Montana players Unite!

So, it turns out that there is a pretty big state in the northwest which seems to be devoid of any Street Fighter players. I’ve lived in Montana my whole life and been interested in Street Fighter for about 6-7 years. However, I have not met a single other person who likes to play.

Anyway, I would like to get a feel to see if any others actually exist in the Big Sky state.

PSN: bowl_o_staples

2013 Update:
Glad you found the thread. If you are looking for more info, most of us are on facebook. Here’s some post some info from the “new” thread, which has 2 posts. The Missoula group plays regularly on Fridays for the most part, while the Billings crew meets on Sundays. Not sure of other communities around the state.

In terms of tournaments, I think Missoula is throwing one October/November-ish.

Cheers to more fighters!

I’m not sure you’re going to get any replies in our section (I think NW around here is WA, OR, ID) But welcome to our forum anywas =D. I’m sure you can catch some ppl online or add them to your friends list for PSN.

Lol I exist. Hiya.

We’ll adopt you into the Portland community haha. just get on xbox liveor ggpo & put your info up on here…

Time to start a petition to incorporate Montana into the NW. Starting with this thread.

Thanks for the replies. Although there is always teh interweb, I wanted to take a look at the legitimacy of throwing a tourney every so often up here.

Also, I think you would be hard pressed to find a Montanan that considered Montana anything but West or Northwest. But yeah, thanks!

Montana is not NW no way. Midwest plz.

Though wiki is a so-so source, I’m too lazy to search anywhere else.

Montana really falls into this though:

Anyway, gogo more Montana people.


I second the motion to put Montana in the Northwest, especially considering the only other threads I could find concerning Montana are:

Do eeeet.

I’ll post my GGPO stuff later. On another comp ATM b>_>b

I agree.

I’ve always hated midwest being a misnomer. Its the east half of the U.S. :looney:

I too approve of this thread. I’m all for small town states having scenes that rise up. Think of this as the birth of another NW scene.

Welcome to the Northwest, Montucky!

I’m stoked about this Gamestop tourney. Hopefully get a good sample of SF players in the area!

I personally think Montana fits the Northwest more than the Midwest, so (whatever it’s worth) I’m good for adopting you into that.

I don’t imagine you have a huge group of fighters in Montana, but, while I’m definitely good for taking you on online, I’d sooner support your work to create a local scene than trying to merge with a distant scene.

In other words, don’t be a stranger to the rest of us in the NW, but keep doing what you can do to get a scene rolling in your part of the country.

Once you start gaining interest, start organizing. At the least, slcs has gotten Portland people hooked up with Portland people. Do likewise. Steal the format he possibly stole from someone else.

That’s all.

Where is it at?

Hey. I’m currently on exchange in Japan but usually I’m a student at the U of M.

I’m hoping to start some sort of club/game night when I get back but that won’t be until next August… Here’s hoping the people in this thread live near Missoula >.<

Also to the guy who said that Montana = Midwest… No. Just No.

midwest is more mideast than anything, there is nothing west about ohio at all.

I’ll be able to drive to Missoula. Just give the when and day and I’ll try to be there. =]

I’m in Billings, and could go to Missoula from time to time. For some reason, the gamestop tourney has two locations in Great Falls. Do not understand that.

Gamestop tourney locations in MT
2 Great Falls

One is at the Play ‘N’ Trade here. That’s why. The Gamestop in Holiday village isn’t doing the tourney.