Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

MK vs DC Stupid Combo Vid

That video was made of win. Then I found out that the music was the credits from TvC. Now it is even more win.

Cap. Marvel is TOO damn fun to play. I think most people don’t know about his lightning bolt/shoulder tackle cancel, so they always get hit by it. Hilarious.

I love Kitana so much right now. She’s so quick and sexy.

This game has far more mindgames than an MK game has any right to. Possible sleeper of the year.

fixed :rofl:

I agree.

I have a theory to run by you guys.
My girlfriend and I just got done playing a shitload of matches where both of us agreed that we wouldn’t use rage. It turned out really well. Tactics that would normally be useless due to the threat of rage became worthy of our time, and there weren’t any bullshit comebacks because of inescapable one-button rage rushes. It makes me wonder if the game would be better if rage were banned.

What the hell, is this the year of the ban discussions?

I’m not a fan of banning something unless the game benefits from it. I’m just saying…maybe the game would benefit from banning rage mode.

Well I mean, by that reasoning maybe we should just system direction 3s and drop parries. Not everyone would agree it makes the game better, but hey, I think so :stuck_out_tongue:

All I’m thinking is that if the game was designed around raging, then it seems a bit odd to ban.

I agree with that, but I think there comes a point in time where something becomes so stupid that I can’t help but want to get rid of it. Situations such as [media=youtube]Rysyw2LvXGM"[/media] lead me to this thought pattern.

You’re crazy if you think 3s without parries is any good. To be fair 3s WITH parries is still trash, but playing 3s without parries is definately one of the most boring things I have ever done with my time.

Pancho=Bruce Wayne.

Seriously though, I don’t see the appeal of a game that has systems built into the game that are designed to be broken from the get-go. Rage yields 4 hits super armor and 2 hit guard break properties. Combo breakers remove up close pressure game, there are no real lows to speak of, and there is no incentive to throw. So where is the 50/50 game? What sort of game is there? I’m not trying to be a jerk, I’m just wondering what people are seeing in this game.

In regards to banning stuff to make it better, let me say this. If you have to take a part of the game away in order to artificially make a game better, there’s something wrong with it. It means that there is something wrong with the coding/design. If rage mode is banned, it’s just a band-aid to the underlying problem, not to mention makes the community that follows it scrubby from the start.

As I said before, what’s so special about MK vs DC? All I see is a quick marketing tie in with ass backwards game play.

I mean, you can do what you want around your house, but (hypothetical) tournaments won’t ban it just because some people think it makes the game better. IMO (and I think this is what goes with tourney rules most of the time) you only ban something if it BREAKS the game, whereas rage just makes it different.

The argument against rage is that once a rage situation is locked in, it is almost impossible to escape it. However, upon further testing, I’ve found that actually locking in a rage combo is much easier said than done. As a Kitana player, I have a million and one options to flee from an enraged opponent for much more than six seconds.

this is the offline tierlist…

  1. Green Lantern - db2:db2:db2 is unbreakable by itself and in combos, by itself it does 21% alone. any combo ending in 114bb3 grants adv and in corners leads to traps. bb3 punishes most projectiles from up to 3/4 screen. b1 is a 7% low poke that grants adv on hit and u cannot jump out of repeated b1’s on hit, u must low block opening up a 50/50. b2 is a safe mid launcher. 113 is a safe 4 hit string and it give himself good meter when its blocked, on hit this string can be canceled with db1 for a damaging juggle. df3 is a fast projectile with good recovery. db1 may be the best projectile in the game, its safe from max range vs most characters and it juggles. otg breaker grants a guaranteed db1 into juggle vs non airborne moves.

  2. Darkseid - fast eye beam which can catch jumpers and if it does catch an opponent in air it guaranteed a ground pound. anti-air eye beam and its pro-move version both guarantee a ground pound. B3 is a safe low launcher. B1 is a safe mid launcher. d1 grants adv on hit and block. db3 pro-move is anti-projectile and does 18%. 11 has ridiculous recovery and on hit opens up a 50/50 with safe launchers. otg breaker guarantees a ground pound.

  3. Shao Kahn - ff4 is only uppercut punishible vs crouch block and fast uppercut vs standing guard, on hit u can go into its pro-move version for 18% and the first part of the move cannot be breaker’d. bf2 hammer hits mid and leads to 50% combo. b2 is a safe mid launcher. b4 is a safe high launcher. bb1 is a very fast projectile with great recovery. b3 is a 5% low that grants adv. otg breaker guarantees ff4 pro-move in open space and in corners guarantees a juggle for 40%+.

  4. The Flash - bf4 covers full screen and punishes almost everything from anywhere on the screen which is something that no other character in the game can do and this move can buffered from block to come out with no delay which gets flash out of so many frame traps. also, because the bf4 Flash Dash is so fast your opponents must be careful with any movement. b3 is a low pop up with ridiculous range that leads to a 40% combo. 3 hits mid and leads to a near 50% combo. db3, db1, and db4 all avoid all projectiles and db1 can be canceled into a throw.

