[Mugen] Another game COMPILED by me

This sort of thing is frowned upon in all parts of the mugen community, and really…well, let me use this example.

You rip sprites from an emulator, and it takes a damn good while to do so. You post it on your site and ask that people don’t take your gif files: you feel you worked hard on them, and want people to appreciate them there. Along comes someone like, say, FightGen’s Frankie, who takes the gif, posts it on his site, and doesn’t give you so much as a nod. You ask him to take it down. He says no, I’m giving you exposure. You disagree, and ask for at least credit. He replies no again, stating that ‘it’s the internet, and nobody has to pay attention to your rules’. Congrats, you just got crushed.

That’s how many mugen creators feel about this sort of game or loading their works online, only it’s a much broader scope. Actual effort goes into putting things together, hammering out the code, checking it, going back and checking it again countless times, all in the effort that you have made something to try and make others smile, and ultimately that bundle of code and sprites is the only thing you have as the momento of all that time you spent. Hell, many mugen creators look at their work like their own children, and that’s not BS. It’s…just complex.

But then again not really when you think about it: FAQ writers are the same way, even though all their stuff is pretty based off games, but nobody questions it when they say “don’t put this up somewhere without asking please”.

And to also point out, if the tables were turned and it was actually your work Michiyo and someone came into our community tooting it around in some fashion as their own (or compiled work of people here), we’d crush them like a tin can. yes, I know someone will come charging forth and use the arguement ‘you’re using commercial sprites’, but in effect using them yourself for your own game doesn’t make you any more above us in that regard, rendering the point moot.

And, well there’s my two cents for now. Just asking anyone else that comes from the mugen community and posts here to at least be civil.

Mugen people complaining about people using their material without approval is like hip hop people complaining about musicians sampling their music… in 99% of cases you stole the frames to begin with.:tup:

get over yourselves.

This whole “don’t host/make available the creations of others” arguement is retarded and i’ll tell you why.

I’ve just gotten into MUGEN and there are plenty of characters i’d love to download/try. However most so-called “Mugen databases” on the net offer NO direct downloading, but instead only have a link to the creators site.

The problem with this?? In MANY cases i’ve come across, the creators site is just DEAD. Like the person got tired of Mugen and walked away awhile back. And since all those other sites out there are just too chickenshit to host another person’s stuff for fear of an ethical backlash by net nerds out there(like on SRK). In the end NO ONE gets to see that particular creation/character as if it never existed.

I’ve given up on trying to get Dragonclaw, Evilryu, and evilken, because every place i’ve been just has a link to the author’s site which has NOTHING available there.

Fixed your analogy for you.

Assuming I had Premium Membership and started using Dios <-X->'s avatar, what would happen? That’s only an avatar; a still shot. Imagine over 1000 still-shot avatars. Imagine animating them all into a single 256-color-only slideshow. Then, imagine mimicking the hit spark placement, velocities, collision, hit definitions, enemy placement, sound effect playing, and comboability for each frame.

Since the sprites/sounds were made by Capcom/SNK/etc., every bit of code you hand-placed is now void. Remove all combo videos from the net; they use game footage. kysg didn’t find the 9-shoryuken Elena juggle; Capcom did. I did the combo first. Take his name off. (Much love, kysg. Just an example. Can’t wait for the Ryu video.)

Here’s an quote from the “Mugen Head CTRL ALT DEL REIMIX is ready for download” thread:

He’s intentionally being a jerk about this entire situation. I wasn’t aware any of this was going on until I skimmed through his previous posts to get an understanding of the situation. At least I know who to give credit to for the game’s select screen.

I agreed with the hosting done in other MUGEN threads. If SRK gathered characters they liked, hosted them with mentions of their creators in a bundle, and agreed on a cast for a sanctioned MUGEN tournament, it’d be awesome. Instead, we’ve got these “game releases” that, due to his lack of MUGEN experience, he can’t do any real bug fixes for.

SyN and KFM: There needs to be a middle ground for all of this. In certain conditions, warehousing could help MUGEN overall… just not this type. I wish more people weren’t as protective.

Well that’s great for you, but what entitles you to someone’s hard work on demand? Simply your existance here? And why is it so hard for you, a fellow who contributed nothing for a community, to simply fire up google and try looking for stuff yourself.

Yes, there’s a novel idea.

Also something else to point out: warehousing works means that 9 times of out 10, the work on the warehousing site has an outdated and old version of a character or stage, meaning that you, the user, end up getting a very that more than likely has flaws the creator already adressed but you never saw those fixes because you never went to their site!

