MTV's Jersey Shore Thread

Anyone who watches this should be murdered. If you EVER been near a guido you want to beat the shit out of them just for the principle of the matter. Trash ass people, seriously.

You could say that about a lot of people. Mid west red necks, gansta wanna be asians, wiggers, etc. You havent seen it yourself dont judge. I think everyone was hating on this show before they watched it.

wow, that snookie bitch gets knocked the fucked out. only vid i could find of it. :rofl:
[media=youtube]Yn7VvZ0EZCY[/media] 17 seconds in

Jesus, the accents were hard to bear during that 2 minute trailer. I think if I had to watch a full episode of that show my head would explode [media=youtube]HY-03vYYAjA"[/media]-style.

But I’d still fuck the shit out of the girls featured on that show.*

*Provided I could put duct tape over their mouths beforehand.

^ Yeah its like how that “Situation” guy is like the white version of Greg from Real World. You wouldnt want to be friends with them but they are funny to watch.

Also in that clip you posted, the guy who punches out Snooki, they show his face pretty clearly. I thought in order to show someone’s face like that, they gotta sign release forms. It would be stupid if he did that, my guess it was far enough away they didnt bother. But yeah that dude is gunna be known as the woman puncher everytime he comes to the club.

Hey does anyone know who sings the song playing at the end when The Situation is all depressed?

Ok so you’re calling the guys on this show tools,but then a sentance later your’re saying"oinkable status".Newsflash thats something a tool would say!

Misconstruing?Reall?!?!Lets be real,Im not saying that every single person down at the shore acts like that,but a big majority do.Not only do you have the Jersey guidos all up in it,but you have the Staten Island guidos driving down to.The shore 90% of the time is a mess!


Did they get the inspration for this show from these guys. Check it out! Douche bag beach

This is way better :rofl:

True story.

They are mid tier in my opinion. “Oinkable” being a tool thing to say, is your opinion. None of the guys on the show mentioned the word Oinkable. Hey try not to fall in love with those Jersey Shore girls so hard man.

Damn, he didn’t even get to ask her R U OKAY?


I dont condone hittig broads but DAAAAMMNNNNN…

wow, what made him hit her like that. girls is getting popped in 2009. damn. just walk away, or ignore her. but again like i say, dont be trying to step to a man like a man, and then be shocked if they just get sick and tired of your shit, snap, and hit your ass. its wrong, but i think people over estimate how much shit you can take from anyone, period, before snapping. but ill never be on blast hitting no girl. bitches love me anyways :slight_smile:


At evo a few people asked me if everyone was from longisland was a guido…I don’t know what’s worse these guys or the emos that plague my town:wasted:

I haven’t watch the show yet, but that video really make me want to at least give it a try. Dude literally blasted her. Takamura would of been proud of that punch.

My homgirl who probably will be a in-law sometime down the line acts exactly like Snookie…

edit: Damn I just saw this shit. Shit is pure comedy. :rofl:

Haha yeah, scripted or not its entertaining. I wanna see what she gets punched out for. That dude just didnt care.

Oh my god. I haven’t seen anything like that since that UFC top 100 knockouts or whatever, no wait, that was 100000x more insane. :wasted::wasted::wasted::rofl::rofl:

Kamogawa would’ve deemed that the- “PORFECT PUNCHU!”

watching her getting punched reminded me of this cheaters episode hahaha i shouldnt be laughing but its funny [media=youtube]hoP5S4eic-g[/media]