Ah so I was informed that if a characters shadow turns blue they can tech.
Question, if they tech, are you still able to hit them while they are doing it?? ( if you’re close enough)
Ah so I was informed that if a characters shadow turns blue they can tech.
Question, if they tech, are you still able to hit them while they are doing it?? ( if you’re close enough)
so if you do j.mk low enough to the ground and air dash, when you attack you get grounded normals(!). you can mixup between j.mk(2) and dash c.lk. cheap! of course you can do the j.mk higher and get air normals too
on the heavies, 623lk > k, j.hp xx iad j.hp xx j.214mk stands the character, midscreen or not. trying to figure out ways to save buttons for headless combos so IPS doesn’t kill me later
I’m really enjoying starting combos with an IAD LP (for close range) or IAD LK (medium range) > j. MK (2 hits) xx air QCB + MK. Now I’m even noticing the AI doing it.
Mostly inspired by other peoples headless combos. Right after I release HP I usually just press it again immediately.
Wrote loop instead of the full thing each time.
So the loopx3 thing is just
In case that wasn’t clear.
~8200 from a low (1v1, against Parsoul.)
Can we do combos without the damage multiplier please?
I was like, “WOAH, 8K on most of these!” Then I realized it’s 2v1 and saw the 1.3 damage multiplier and was all “Oh…”
Yeah, that’s going to get really messy, really quick… I think we should work out a standard ratio for posting combo dmg and such, so people don’t get confused, and so that we don’t need to worry about it again if/when this problem pops up again at a later date…
Just wondering if anyone has tried to do a head loop combo like:
And ended the air portion, and the combo, with j214HK. Will it give you untechable knockdown?
If so, you might have time to reattach the head and go for a mix-up. Or set up the head in a new location and go for mix-up. Sac the 1-1.5k damage the super gives you and get another mix-up that will lead to more damage.
Guess I’m wondering if it’s even worth doing some of these combos when I can get 5-6k doing simple mode combos that lead into untechable knockdown with 236PP(head on) or j214HK and get mix-ups that net another 5-6k. Instead of just doing 1-2k more damage and having them tech out for free. Feels like I wasted all the effort of getting in, if I let them tech out.
As mentioned, V for Vendetta referenced it quite a bit.
Incomplete midscreen bnb that works on everyone: (starting with head on) crLK, stMK (both hits), stHP, qcf HP, qcf HP, qcf K, crLK, stHK, fiber uppercut MP (follow up with K), air MP, qcb P. Last hit ends with groundbounce. Not sure if they can tech out between the slide and otg cr LK.
Yeah you could if they choose not to tech which is why I had to delete my post (blue shadow meant they could tech at a certain point of the combo). Edit: if they teched then no you can’t touch them for a sec. As long as it’s purple before you otg, it should be a true combo.
After seeing your video though I used the j. lk, j. hp, airdash, j.lk, j. hp part to make another similar combo that works without getting the blue tech and around the same damage as the combo I posted before:
In or near corner with head-on:
cr. lp, cr. lk, st. mk, st. hk ^, j. lk, j. hp, airdash, j.lk, j. hp, land cr. mp, st. hp, (juggle) HP rekkas x 3 xx QCF PP, (opponent hits ground with purple bounce/slide) -> cr. lk, st. hk ^, j. mp, j. hp x air QCB mk xx air QCB KK
does about 8.2k for 2 meters on 3v3
Made some changes to the combo I posted before:
Corner version, player 1 side:
cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.HP, sjc, j.HP, AD cancel, j.LK, j.HP, land, s.LP, s.HK, sjc, j.MK, QCB+MK, land, cr.MP, s.HK, sjc, j.MP, j.MK, QCB+P, land, back+HP (doesn’t connect), st.MP, st.HK, sjc, j.LP, j.MP, QCB+MK, QCB+KK
It works midscreen, but then you won’t need to move the head. In the corner, I think it’s a good idea to move it backwards for two reasons: first is that moving it is easier than holding down HP to make sure the combo doesn’t get screwed up (thanks, KJunk, for pointing it out!), but the second reason is that the QCB+KK sends the opponent backwards, right on top of Fortune’s head!
Deals some 6200 damage on 1v1 (which should be the standard, in my opinion, as it doesn’t multiply the damage at all like other modes) and up to 7000 with some jump ins.
Fortune with her head on is much easier to play with, but considering how I managed to do 8300 damage with Dragonfangs’ combo + a IAD jump in, it’s definitely better to get some practice with it off.
I am pretty sure the opponent can tech after j.qcb+MK before you can hit them with cr.MP.
I don’t think so, it’s the only OTG in the combo, I don’t think the oppoenent has time to tech since they don’t get any blue knockdown effect. It’s basically the same as hitting a j.HK, but with 50 more base damage.
If my eyes and memory did fail me, I guess I’ll have to change the combo a bit to go into j.HK instead.
I think if you do LK Axe kick you can follow up with c.Lk.
Yeah I know about that.
The initial bounce from the j.qcb+MK is pink but the second one is blue. I don’t think it’s possible with to hit them before the blue bounce with cr.mp unless my timing is really off in that combo.
Some stuff Ive found with head (possibly already been posted)
In corner you can do rekka loops with basic combos into rekka and then on the last hit press HP and link a lp or lk back into a rekka combo
That one was kinda obvious, but another thing you can do is combo into a s.hk launcher, air combo, press HP as you end it with HK, and continue the combo
Combining these im sure there could be very damaging combos, but I am not good enough to do them
Im also sure you could use her head srk in an air combo to do some funky stuff
Only way I’ve confirmed a pink then blue ground bounce with that spacing is with a 5LP>236LP>236MP>236HP before the 2nd bounce. Almost all of her moves that ground bounce this way put the enemy too far away to dash back in for a relaunch or even confirm with 5LP before they can tech, so it’s totally spacing dependent. Mid screen that is. Corner you can pick up easy.
I’ve still only found 2 moves that give you hard knockdown, 236PP(head on) and j214HK. These seem like the tools you need to get oki.
Her oki seem real strong too. jHP hits cross-up, and you can safe jump it to bait reversals.
For chain combos, is there ever a reason to use her c.HP launcher instead of her s.Hk? I would think it would do more damage since it requires your head, but it doesn’t (if I remember right). This is my first time ever trying to figure stuff out on my own instead of looking up combos, and I’m coming from street fighter, so a lot of this stuff is new to me.
From what I can tell, it launches lower and allows for easier relaunch combos.
e.g. …c.HP>j.MP>j.HP>air dash>j.LP/LK>j.HP>land>5LP>etc…
Oh gawd, I was playing around with her and thought “Hey that super reminds me of berserker barrage” and then my face when she actually says it.