"Must I team with these unsavory beasts?"The Vega Team Synergy Thread

Good to hear

Question about team synergy: is Vega a good second slot character? As in, does he do good damage off a tag in? I was originally gonna go Vega/Poison, but Poison is bad in the second slot, and I’m not sure about Vega.

I’m switching between Poison/Asuka and Vega/Asuka atm but I wanted to use both of them.

So far Vega/Hugo is working wonderfully, Vega is a great battery and doesnt need to use meter so I can just save it for Hugo and do lulz combos to Gigas for 700 damage :sunglasses:

I’m using both Poison (Poison/Juri) and Asuka (Asuka/Jin) and IMO theyre both better in the first slot, Vega and Poison are both first slot characters and dont mesh well imo, it can probably still work but it wont be that great.

Really, Asuka too? She seems like she has high damage, but a hard time getting in, the perfect candidate for a second slot character. I’m not really seeing it, what’s good about Asuka going first?

I am a fan of Vega/King. Pretty easy to get decent meterless damage with claw, so that King can have the meter for ex convict kicks into knees. Also his great pokes make it easy to hitconfirm into magic series, and is good at regaining control/flow of a match if king is having problems.

lots of pressure strings that end in safe stuff, has good mobility, and I dont see how she’s hard to get in with. she has everything needed for that.
plus you can tag in Jin for some serious damage, 1 meter for around 600 damage easy.
idk, maybe I’m just more comfortable with her without meter compared to Jin. I also like her tagging in someone in rather than the opposite.

So far Vega and Hugo is working out awesome. :]

Going Vega/Cammy. I tried other combinations, but the problem is I don’t have much time before a tourney this Saturday to learn a new character, especially any of those crazy Tekken guys. I played Cammy in AE too so its a bit of a learning boost to use her.

I love how Vega’s long pokes can easily confirm into a launcher. With Cammy I juggle with st.MP st.HP x CannonSpike, and from there I can tag back to Vega and juggle with st.MP cr.MK cr.MP x HK.ST, which hits for full if you tag back to Cammy on the first hit of HK.ST, and then I think she can do j.HP st.HP x CannonSpike again. I don’t know if this is good or not compared to other teams. A strong way to open into a tag combo with Vega is j.HP cl.HP cr.MP x MK.ST cr.MP x HK.ST (tag cancel on first hit of HK.ST). I’m at work so I don’t have any numbers to give you yet haha.

One combo that is flashy as shit but probably wastes meter is Vega’s cl.HP into HP.RCF, while rolling you tag-in cammy and have her do EX.SpinKnuckle. That causes a huge wallbounce and you can do fancy stuff like starting the juggle with CannonStrike or jumping attacks, but you only have up to 1 meter left.

The only downside is, like Vega, Cammy doesn’t have the strongest Cross Super ender. With good timing you can get similar damage at least by using the Tag Cancels.

Running Vega/Balrog right now. Seems decent enough but I am not a very strong Balrog player yet…need to work on that. I might try a different character like King or Hugo though for grins.

First team I tried was Vega/King. And I feel unstoppable.

Irrelevantly, I will go on and say “Have you seen his win quote against Yoshimitsu?” It is marvelous! :smiley:

I use Vega and Ibuki which were my two mains in SSF4. They compliment each other perfectly. Vega can do far range tag combos easily and Ibuki can do some really nice damage afterwards and her tricks are back minus kunai vortex. Off of hien she can do a tag combo with Vega for over 400 damage, but it only costs 1 meter for the switch, instead of the whole super bar like in super (or you could combo into super for over 500 damage). Likewise FBA claw attack can lead up to around 390 damage with 1 meter for the switch.

learning a tekken char is going to take time…good heavens…but im trying out Asuka…

Been playing Vega and Lili

Feels good man

Posted this in the combo thread but just realised its more suited to here. Just some damage stats from cross art set ups might be useful to some folk:

I tested it each way with Vega 1st & 2nd

Only tested the characters I was interested in will just put the order and damage below:

Vega/Rufus 420
Rufus/Vega 380

Vega/Julia 410
Julia/Vega 380

Vega/Lili 410
Lili/Vega 380

Vega/Paul 420
Paul/Vega 380

Vega/Hugo 480
Hugo/Vega 380

Vega/Zangief 440
Zangief/Vega 380

Vega/Poison 410
Poison/Vega 380

Vega/Chun 400
Chun/Vega 380

That’s it so far but it does seem that the cross art is always more damaging if Vega starts.

I’m playing Vega and Hwoarang right now. They feel absolutely amazing together. I’ve always liked Vega, but this is the first time I want to learn a charge char for street fighter. I never really had the patience, but I am teaching myself. Right now, I love my team.

Yea it is you just have to tag cancel it asap. the timing is extremely tricky. OR if you are daring enough you can hold one and tag her out. If you hold the kick button you used for her fuhajin until she reappears, she will still have the charge so you can do the combo without having to waste time storing one. However since you have to hold that button while you are vega choose wisely which one because you may limit your options.

With vega first I use a variation of that combo you posted for vegas part except I end it with a heavy ST(If you tag cancel the heavy the second hit will connect. Then with juri I do: neutral j. xx m. dive kick (first hit only) xx cr. hp xx jump cancel xx m. dive kick xx mp xx hk xx super/fuhajin store/ pinwheel.

If juri is first I try to have a store available. If mid screen try to start with a j. hk xx cr. mk xx release store xx cr. mk xx pinwheel xx tag cancel (vega) xx cl. hp( you have to wait until they almost hit the floor to get both hits.) cr. mk xx h. ST/ex fba. If your opponent is in the corner, you can use the same combo with juri except after pinwheel you can do: cr. hp xx jump cancel xx m. dive kick xx mp xx hk xx super/fuhajin store/ pinwheel/tag cancel. most of her cancels will come after the pinwheel since it leaves the most time available.

I can combo the rcf as an ender/tag cancel but only the light version connects completely. The medium drops halfway through and the h./ex versions have to much start up for me to combo. Doe anyone know if he has a reliable combo with them besites the cl. hp xx ex rcf one?

No its pretty much just cl.HP if you want to cancel into one of the longer RCF’s. That’s the way it was in SF4 but I bet on a counterhit you can combo a medium attack into MP.RCF. I really think the best way to end a juggle combo with Vega (if you want to tag and continue the combo), is tagging on the first hit of HK.ScarletTerror. That causes the second hit to suddenly connect too, and the tagged character has a ton of time to follow up.

My standard juggle with Vega after getting tagged in is an immediate cl.MP, cr.MK, cr.MP x HK.ST. You can end with cr.MP x cr.HK instead if you don’t want to tag cancel, for about 1 more damage and point-blank positioning. Does anyone have a better juggle when not cornering the opponent? I find juggling cl.HP into cr.MP much trickier due to the strict timing and not much more powerful.

@ Meteo- I have confirmed that MP RCF does connect after a counter hit from a really good distance away. Also a medium attack LP RCF is a true block string making it safe on block when switching.

Vega works well with others. I am just having a hard time finding a secondary character that I feel comfortable with using when IT hits the fan during Vega’s outing…