  5. Raiden - 6 frame teleport and teleport pro-move is ridiculous. shocker pro-move extends juggles causing damaging combos. proximity blast gives him one of the best projectile games in MKDC especially with the ability to charge it to be unblockable. avoids players on rage mode very well. great rage game. fast jabs that give adv on block. b2 is a VERY fast high launcher.

  6. Batman - fast Jabs that give adv on block. b1, and 3b1 launch leading to 40%+ damage and r 100% safe. db1 batearang grants combo on comeback hit and gives adv on block, it hits high so it must be ducked. db4 is a fast low attack that does 10%. b4 can be 2in1’d with sneaky batarang allowing Batman to keep up pressure. df1 batarang pro-move is a decent speed projectile that does 12%, the same does for his db2 projectile which does 10%.

  7. Superman - b2 launcher his mid and is safe and leads to 40%. crossup uppercut and ff4 guarantee a pro-move ground pound for 37-38% and the combo is unbreakable after the initial hit making superman one of the best punishers in the game. ground eye beam can catch jumpers and does 11% with pro-move version. has a jumping eye beam which can be combo’d off of in air jumping attacks. great combo and overall damage. d3 hits low and grants adv, only 2% though.

  8. Kitana - great keep away with otg ff1 hitting mid and with her in air ff1. b3 is a 5% low that gives adv and grants a 50/50. b3 is a 7% sweep. db1 teleport can also be done in air and after the teleport 1 or 2 launches and 3 or 4 does a low that gives adv and grants a 50/50. df2 fan spin is almost 100% safe as it is EXTREMELY hard to punish and can only be punished by fast jabs. 32 is a safe string that starts mid with the last 2 high hits being unduckable, any attempt to duck them and u get hit. df4 is great for 2in1’s in otg combos and also punishes most projectiles done at mid to close range as well as also going under highs. db2 square wave works great when on rage mode to stop ppl from jumping away.

  9. Liu Kang - ff1 fireball can be done in air or otg and ff3 fireball hits low, when used right it gives Liu great zoning. ff2 flying kick is great for punishing projectiles from up to almost full screen. b4 is a 7% sweep. his db4 cartwheel is one of the most abuseable moves in the game by itself and it can also be 2in1’d off of otg combos, not only can he do a mid or low out of it but he can also do a special mid launcher. words cannot explain how good and abuseable db4 is and is the main reason y Liu Kang is such a force. bicycle kick is great for extending combo damage and u can always pro-move for even more damage.

  10. DeathStroke - bf1 gunshot pro-move is one of the best projectiles in the game. fast normal moves from both stances. hand to hand sweep is a 7% low. weapon d1 hits low and grants adv on hit. hand to hand b1b2 and b2 r very fast, safe launchers. weapon b1 is a very fast launcher with very fast recovery and catches jumpers. weapon b3 is a 7% low that grants adv. close grenade is great vs teleporters.

  11. Scorpion - hellfire is unblockable and does 9%. teleport and teleport pro-move can grant free spear into damaging juggles. overall damaging combos. above avg lows that grant good wakeup. d1 jab guarantees free hellfire which is great as punishment vs opponents who abuse traps that u can d1 out of. b3 is a safe, mid launcher that guarantees spear into combo.

  12. Sub-Zero - damage no longer scales after freeze. after freeze in air or otg it grants a rage combo if Sub-Zero is close enough to the opponent. slide is a 9% low. db2 air iceberg is unblockable and is great to end juggles with to extend damage. db1 ice statue is 10% move that catches any mid or high move that touches it while its in its active frames, this move can be used to get out of frame traps. because his damage is no longer scaled after freeze u can no longer trade projectiles with Sub-Zero because if u do he can now deal over 40%.

  13. Captain Marvel - almost every normal attack is safe. bf4 pro-move does 19% and cannot be breaker’d. db3 is unblockable and does 11%, works great on wakeup and vs ppl jumping in. bf2 hits mid, travels 3/4 screen, does 15%, and can be used as a mixup vs players trying to duck his projectile. bf1 does 11% and can be a tricky projectile for 2 reasons… 1)its a long projectile so it occupies a decent amount of space so players can mistime a jump and 2) by doing bf1:f2 it does the pro-move version that goes into his bf2 which hits mid so u cant duck it. db4 is kinda like kung lao’s teleport only Captian Marvel’s can also be done in air and 2in1’d off normals. db4,4 cant be breaker’d and is safe on block. db4,2 is a mid launcher and is safe on block. 11 is his jab string… both jabs his mid and u can 2in1 db4,2/4 off of them. b4 is the low toe kick that does 5% and gives adv granting a 50/50.

