together. Here’s a few examples of the combos I’ve been using:
EX Sky high Claw, tag, Shootdown Backbreaker = 300
LMHLauncher, (Vega comes in), stHP, crMP, mkScarlet Terror, Tag Hugo in, crMP, lpClap, Shootdown Backbreaker = 480
Bodyspash, crMP, lpClap, crMP, EX Monster Lariet, tag, jHP, stHP, crMP, mkScarlet Terror, crMP, mkScarlet Terror, Tag, crLP, lpClap, Shootdown Backbreaker = 655
(you could probably get an extra couple of links in Vega’s bit, but i can’t be assed to fanny about with the timing)
Also, if you wanna keep Vega in instead of Hugo, you could either just end the combo before the tag or replace the last Scarlet Terror with EXflying Barcelona Attack into Izuna Drop for around 632)
As a “when I’ve got meter” type rule, whenever i land a mkST, il do crMP, mkST, tag Hugo in, crLP, lpClap, Shootdown Backbreaker for 366.
I love this team.
Currently trying to stop playing vega like SF4 vega, and stop playing hugo like its 3s.