MORTAL KOMBAT 11 | NetherRealm Fighter Lounge

I like the more cinematic approach. MK is pretty plot-heavy too, so it makes sense

Someone wrote:

I guess the 2 timelines can cross. We do see a human sub zero in the intro of MKX. Or MKX is a continuation of MK Armageddonā€¦

ā€¦Well since TYM keeps fucking crashing I guess Iā€™ll post in here for the time being. Any Sub-Zero players in here?

New gameplay with 3 brand new characters

Iā€™m a Sub-Zero player now.

It looks like Sub-Zero finally snaps and decide to throw his ice clone at scorpionā€¦about time.

also @Monkey66 your profile pic is disturbing as hell,I might need some consulting with my therapist for a bit.

Embrace the beautiful Naruto x Sasuke yaoi. EMBRACE IT!!!

So what are you guys taking from this gameplay of MKX? Any thoughts?

Canā€™t judge the gameplay, but the animations and the gfx in general look pretty good.
MK9 had terrible animations and ugly faces - MKX is looking MUCH better.
Still I donā€™t like holding a button to block (a mechanic which ironically one of the most shallow fighting game series has in common with the deepest: Virtua Fighter).

Iā€™ve been a Sub Zero player for years. Being able to throw the Ice would have made Sub high tier in MK9 so the fact you can do it in MK10 is fucking amazing.

It also means if I get you into the corner youā€™re pretty fucked because I can use the Ice clone to prevent you from jumping out without fear of being frozen while also stopping you forward movement at any time by throwing it at you then continuing pressure.

Scropion having a fireball seems to change his spear ability by not allowing him to pull you closeā€¦interesting. Boon said there would be multiple versions of characters.

You think the stance change button will change the moves and version of you character mid fight? That would be the only thing I can think of that would make Stance Change button actually useful. It would also add ALOT more depth to each and every character.

I mention this because at one point in the trailer SubZero didnā€™t do his ice clone and instead got an Ice Shield type move. I canā€™t be the only one noticing these HUGE gameplay changing hints from the trailer.

Ed Boon is showing off some footage of MKX right now.

Sonya and Johnny had a daughter? Wow this should be interesting :slight_smile:

That Sub Zero fatality :open_mouth:

Sonya and Johnny getting busy!

The only reason I will purchase this game is the story mode which from the sounds of it will deliver. It does nothing for my fighting game fix.

While the graphics are indeed gorgeous, in some stages (like the one with waves and ships) the characters and the background blended too well together which distracts you from the action.

Iā€™m also getting MK 9.5 vibes from this, hope Iā€™m mistaken.


I wonder whatā€™s the relationship between Kotal Kahn and Shao Kahn. He also kinda looks like Ogre.

What about the boss? Whoā€™ll be? My guess: Quan Chi.

Johnny got rediculous powerful in his MK9 ending so I hope they donā€™t pull a swerve and say he got corrupted by power or some stupid shit. I also hope Shao Kahn doesnā€™t weasel his way back into being the Boss after his awesome death in last game.

Only bosses I think would make the most sense are: Shinnock, Quan Chi (he betrays Shinnock), a demonized Liu Kang (he died pissed off and bitter), or MAYBE Onaga but that ones risky.

Still trying to wrap my heads around a 20-25 year leap forward in time for the story. Pretty risky of them to do that, prepare for a TON of new characters.

Some of those projectiles look way too slow on startup to be usefullā€¦