  14. Jax - db3 and db3:db4 r great projectiles(they r VERY abuseable), if they catch an opponent jumping it guarantees a ground pound and it will also guarantee the ground pound pro-move at closer ranges. ground pound is unblockable and pro-move version does 17%. b3 is a low toe kick that does 5% and gives adv granting a 50/50. b1 is mid launcher that is safe and leads to a 42% combo. b2b21 starts high and finishes mid, leads to a combo that does 50% and is safe on block, great for punishing unsafe opponents

  15. Kano - knife throw is fast, has good recovery, and does 9%. b3 is a 7% low that gives wakeup. b4 is a 2% low that gives adv but because if its push back is best uses for corner traps. df1:db2 pro-move allows ridiculously damaging combos. bf4 kano ball is fast, can be charged, and can be done in air.

  16. Sonya - 2 hits high but grants adv on block so u cannot interrupt repeated 2’s, u must duck. 12 is safe on block, does 12%, besides being just safe it has great recovery, both jabs hit mid, and they grant major adv when they hit giving Sonya a mid/low/throw mixup. b3 is a 7% low sweep that gives wakeup. 14 and 4 r unsafe but lead to 45-50% damage, they r best used for punishing an unsafe opponent or using 14 on rage as 4 will become unblockable after 1 is blocked. df1 and df1:df1 r her projectiles… they do 7% to 11%(depending on if its pro-move or not), hit mid not low(but not high so its still a plus), and will duck under all high attacks and high projectiles. db1 kiss grants a combo on hit and as always this move makes it very hard for opponents to approach sonya.

  17. Wonder Woman - df2 is a safe mid launcher. db3 pro-move allows damaging combos. 2 and 22 r great mid jabs. db4 is a fast hurricane kick thats only fast jab punishable on block(hits high though), and can be done in air(the in air version is great for getting in on projectiles). ff4 hits high but its safe, got good range, and does 14%. df3 is a 11% low that goes under high attacks and projectiles.

  18. Baraka - hand to hand b1 is a 7% low poke that grants adv on hit and u cannot jump out of repeated b1’s on hit, u must low block opening up a 50/50. safe but high launchers in hand to hand. hand to hand f1 is a safe 11% mid that plants. blades b1 is a safe mid launcher. blades b3 is a 7% low that gives adv on hit and gives baraka a 50/50. bb3 blade slice cannot be breaker’d and the pro-move version allows damaging combos. df4 blade spin can be done in juggles setting up good damage. db1 is a slower projectile that does 9%.

  19. Lex Luthor - df3 missile does 15%, can be done in air for 12%, its pro-move version allows Lex to slide back and to safety vs most of the cast. b3 is 7% low that can be 2in1’d on hit or block and grants adv on hit, this move causes ridiculous corner traps. df2 is a 3 hit, safe, mid string. 111 is a 3 hit mid jab string. b2 is a safe mid that causes a stun on hit that guarantees a combo.

  20. Shang Tsung - Shang is a straight to the point character. his fireball game is good, damaging keep out. df4 pro-move leads to high damage, soul steal can be done off combos. position switch is unblockable.

  21. The Joker

  22. Catwoman

online its …

  1. Shao kahn
  2. Flash
  3. Raiden
  4. Green Lantern
  5. Darkseid

is there srk tourneys going on over here?

Blame Smash Brothers.

Rage is very nice IMO. Both rage and breakers are very powerful, which means you shouldn’t let the opp build more meter than you. This means that the space controlling tactics of MK vs DC are good, unlike other 3D games or even Third Strike. If you keep side stepping fireballs and stuff instead of finding openings through them you’re giving away lots of rage meter.

Side step becomes a decent maneuver for some situations, but it can’t be abused. Projectiles and the full screen become important. Since the close game is very much based on footsies, which is easily noticeable to whoever plays it for a little while, the game is IMO a great game with a few minor flaws, not unlike HD Remix or TvC. I actually am not playing HD Remix since TvC came out, but MK vs DC is still a lot of fun to me, especially offline.

BTW, there are lots of lows that are usually better than most highs and mids, but not comboable, or not as comboable. Throw are great in many situations and some of the critics here can affect most games. You could say parries break space control, which breaks the whole game. You could say throw loops, fireball spam and random damage (eek!) ruins ST, you could argue that triangle jumps ruin Marvel and whatever.

The game is a lot of fun to a lot of people, and those people are getting really competitive in specialized MK websites. The game may or may not fly in big offline tournaments, but there’s oint in hating on some features when the fun stuff is what makes most games good

With that in mind, it’s hilarious people are even bothering to call Rage broken.

You have possibilities with it that seem broken on paper, but when you try it, it isn’t practical.

Speaking of Rage, some of the REC combos by Check seem possible in actual matches. Hell, I watched his GL 122% REC, and it’s a wall combo that starts on 113~db1. Situation would be exceedingly rare to pull off, but it’s good to know, I guess.

Yeah, I’m sorry I even brought banning the shit into discussion. slaps self Bad girl. You don’t play Smash Bros. anymore, and this is why.