Just got this game and I’m really liking Fortune. I see people already came up with better stuff, but I’ll post the combo I’ve made with a few hours of game time. It’s a really really easy combo, might be good for a BnB:
cr.LP, cr.MP, cr.HP, sjc, j.MP, j.HP, AD cancel, j.LK, j.HP, land, s.LP, s.HK, sjc, j.MK, QCB+MK, land, cr.MP, s.HK, sjc, j.LP, j.MP, QCB+MK, QCB+KK
With a j.HP starter it deals 5900 damage, some 6500 if it starts with j.HP, AD cancel, j.HP. Works anywhere on the screen, but with jump-ins the opponent might get pushed back too much for the first j.MP to hit.
I’ve got to see what I can do more with this combo, maybe putting the ground bounce and rekka in there somewhere.
On some unrelated notes, Fiber Upper MK or HK is a good follow up after a launcher, rather than doing a super jump. Although getting a decent air combo might be hard (the easiest thing to connect properly is just her j.MK), the trajectory/momentum is good for resets.
After an OTG, her rekka forces people into standing blockstun. No surprises there, but it’s also a good opportunity for a mixup with the high/low enders.
Her IAD j.HP is so good. And IAD j.HK is really good, too, especially headless. Doing two j.HKs in a row in a combo thanks to a little headbutt looks cool as hell. But doing decent combos without the head fucking it up is harder than I anticipated. Any tips to prevent that?
So I’m not actually seeing any crossups with her unless IAD j.HP has to be higher to crossup? And even then I end up whiffing the attack completely. Any ideas?
Minimum height IAD HP should be enough,
edit:Holy fuck did none of what I wrote make sense. I should sleep. I can get it to cross up on everyone, the timing can just really vary from how fast you press HP after you airdash.
Parasoul and Double are too high for IAD crossup, but it still works at a higher jump. Fillia and Cerebella are hard to do it on normally. Everyone else seems really easy to do it on.
Ms Fortune is quite amazing. I was never one for these types of characters, had a bad run with Carl in BB and hated it since. This however…it’s so flexable. The very fact you can combo a throw into omnom grab is amazing, then do whatever you want from there. She has good escapes if need be with the fiber uppercuts. Great dashes, even got a big hoot out of her snapbacking ppl with her head.
I had a blast today truckin a guy 8-1 with the various mix-ups that head can do on wake or other wise. Simply amazing =)
I hope to learn anything you guys come up with. Right now I’m just keeping it simple and using the most of out of mix-ups, nothing flashy yet, but soon she with be my favorite one.
I agree, she lacks good cross ups, possibly due to her having extra help with head. I wanna try the hadoken kicks in the air to see if they cross up, but Im too tired to check. I forgot how tiring it is to learn a new game.
what? IAD j.LP, j.LK crosses up like a boss. But usefulness depends on character. Like j.LP only crosses up standing Peacock, but against a standing Parasoul the j.LK whiffs with the IAD j.LP, j.LK chain (but works good on crouching parasoul).
I think this is worth repeating since I didn’t see it listed in the Wiki and I’m not sure if it’s common knowledge or not. To rephrase it, holding down HP basically turns off the head’s hurtbox to you. Meaning, holding down HP will keep you from accidentally hitting your own head with moves.
Hitting it puts it in recovery which makes the head’s special moves unavailable for a short time, or potentially puts it out of position. Mastering this mechanic (similar to Zero buster charges or Eddie shadow management) will be really important to playing her well.
I was really frustrated with the mechanic until stumbling on this.
prototyping combos - head on, corner meter(less) bnb v1:
stuff > 5hk > sj.hp xx airdash hp xx 214mk, (otg) 2lk > 5hk > immediate iad hk, (relaunch) 5lp > 5hk (delay sj slightly) > immediate sj.mp > hp > hk xx ad j.lp > mp, (relaunch) 5mk(2) > 2hp xx sj.lk > mp > hp xx ad mk xx j.214p, whatever
i chose the buttons specifically to game the IPS as much as possible. the ground bounce doesn’t cause blue sparks, interestingly. you can switch out the last 2h with 623hk>k, j.lk > j.hp xx ad mk if you want
builds almost a meter; does 6900ish dmg (1v1), 8300 with 236pp super. of course in the real world all this will be scaled signifcantly
here’s the characters it works on
reliable: cerebella, peacock, parasoul
too light: filia, fortune, painwheel
impossibly light: valentine
too heavy: double
gonna see what sort of adjustments i can make. 2hp launches shorter, but also has less hitstun. ugh
anyone have a midscreen bnb? setting my sights on that next
And V for Vendetta is referencing Guy Fawkes Night, when a crazy dude tried to blow up parliament and got executed for his troubles. Dismemberment was included as a part of Fawkes’s execution. That is probably why Ms. Fortune would pun off of it.