And don’t get me started on WinMugen compatability issues with many older works. Or just how many older ones you’re probably better not knowing even existed. I RUN one of those ‘mugen databases’ you so readily mock, and trust me, hunting down work, and listing them simply to help people like you only to get THIS slap in the face does not exactly make me wild you know.

(Oh, and if you wade through Reu’s overdone flash intro, you’ll find those 3 characters you mentioned are still on his site. Of course you could also use a little thinking and find the character pages too, which aren’t that hard to turn up if you use the right services to look for them).

@Kyo: Well there are actually many cases where you can simply dig up an old, gone creator and ask them if they’re interested in having their work hosted and get a yes in response readily (RS’s hosted page is a big indicator that it does actually work). If that was done more, then I think nobody would have room to gripe.

Duhrr fixed 4 u lol

fucking gay ass shit, steal artwork done by actual artists then complain you don’t get credit… that’s fucking funny shit.

Subtitling groups, Evo DVDs, this forum’s fanart gallery, fansites, and combo videos used tehstoeled Capcom images. Evo DVDs are used to gather money. Every single one of them should be stolen from thoroughly without recourse. I’m releasing my new article new week called, “You can Lead a Scrub to Water, but you can’t make 'em Think.”

Get out of here with that nonsense.

The problem is that Mugen character creaters are trying to regulate the flow of information on the internet. It’s not going to happen. If you’re going to get upset about stuff like this happening, don’t make the character in the first place. For them to create a standard and apply it to the ENTIRE internet is silly. Regulate your own community, not everyone elses.

Yes i have searched on google many times. Like i said though, the only thing that ever turns up is plenty of shitty so-called Mugen databases that have nothing but a link to the creator’s website.

And most of the time the links they have are seriously OLD, leading to a deadend 70% of the time.

Those “databases” are almost as bad as those Rom-sites that claim to have everything, but inside have nothing but useless pre-set search links.

This post seems to make the most sense to me. The RIAA control the flow and neither can anyone here.

I’m sorry I didnt realize you obviously don’t speak English.

You rip sprites from games someone else struggled to make and do not credit them, no one making mugen games holds the copyright to Ryu or Ken or anything else, you stole the images and ideas and therefore have no rights to them.

Feel free to play the home game and Don Pardo has some lovely parting gifts, lets give Kyo a big round of applause for playing.

People have stopped releasing things for this reason. I don’t see why, but I don’t judge them for it. Sharing characters helps spread awareness. It definitely frees bandwidth.

In this thread, it’s not about the “regulation of information on the internet”. It’s not even about being upset about outside hosting. Michiyo’s “games” combined with his attitude on the situation is the issue. “The MUGEN community doesn’t like my ‘game’ that I announced on their forum? They should be honored that I downloaded this. Strip the credits and post my ‘game’ on SRK!”

This isn’t penny-arcade or something awful forums. If MUGEN were to gain popularity anywhere else outside their community, it would be here. The best that can be done is to share the reasoning for the MUGEN community’s rules and hope at least some of them are accepted by the moderators of this forum. At the very least, it’ll let this specific case not be considered the same as a random “WAREHOUSEING~!” whine.

Total "s in this post: 9

Combo videos:

You take footage from games someone else struggled to make and do not credit them, no one making combo video holds the copyright to Ryu or Ken or anything else, you stole the images, Darude’s Sandstorm, and ideas and, therefore, have no rights to it.

For someone with such command of the English language, you sure struggle to comprehend it.

If you can’t see the difference between a combo video of someone else playing a game and actually stealing someone else’s work to put into your own “game” your English abilities are not your only problem.

Can you at least try to make a remotely reasonable and coherent argument to make this entertaining?

Wow a ton of today?s responses are gone, awesome

Well I think we can declare victory over the Mugen Nazi’s

I have 2 more games on the way


No, you can’t. You haven’t provided an arguement worth a tinker’s damn, and the big mod hasn’t sung yet.

Oh, while we’re at it, enjoy being banned from MGBR.

*To All FileFront Users: FileFront is currently offline for schedule maintenance. The FileFront website, including all of its network sites and forums, are off-line for expansion and service launches. Features, including file hosting, image hosting, blogging, and file downloads will be temporarily unavailable until the afternoon of Tuesday, April 25th. Hosted user files will be down for slightly longer. This is in preparation for new and exciting features and better overall site performance and stability including faster downloads. We thank you for your support, patience, and understanding!

…:sad:* **


Why all the childish squabling? Save it for the games companies.

Well, I dunno. Though many of us are defending the right to download characters, provide them to others, and modifying them as we see fit in our own games…

Your games still blow, so I wouldn’t use the term “we” so loosely.