Most notable Skrulls!

Alright I’d like to compile a list of our most notable Skrulls. This can atleast give people an idea of who us rocking Skrull the right away. And who I need to beat in order to be come number one!

My list would go (In no particular order)
Hi_Im_Nastyy (USA)

Nigga he won a tournament and made champ salty

NickCam (Canada)

DjHuoshen (USA)

Big Marcus (USA)

Vidness (USA)

1upmiles (Europe?)

Condor_Missile (Japan)

Good list!

Nastyy I heard you go to ranbats sometimes, you got any vids? I feel like you should be on there.

I will be going to Canada Cup this weekend and I will be playing vs jwong and all those other bastards…

anyhow I will be recording any matches I can (win lose or draw) and post them…

however i dont think it will matter much at this point. super duper skrull is coming out soon

Well I don’t get much air-time so that’s why I’m under the radar. I do show up on FinestKO’s streams a lot though when they do Ramnation which is every Friday. Sometimes I go to Starbase Arcade and IPW stream there every Wednesday. It’s funny because people around here don’t know who I am until they see my Skrull, then they remember.

I’m not good enough to be on a Skrull player list though, well at least due to how I’ve been playing recently. Gears of War has taken away my Marvel ability, lol.

I hear he doesn’t love me, but I love him so HARD

Nastyy I hope you return to Mahvel soon, we need more Skrulls that finish with worm stomp haha

This list doesn’t have me ?? lol I use him all the time. I just havent been to tournaments with a stream so i can’t showcase my stuff with video but i have my share of wins. If anyone is up for some psn matches I’m down and we can learn some new things.

Any links to videos for some of these guys on Youtube?

added some!

I’ll be back for Ultimate and with a new team that might have Skrull on point rather than anchor.

So many skrulls… but who is truly the super skrull amongst us!

My vote is for Houshen. I was thinking it was condor but idk. I love the spacing of Condor. I really think he is patient and doesn’t mindlessly rush in and do stupid shit. He knows and understands matchups. (although i havent seen him fight say… BFF, wolv/dante/akuma)

No offense to Dj but it’s pretty obvious he did well in that tourney costly due to his patience and defensive skills rather then his specific skill with skull.

Umm offense taken, but you go right ahead and keep thinking that.

DJ is very good with all of his characters. Case in point: His task vs Combo’s task.

I take that as a compliment. I’m from MD, home of the down-back. The funny part is, myself, GIMR, and Vidness are all within the same region (the DMV). I would consider some other Skrulls better, certainly, on their individual Skrull play. That being said, this guy did get me Top 8 at Seasons Beatings.

Same here, looks like I’ll be back in the states for Evo from my deployment, sucks I’ll miss NEC and FR.

We all know you have a solid skrull… I respect the skrull play!

(Besides Detrimantix said that Justin was scared to go against you, but because of Felisha, but because of skrull)

Could you clarify? Still, that’s some big praise mang

At SB he was playing a team where he had Storm on point and would fly around a bit before coming down, hoping that Akuma assists would catch the person below. This would have been impossible to do against Skrull, due to meteor smashes catching her easily before she could react unfly. If I had to play Justin that night, I would have left Skrull on point. The reason I order the team like I do (Skrull, Felicia, Task) and then adjust it in the loading screen is because in some match ups I want to change the ordering. My three orders that I run are SFT, FST and TFS. The 3rd order is my highest damage order, but leaves Felicia very vulnerable to lame if I lose Task. The 2nd order is the order I am most proficient with.

Sorry I meant he was scared to fight his skrulls and nto his Felicia because he said he knows how to fight her and has no idea how to fight skrull.

Hehe DJ got me 2 - 1 the brief time we played at SB, but I was hoping to get a runback, but never did -_-. Talk about fun matches! :slight_smile: DJ’s Skrull is definitely decent, altho there was some tech missing. Question is, are we going to stick with Skrull come next week? So many others that seem viable, we’ll see…

So glad phoenix didn’t win that tournament LOL good show hi Im nasty