As for gameplay, got any suggestions for Peacock(Car Bomb)/Ms. Fortune(???)/Parasoul(Napalm Pillar)? I’m not eve sure if I’m going to use Fortune yet but she’s a really interesting character and I would like to try her out. I obviously have no need for Nyantiair but I don’t know what other good assists she has for my team.
I posted one above (2nd post on the page.) Does about 5k meterless and has pretty much fullscreen carry. Though I’m sure someone can find something better since I suck at making combos.
So I’m not sure if anyone noticed this and I haven’t really tested it myself but when I was playing with a few of my friends sometimes I would accidentally QCB+P while the head was off during pressure and it would cancel my move into the head call. But because the head is off it doesn’t do anything except make her do the come here motion. If you just tap it she does that really fast and can start pressure again. From what little I used of it it was like a psuedo roman cancel, fadc, cadc, etc. I’m gonna mess around with it some more to really see.
Did 10,000+ damage in 3v3. Can probably get a better air chain but I was getting pretty tired, so meh. Would probably need to do fewer mp>mk>hp loops at the beginning if starting with a jumpin.
You can also do some pretty dirty resets by jabbing out of OmNomNom into throw/low(/instant overhead?). Possibly burstable if they see it coming (IPS kicks in from the jab unless you omit the jab chain in the combo earlier).
I noticed in my fight with a Valentine player (who liked to grab alot) whenever they tried to follow up with with a combo or a super, like that dash super, if the head was close by it would cause the move to not finish.
So what are you guys thinking of in terms of assists for this character? Really I’m having a difficult time finding one that compliments her gameplay. Im not entirely sure how viable an AA assist is when she has fiber uppercut to get her out of most pressure situations, if anything the main trouble I’ve been having is keeping my opponent on the ground long enough in order to initiate head pressure to begin with. I regularly fight a Valentine/Filia player who I just can’t keep grounded long enough to do something with.
Potential assists that come to mind.
Cerebella -
[*]Cerecopter : It’s a natural lockdown assist but doesn’t necessarily do much for Fortune once the head pressure has been initiated, good for setting it up to begin with naturally but limited use outside of that aspect. May be large enough to hide rekka mixups so worth considering anyway
Peacock -
[]Shadow of Impending Doom : HP version, autotracks to anywhere on screen, dual purpose of interrupting full screen zoning and assisting with mixup possibilities. Call assist -> Dash over opponent.
[]George’s Air Show : covers IAD space at an angle that might be difficult for Fiber Uppercut to connect with but seems like it’d be difficult to use effectively due to arc. I’m more inclined to use this than any of her other bombs just because the Head covers the same basic space with ease.
Of these choices at least I’m probably going to try to incorporate Peacock’s Shadow for its versatility but I’m interested all the same in what you guys have been doing in this regard.
Derp, of course it is… I feel like my computer needs a breathalyzer for forum posting xD
Ms Fortune seems a little limited in her assist variety, she has GREAT assists, but only for select things. You could switch to Ms Fortune (Nyantiair) / Parasoul (Bike Egret), Para’s Bike Egret doesn’t interact with projectiles at all, so it’s great to interrupt an opposing Peacock/Parasoul, and if it hits I’m sure you could connect Bang Bang Bang > Argus Agony off of the wallbounce.
But if you keep Parasoul’s Napalm Pillar, the only other really worthwhile assists I’ve found with MF are s.MK (2 hits), cr.HK (low, 2 hits, causes knockdown), and qcb.HP (she tosses her head, has good invuln and causes a stagger on hit, if her head is already detached, the qcb.HP motion should trigger the head’s OMNOMNOMNOM command grab instead.)