Mr Wizard caving in to SJWs

No one bitches about my treatment of women so i dunno what the fuck you are talking about numb nuts.


Having a Ryona video for the advertisement is pretty hilarious, coming from a corporation.

Glad this thread is still open. Maybe it’ll be turned into the new Political thread for next year, and serve as the new retard containment :slight_smile:


What the hell are you talking about, man? Are you still in middle school?

The reason I ask is because your writing skills are so terrible I can barely comprehend what you are trying to say. I don’t usually comment on grammar here at SRK, but, what you wrote is exceptionally poor. It reads as if you failed all your English classes. I assume it’s probably because you are not very smart. If my grammar was as bad as yours is, I would be embarrassed to type anything on a public forum. Go back to school.

You are a fucking twat waffle ass clown with a calcified hypothalamus and no dick.

No one here cares about that.

So tell you to go fuck off and play in traffic sounds about right?
Preferably a busy interstate highway like I-95, around the DC or Richmond area is preferred.
German Autobahn is also a great place for you to go skipping though and playing with your nonexistent willie.

I think the fact that you’re being allowed to be a sad sack of shit and publicly mocked says something abouy how little we care for your bitching tbh.


I see the fuckedup fairy is going to visit us again

Did you (@zim1 ) Came to amaze us with the fact you are not overburdened with an abundance of schooling.

I am honestly amazed that anyone is bothering to casually poke Opie with a stick, anymore.

GD must be even more bored than Opie is feckless.

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This kind of like Old Man and the Sea if Zim1 was the old man, the sea were GD, and fishing was trolling and the fish is some yellow fever titties. Except he never catches the fish and drowns.

So I guess it isnt really quite like that. But seeing a man struggle with the futility technology has created towards his ability to express his primal desire for clothed breasts is somewhat poetic.

Here he is in what he assumes to be the maw of the Pandemonium of Prudes. The Prometheus daring to bring fiery thots to thaw us on cold nights. Only to be chastised by the very himans he wished to save. Life saving thots held hidden like the dangers inside Onodora’s box by the evil Mr Zeuzard. ProZimeseus dares to expose the hypocrisy of the gods whom parlay knowledge but do not deem us capable of properly acting on it.



That reminds me.

What ever happened to the hot girls thread?

I know AnalPalm’s site has one going strong, but I only casually ever clicked even here… too much high tier ass irl out here to bother beyond entertaining mild curiosity to attain insight into what my fellow SRKers considered top tier thot.

Some have really good taste.

Others were close to full body versions of a Shaft Agent hell no.


I generally agree. I’ve always liked MK but I think sometimes the fatalities go from cool to just gross and or tryhard myself.


I guess what I’d like to know is, why do you care so much? Evo is a corporate event so as lame as it was for them to shut the stream down, it’s a government thqt corporations try to avoid drama at all costs. What dog do you have in this fight?

When the need for avatars basically vanished for this site, the traffic for IMM followed. I used to post there from 2006- 2015 along with Shatterstar, Gimpy, Furious One. and others.
Eventually I tried to post in all three threads but when its just one person , it loses its appeal. So I stopped.


OP hasn’t been ethered yet? I’m surprised he’s lasted this long with everyone dunking on him.

Personally, I’m getting DOA6 because I’m a grown ass man who makes grown ass choices for himself (for the most part).


I keep reminding myself that I should ban him, but then I kinda don’t want him to have less friends than he already has. By letting him post in GD we give him a chance to grow as a person. If we ban him he’ll continually be Lil’ Sennin.

This is a newer and kinder SRK where we keep you around for public floggings until you realize how much of a moron you are and leave so the mod doesn’t have to go click on things.

Y’all have a blessed day.



My bad I didn’t release realize how many mentally handicap members you have here. Its kind of sad actually having a bunch of retards that can’t understand logic, and common sense.

Telling me that a bunch of idiots don’t like me, doesn’t really mean anything to me. You guys are just proving how fucking retarded you are.

Its okay, bro. Just let it out.



This kind of thinking led me to buying Sovi3t a year of prem, to ease his transition into our society.

It is a severely flawed mentality.

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Everybody say bye now.


I am glad you see my point. :+1: