MK Netcode - is this for real? UPATE: 1.02 PATCH IS LEGIT!

Virtua Fighter 5 actually has pretty damn good netcode. Only problem is the online options are worse than Marvel 3. Such a travesty nobody plays VF5 it’s so fucking good.

True that. I’m not asking for BlazBlue netcode or even GGPO. I just want something that is playable. SF4 level netcode would be fine with me. Is it too much to ask? Please NRS, make it happen! I want to give you my money and continue doing so in the future.

I have not been able to play a ranked or player match yet. I did play a king of the hill match, it was so laggy that I maybe got to jab 4 times total, and got my ass whooped by a guy spamming Smoke’s teleport punch.

The lobbys don’t even work for me, I get in them but cant see anyone and my NAT is not strict at all so Idk what is going on.

The last MK game that had online play, was MKvsDC. It was exactly the same as this game online, unusable. Its such a shame that only SSFIV has a pretty good online play.

So basically, whenever I see people say SSFIV netcode is garbage, I know that they have never played MK online lol.

Offline, this game is fun as hell.

this netcode seens to be really bad once peope are starting to hope it gets at least as ¨good¨ as SF4s one.

How long do you stay in the lobby until you back out? You have to give it a handful of secs to generate the room list, when you hop right in it will appear as if nobody is in there.

I really hope it improves overall, i’ve played 50 games and i’ve seen it be wildly unplayable to a little sluggish :frowning:

in SF4 if a guy had a yellow connection, the game was ok for the most part… just felt a bit underwater… but in MK unless they have 4x green it feels teeeeerrible to me :frowning: trying to do Strykers <fp bp bp into guns was insanely hard… offline i hit it like 90% of the time and follow the combo on even further

you can tell it’s sluggish to play, peoples strategy seems to be spam projectiles./teleports. hold block and then uppercut if you get close, trying to get a bit of a footsie game going looks … well not possible

i’m really hoping it improves, it plays like a dream offline

Well, I tried king of the hill mode again. I actually played in like 4 matches. They were all terrible. It was so laggy I couldnt block or stop throws and I was reduced to like everyone else, spamming bullshit. Still went 3-1.

To make matters worse, there was a internet gangster in the lobby, who I beat his shitty Jade, he started sending me messages saying he was going to rape my family with his fellow gang members and bullshit. I mute him and block him but then he convinces other people in the lobby room to start sending me hateful messages too. These online MK players are fucking retarded.

And btw, if you go into the lobby room, prepare to have to give people 10 points no matter what they do. If you don’t, they will cuss you out and call you a bitch and even if you get a flawless victory then perform a fatality, they will give you no points. And it wasn’t like I was giving these scrubs 0 points, I would be honest and give them 3-6 points and they still shit themselves. Its because they want that damn achievement.

These scrubs make the eventhub scrubs look tame. I am already tired of this game, its great offline, but has no point for me anymore.

If you’d relax and have more fun, I think your experience as a whole would be more enjoyable. Your bit about scoring was especially over-the-top; this is online Mortal Kombat, not Olympic diving :rofl:.

sounds like you are letting a few bad apples ruin your day
the problem with the lobby room sounds like a symptom of first week randoms who will probably stop playing when they get 1000 gamerscore/trophys or new shiny fps comes out
however im glad i didnt make this a day1 purchase, getting burned back to back with mvc3/mk would grind my gears
hopefully some sort of patch helps things a bit

You seem to really be taking respect points to heart.

This game is a joke online. It makes MvC3 online look flawless.

All these damn years and people like you still haven’t learned shit? SFIV online didn’t teach you anything? The hundreds of posts about playing vs randoms online didn’t teach you anything? MVC3 didn’t teach you anything? Time and time again it has been said there are a bunch of people who don’t give a shit about learning how to play. Just falling back on spam tactics and bitching when they lose. Then just hop online, play like shit, and rage quit and send hatemail. It has always been like that. KNOWING this you jump into the fray once again. What did you expect? To face randoms who took the game seriously to a degree and played with respect?

Now because you wanted to face randoms (which baffles me) you’re now done with the game. When I foolishly gave SFIV a shot, from all I read I learned that you do not face randoms online. They will play with shitty connections. They will play like shit. They are immature. So all I did was add people who, while not being the best of players, played with enough respect and didn’t act like jackasses when they lost. And guess what? I never had the problem you did. Not once. PSN/GGPO/2DF never had any of your issues.

Now I haven’t played online for MK yet and can’t since PSN is down but when I finally get around to giving it a shot, I will not face randoms. My only opponents will be people with a similar mentality to myself. Play to have fun, learn, and play with respect.

Mk by far brings out the worst in both netcode and player attitude.

Not really, I was pissed that these people take them to heart just to get an achievement, I like achievements myself but they way people are so lazy that they actually boost to get them is a joke and degrades the intent of system put into the game.

I am not done with MK9. I will just have to mute all the jokers like I do in Call of Duty immediately. I like this game a lot, not as much as SFIV or even MVC3, but its still pretty good. People are just jackasses and I get tired of the trolling and messages of people wanting to have sex with me or threats of violence. People have no dignity/intelligence/respect/morals on the internet, I know this, but sometimes you just get frustrated with how fucked up people are.

Oh well. Watching Space Ghost Coast to Coast cheered me up lol.

Yeah…I hope they fix the netcode soon. I’ve had some good matches and also some really terrible connections, and it takes FOREVER to find an opponent for some reason… But overall i have a very difficult time doing any of the regular combos, there seems to be massive input lag =T. So i’ve sorted to basic zoning,normals, and sometimes special spamming when they don’t know how to block =P

lol damn, well if i dont see a patch that improves online play, fuck mk.

I still don’t understand why you are being so self-righteous about this; we are all fighting game players, the game has been out for less than a week, just give them what they need for the achievement. If it makes other people happy, and doesn’t cost you anything, who gives a shit? You whine about people being mean to you online, yet you expect people to give you respect for your achievement nazi act. I hate to break it to you, partner, but you’re part of the problem.

the game is not a joke online, I have great matches with people with very little lag (including KOTH Mode) you guys must have some kind of faulty connection of some sort. either your Net, your Router or something else on your end. stop blaming the game people!

^ Someone who just plays online and can’t tell much of a difference.

^ Someone who makes baseless accusations without really knowing or probably caring about the facts.

( and BTW I play offline with people all the time )

Have a Nice Day…