Most hated Character

I really hate Zangief. I mean he is the buff-est and most handsome character in the whole SF universe. He gets all the females. Makes me so damn jealous.

I am not a good SSF4 player, but I hate playing Bison and T. Hawk

juice kicks are like crack

New hate = Vega and Chun. Pretty much any character that makes their money by running away the entire match :lame:

/Honda player

Zangief is a real bitch in HDR… completely cracked that is

If you don’t want people playing keep away from you, play a character that isn’t effectively immune to everything but chip damage when on defense. Have fun holding down-back and thinking everyone should lose their minds and come to you.

Ive been playing Chun since Vanilla, and I must say, I really really hate Rufus. His dive kick pressure is just too ridiculous. I also hate “Xbox live Balrog”

I love the feeling of beating a Rufus player with Chun, and if for some reason I cant, I love picking Ryu and beating the hell out of them >:|

I was being sarcastic. I know how the gameplan is played against Honda.

someone needs to re-dub zombie jonathan to make him say “i hate turtles”

i hate turtles

Chun Li. I hate jab fireball and lightning legs so much. And jumping into SBKs.

Laggy Balrogs. So much can happen in 100+ ms! Even though I realize it’s something the Rog player has little control over, laggy Rogs can chase me out of a room pretty quickly.

Cammy mirrors don’t terrify me anymore, but I don’t exactly look forward to them. I still experience a good bit of MUST BE BETTER CAMMY AT ALL COSTS related stress when playing other Cammies, and I always feel slow and kinda dumb when I get hooligan’d.

I know right? Laggy Rogs can rush faster than the speed of light! LOL

I used to not care much about Ryu and Ken mirrors, but I’m really enjoying them nowadays. If it’s a scrub though…boo.

My most hated characters: Vega, Balrog, Honda–essentially any character that can literally hold down-back for 98% of the match and somehow still win. I used to hate DeeJay but now I love hunting him down and turning his smile upside down.

Vega, Ken, Seth and sometimes Zangief

I would Say Seth, Ken, Blanka, Juri,

why are you mentioning sf4 chars in a hdr topic ??

It’s probably that “Recently Active Threads” feature at top of screen that lures in the inattentive newbies.

In that case, I also hate Gill and Geese Howard. Ha!

Fuck Magaki.

Everyone but Dan.

[]I hate Dictator for his crossup->dizzy->death combos. I feel like guessing wrong one time dooms me. I hear this one is even, or slightly in my favor, so probably what’s bothering me is just the disgusting ease with which I get wrecked by really good Dics (RenoMD).
]I hate Vega for his long poke, safe-on-block roll, and hard-to counter wall jumps.
[]I hate Sagat because 9 out of 10 times it’s exactly the same fight. Of course, the same could be said about Honda, and he doesn’t bother me so much…I wonder if Sagat seems cheaper to me because I started back when he was an unplayable boss character.
]I hate Akuma for his Akuma-ness. Seriously, nothing is more frustrating to me than an air-FB-spamming Akuma who knows how to do it well.

The other bad Gief matches (Honda, Dalsim, Guile, Blanka) don’t bother me so much because I feel like there’s something I can do to have a chance (get the knockdown on Honda or Sim, get inside Guile’s sweep range, or make some good guesses about Blanka balls).