Moved to Facebook

Aww yeah. my LS-33 and buttons arrived today, so I should have my wireless T6 stick all Seimitsu’d out by this weekend. Maybe now I can 1cc Ikaruga…:rolleyes:

Max, I changed the blog again, how does it look now?

Looks sexy, but how the hell do I log into the blog now? haha

haha, I just noticed that. If you go to it will let you edit, I’ll try to figure out why that broke the “edit” button. This is what I get for trying to operate the internet and a 40 at the same time.

Haha gotcha. Thanks.

I changed the banner graphic a bit. Now I’ll look into the edit link.

Edit: Ok, now the edit link will take you to the blogger home / login page. Let me know if it doesn’t work on your end.

Gamertag: TurianX
PSN: Turian

Location: Ward, AR (Cabot, AR)

(Looking for someone to who can do a dual mod on my TE BEFORE the April 3rd tourney. I don’t have a PS3 stick. Or I have some stuff I could trade for a PS3 TE stick. PM me about it.)

If it’s just for the tourney, I’m sure somebody will let you borrow their stick for your games. Is that the issue? Also, good having you here. Hope you become as active as the rest of us.

EDIT: Imp- looks great.

Ok, now I’m being picky, so I apologize. Does it look better with the fake scanlines or without ?

I vote without (that second link you posted). I think it looks better, but I do like the contrast more on the first link you posted. I’d say go with the second link unless it makes the ARFGN hard to see.

Do you have a 360 TE. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but if so, I think all you need is an Imp board (not related to me) and a Cthulu board and it should all be QDs from there.

Gonna have to ask Mike on that one, but I believe he did some soldering to his TE.

I’m dumb, you do have to solder to the imp board.

Don’t be shy with the ARK thread either guys. We want to keep that near the top of the Tournaments forum as much as possible. It’ll make it seem like our tourney is HYPE! (which it is, of course).

I’m on it. Ridiculous money match shout out.

No such thing. Guys on the smash board were talking about money matching Bible Trivia at the ARK.

Oh shit, despite my obvious immoral ways, I was raised in a very biblical, conservative home…If I can make some money off that…

The easiest way to dual mod a 360 TE is with a Chimp board. Less soldering that way. I’m gonna try and order one from Lizard Lick in the next week. Mike’s already offered to help me with my stick, so I’m sure he’ll help you with yours, TurianX. Also, welcome to the group.

em we gotta play some marvel and see how good you are

Sure. I’m a lil rusty is been about 3 months since I played but I just need a lil warm up. My main team is storm/rogue/commando. I gotta keep workin on my commando/juggernaut/colossus team. My sentinel sucks man :(. Also I haven’t mastered any infinite yet, but I don’t think I suck at the game lol. We’ll see

so how good are you guys at sfiv?