Mr Wizard caving in to SJWs


I bet OP is the type of dude to call people SJW triggered snowflake cucks but here he is registering to SRK (in 2019, lol) just to complain about it.


Lol, is this meta-histrionics? Complaining about the hypothetical complaints of people who haven’t said shit?

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need a diss track up in here


OP may be a cuck but at least he isnt a coward. He went straight to SRK instead of trying to find whichever discord he may be at.


Or you know…Wiz’s twitter/twitch/etc.

Be a man.


To be fair anyone outside of SRK has no idea that GD is almost a totally different forum.


Twitter has core values. He brought the fight to where there aren’t any.




Opie is “zim1”.

M is a vertically reversed W.

Ziw is a horizontally reversed Wiz.

Despite all of the ways that “1” might be bent etymologically to become a representation of “Mister/Mr.”, I am going to gamble that discourse has a name length minimum of four characters.

So either OP is trying to Harrison the fuck out of our Wells, and really IS a scientist who got his shit rushed down by the future, or else he is the result of messing with the safe space continuity.




Core values, he says.

How much is a McRib these days?

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What the hell is that gif?



From the 1986 Transformers movie. Figured I’d help out with the question :smiley:


thats the whole point, he’s a coward, he’s scared of what the SJWs are going to say about evo. Instead of not caring what they think, instead ignoring them. Give them more power.

Now its going to be well known, Mr Wizard is a coward. He should just ignore all the feminazis. And stand up for himself, instead of being scared of what the SJWs think.

Im also banned from twitter so I can’t post there. All cause I had the NPC meme avatar

Its almost like the guy is in charge of a million dollar convention so he can’t let how he feels about shit be the sole decision making principle. Pretty sure he doesn’t care about tits because of how he hates tits, he cares about tits because of how it could negatively affect the important even he is in charge of.

The problem here is that if he was really caving into SJW nonsense, he wouldn’t have greenlighted DoA6 being put in the main Evo twitch channel. Instead we’re arguing about silly Team Ninja’s decision to letting two broads jiggle their milk sacks for nerds.

Given that they aren’t excluding the franchise in any way, shape or form, you’re gonna have a hard time actually showing proof that this has anything to do some sort of radical feminist nonsense.

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How much you want to bet people would have still gone to evo if he didn’t shut off the doa stream? You really think the FGC would stop going to evo all cause of the doa stream? Are you that in denial?

This isn’t about players, its about sponsors. Sponsors enable the event which the players get to enjoy.

Sure they could’ve risked the headache but why add extra work to themselves assuaging the concerns of some sponsors over some titties?

Yeah, you a goof.


Gotta have that McRib Money
If Sponsors don’t like it, then you got to do something about it.
And Sponsors are just investors that also want AD Space.

In any business, Investors have a huge say what goes on, and depending on the company the Investors can overrule a CEO or Chairman very easily. There been companies where the CEO is also the founder, chief researcher, pretty much created the field the company now inhabits, and the Investors one day didn’t like the CEO and went YEET!

He might as well get sponsored by every SJW company out there if thats all he cares about, just being a beta male cuck. Just join gillette the best a man can get feminazi agenda SJW dumb asses out there. Just to show how woke you are.

Or you can just get other sponsors, and not be such a bitch.